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Everything posted by lhousesoccer

  1. Moosebunk - awesome report, even more spectacular are your photos. I took a peek at the EXIF data and noticed you use the same Lumix camera as I do. I've always been a Panasonic fan, but you're doing something with your camera that I'm not .... my photos don't "pop" like yours do. Are you doing any post-shoot processing to get that sharpness and vividness? They really look great!
  2. Lol. Yeah, ok Terry and DanC ... I get the point! I did google it. I probably have an average Google quotient of about 5.7 per day (totally random made-up number). I look alot of stuff up on Google. But, it never can equal first-hand knowledge and tips from a real person, so certain things I like to follow up on with a question to someone who's done it, tried it, tasted it, tested it, knows it ....
  3. I built the garage in 2004 and that's when the light fixtures were purchased, so whatever these pvc's are, it might not have them. The thing weighs a ton though - it's a large ballast and is the higher model for colder weather. I'm guess there's got to be something inside that's not good for the landfill ...
  4. A month or so ago I posted about an 8-foot dual bulb fluro light fixture in my garage that would come on then off intermittently, then stopped altogether. Thanks for all the posts to help me figure it out. It was a dead ballast after all. I've put a new one in and everythings working great. My question - is there anything I need to know about tossing the dead ballast? Is it hazardous waste?
  5. 18 year old kid re-arranged LMAO's "Sexy and I Know It" ... acoustically. This kid is gonna be famous one day .....
  6. Wow - all that and no fish! You guys did good sticking it out. Did you fry up the catfish and make some hushpuppies? I love that end of the Park!
  7. This one has been around for a long time - at least 15 years, with lots of variations. http://www.snopes.com/humor/letters/dammed.asp
  8. .
  9. Nice! I've never thought to target pike in muskie waters with smaller baits. Great tip!
  10. So, how do you "target" pike in a lake so well known for muskie?
  11. Ah Larry .... you fooled me. I was expecting to open up this thread and see a picture of you tipping back une Labatt's Cinquante. If you want to get into some REAL gar, give me a holler down on Champlain ....
  12. The whole movie was awesome, but that moment was the first time I actually laughed out loud. Took my wife and son to see it at the Bank of Nova Scotia IMAX Theatre on Ste-Catherine Street in Montreal on Sunday. Saw it in AVX-3D - whatever that is. All I know is that we had to go up 5 levels of escalators to enter Theatre 7, and then the IMAX screen went all the way back down to the first level, and sound was Dolby 7.1. Never seen a screen so big - and the Avengers made every use of it. My son's a huge IronMan fan, and it was awesome to see him so excited when he flies onto the screen the first time! Great movie.
  13. or 3. Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, confirmed in Simcoe last summer.
  14. Great Story, Solo! You ought to write that up for OOD or OC as a little "memories of" ... article. I bet they'd buy it!
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