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Everything posted by lhousesoccer

  1. I know, but somebody chimed in on it today, and I saw there was still no mention that BASS is no longer owned by ESPN ....
  2. As far as the ESPN ownership of B.A.S.S., that's old news. A group of 3 private (ie. not tied to any corporation) individuals bought bass from ESPN in the fall of 2010. This is the best thing that ever could have happened to BASS, because ESPN was killing it. Meet the New Owners of Bass
  3. 1,016 - nice job on reaching your goal! Fishing can certainly put the mind at ease and let alot of troubles melt away. Congrats on the great catches!
  4. LOL. I'm not looking for honeyholes. I was just curious as to where you can catch largie AND see the northern lights? A great combination! Don't worry about naming the lake, but how about the closest town?
  5. What lake was that on? Those are poster-worthy photos!
  6. Thanks for the proxy server tip. I generally consider myself to be fairly proficient at computer stuff, but I messed around with proxy servers for a couple hours on the weekend, and still couldn't get it to work. I found some sites on Google that seem to require a paid subscription. I did find a few that said they were free. I entered the URL for the doc zone website into the box on the proxy server website, and it took me to the right page. But then when I clicked on the video to play it, it just kicked me out back to the proxy server page. There's gotta be more to it than that, but I couldn't figure it out. Geez!
  7. I was in Whitehorse in 2005, and stopped in to Mac's Fireweed Bookstore on Main St. I was browsing, and came across "Alone in the Wilderness". I'd never heard of Dick Proenneke at the time, but I bought the book because it looked intriguing. I've since read the book about 4 times. His story is nothing short of amazing and inspiring, and I think most of us here in OFC have had fantasies run through our heads at one time or another of doing just what Dick did. A simpler time. About 2 years ago, I was flipping through the guide on the satellite and saw the PBS documentary that used Dick's self-made video and it was even more amazing. All the photos in the book and on the website below, and the footage used in the TV documentary were filmed and taken with tripods and timers. www.aloneinthewilderness.com
  8. Apparently the Doc Zone's website can identify that I'm in the U.S. It won't play any of the full episodes of the video online. Either that, or their online video streaming is currently down. It's not giving me an error message, it just won't play when I queue up a video. Anyone care to check for me, so I know if it's my location, or the website? Thanks! http://www.cbc.ca/doczone/episode/inside-the-cirque-1.html
  9. Last night, the Doc Zone on CBC had a show on Cirque du Soleil. I can't get it where I am but I'd like to see it. Did anyone happen to DVR it that can convert it to a digital file?
  10. I run an Elite-5 DSI and I get 1-foot contours on mine. However, I have to zoom in to see them. The further out you are zoomed, the bigger the contour delineations get. As you zoom in, the contours get added. If they tried to draw 1-foot contours when you're zoomed way out, it would be a congested mess on your screen and you wouldn't be able to see anything else.
  11. I've been looking at tablets for a few months now. My wife is not into computers, but says she'd love a tablet for reading, having recipes in the kitchen at her finger tips etc. Not into the 3G ones - just Wi-Fi. I'm not an Apple person and hate how they force you through iTunes for everything and don't give you a direct way to load stuff onto the tablet via a USB. I've narrowed it down to the Motorola Xoom or the Samsung Galaxy. Xoom is $499 USD and the Galaxy is $599 USD for the 32gb versions. How much are they going for north of the border? Does anyone have experience with either than can tell me how they differ and whether it's worth another $100 for the Galaxy over the Xoom?
  12. I didn't say ALL his points were valid . Here's the link to the CBC story. His comments (and over 300 others) are below the article. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/story/2011/09/06/mb-nhl-jets-jerseys-.html And I agree with you, Blaque. It's awesome to finally have a 7th NHL team back in Canada. Here's hoping the Nordiques make it 8!!
  13. Here's what someone posted in the comment section of a CBC online article announcing the new logo. It's their opinion, not mine, but I thought this person brought up some interesting points .... QUOTE It's a terrible logo and an even worse uniform. 1. There is something seriously wrong when a hockey logo has nothing to do with hockey. 2. It is a stretch to try to link this to 17 Wing. There are no jets there. 3. The old Jets logo had a commercial jet – not a military one. So this link to the team's tradition and the military is phoney and forced. 4. There is something seriously wrong with marketing a weapon of mass destruction to people who will be buying these for their CHILDREN to wear. And something seriously wrong with parents who will buy them. 5. The logo looks almost exactly like the RCAF roundel. That's not only unoriginal – it's plagiarism. 6. The logo itself has no obvious relation to the city of Winnipeg. There is nothing unique about using a jet; there are other cities and towns in Canada with military bases that actually have jets on them. 7. The name Winnipeg Jets began with the signing of The Golden Jet, Bobby Hull. Not a military jet. 8. The sweaters themselves are very dull; as many have pointed out, the sleeve stripes are very awkward-looking. The two colours of blue are both very dull and lifeless, giving the overall impression of a monotone colour palette. Where is the flash of red aside from the maple leaf in the logo? The saving grace is that the 'new/old' retro sweaters will probably be out next year. These ones here will fall by the wayside when fans have a choice between the two. Sorry, but it's true. END QUOTE
  14. You're right ... pics simply can't do Quebec City justice. I was fortunate enough to live in this city for 2 years, while doing a graduate degree at Universite Laval. My first apartment there was over 300 years old! I can't say I know the city inside and out, but I do know it better than the average tourist. I have to say, I've been to cities all over Canada, the US, Britain and northern Europe, and Quebec City is by far my favourite "urban" area to visit in the world.
  15. I'm not a Bruins fan but this is a great series of commercials. Here are a few of them put together in a compilation. Someone should let the Bruins know though, that the song at the end is by a good ole Canadian Boy .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYDaZIYGSlY
  16. Mike - I was searching online for the St. Croix muskie ad to show a few co-workers (I think it's hilarious, and so did they) and Google brought up this thread. I then read your attack-aquirrel account and needed a good 10 minutes to stop laughing enough so I could type. That's just plain hilarious.
  17. 6 of the Top 10 Anglers were from Ontario. Way to represent! We know how to catch smallies! 1st: Lawrence Mazur, of Lancaster, NY, 64-8 2nd: Gaspare Costabile, of Niagara Falls, Ont., 62-0 3rd: Simon Frost, of St. Catharines, Ont., 58-15 4th: Mike Desforges of Burlington, Ont., 54-12 5th: John Voyles, of Petersburg, IN, 54-9 6th: Barry Pringle, of Welland, Ont., 54-8 7th: Brad Brodnicki, of Amherst, NY, 52-8 8th: Bob Izumi, of Milton, Ont., 50-13 9th: Chris Johnston, of Peterborough, Ont., 48-13 10th: John Murray of Phoenix, Ariz., 44-13
  18. Bob's the best. Nice going!
  19. ?????? Sonar only, no GPS? Have you actually looked around? They sure do have a Sonar/GPS colour combo in the Elite line. Pick up any BassPro or Cabelas catalogue, or get online. $650 USD. Lowrance Elite-5 Sonar/GPS Chartplotter. My link I have two of these units are they are incredible. I have no opinion on the cheaper black and white model you're running, but what you say about that unit certainly doesn't go for the colour DSI chartplotter model I'm running. It is amazing what I'm seeing on this unit.
  20. I played with a real frog while tossing a Spro Bronze-eye one day. This real frog came from like 30 yards away, hopping mad, to intersect and then try to eat my Spro. It was hilarious.
  21. Great, thanks for posting. There's alot of familiar names up there!
  22. There's nothing on the CBFL website. They don't even have archived results up yet from 2010, but they do have 2007, 2008 and 2009. There's not link anywhere on the page for current tourney results. Can't figure out why. My 20-member bass club does a better job keeping our website current!
  23. Not so clear cut as that, I'm afraid. Both gizzard shad and alewife have black operculum spots. The main distinguishing factor to tell the difference is that the last ray of the dorsal fin on a gizzard shad is longer than the other rays. See illustration below. From the photo provided, no clear conclusion can be made on proper identification. Gizzard Shad Alewife
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