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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. I miss him, he may be right off the wall at times but he's always is great entertainment hahahahaha. I kinda enjoy the bashing threads, they always put a smile on my face
  2. Cotton tail rabbits are on the high end of the cycle now which puts the coyote population on the high end of the cycle. When the rabbit cycle crashes so will the coyote, unhealthy starving coyotes won't produce large litters and the population will drop. It's like the Black Bear population and the amount of berries available in the summer, if the mother dosn't gain enough weight in the summer she won't reproduce in the winter. This being said with the bonanza berry crop this past summer there should be a high population of cubs come this spring. As for hunting coyotes I don't kill them, but I really could careless if others hunt them, they can be a real nusiance animal in alot of cases. I think if left alone mother nature will control the populations and the high population of coyotes we see today may turn to a very scarce population in a few years, this is the way populations have gone forever.
  3. Unfortunatly this report is inacurate and very outdated, I tend to believe the more recent report of climate change being the leading factor in the low water levels, it makes more sense.
  4. Did Grade 4 science class teach you that once a lake is full of water it won't take anymore, Lake Erie has not grown in size because they dredged the St Clair river. For your theory to work they would need to increase flow in the Niagara aswell as the St Lawerence Rivers. The flow of the entire lower watershead would have had to increase which is not the case, water levels have decreased throughout the system or at best are holding there own. The climate change therory is the best answer to the level decrease, Lower precitation, more evaporation = lower lake levels. I agree a larger drain will make the water leave quicker on the tub but when the tub your draining into is full, the water will leave at the rate the other tub is draining.Thats what grade 5 science teaches you.
  5. Google tempura batter you'll get 1000's of recipie's I bet..........the ice water and cold is the secret I just googled tempura batter and like I said you could spend a day sorting through recipies hahahaha
  6. Sorry about your accident and injury but the above advice is criticle in the healing process. Shoulder injuries take the longest to heal and the physio part of the healing process is most important. It may be a year or more before you regain full strength but if you follow instuctions and do all the exercises you should heal up fine. I've been in the position you are now and I know it sucks but it will heal up eventually.
  7. Hey hellfish stfr 1262 10.5' 6-10lb mod fast action at Pete's $379.00 best bottom bouncer ever made, the only other one that comes close is the 11.4' model. It's the Loomis float series rod, ask around the guys using these swear by them nothing better.Pete's has both rods so go check them out I like the 10.5', but lots of guys are liking the 11'4 either one is good you'll never want another bottom bouncer .
  8. All these methods work great at first ice, set up a tip up with a large live sucker and jig another rod. However in midwinter your best bait for large pike is a dead sucker on a quick-strike rig just hanging there below a tip-up, make sure you use a tip-up that will free spool line after the intial hit. Big dead frozen smelt work great to, not sure if this legal but pike love them
  9. Another modification I've done to set tension on the spool is take a lid from a plastic margerine container cut a hole in the center and put this on bolt glue it to the hockey stick then mount the spool line on the bolt. When you set the tension the plastic lid against the spool will give enough friction that it's almost freespooling, it also keeps the line from getting in between the stick and the bolt.
  10. These tip-ups work great, I've been using these for years, I've modified mine with an eye midway down the dowel but it really isn't needed. Like said before these tip-ups work for all species. The only other thing I use in a pinch is an Alder twig an a spool of line good ole school method.
  11. Good ole Toskala, he won the award last year for #1 boob goal and that glove goal last night will sure to put him in contention this year. He sure is a #1 goalie, number one boob of the year, I did get a good chuckle out of that one hehehehehe
  12. No need for the gun registry anymore. It served it's purpose for the Liberal Government to launder billions of tax payers $$$$$$. The biggest scam ever pulled on the Canadian tax payer, there are still billions of dollars unaccounted for that were put through the so called gun registry
  13. Winter is when we start using hardware here in Niagara, small wobbling plugs, streamers, spoons and such all take fish in the winter. The trout here go on the smelt bite in a few weeks and it's time to put the roe aside lots of days. You do fish diferrent areas though, slow deep water holds the trouties in the cold.
  14. Lots of methods mention here will work but me I'd bottom bounce it old school hahahaha
  15. Marinas
  16. nice rod, 10'6 float series is the best bottom bouncer ever made, except maybe the 11'4 although I still like the 10'6
  17. I broke a loomis last year $75.00 expiditer warranty, shipped them the rod 4 weeks later I was drifting my 10.5 loomis brand new, the warranty is the same in the US or canada however in the US some retailers will replace your rod on the spot.
  18. dude drop the $75.00 and get a brand new rod
  19. K5 kiwkfish, F7 flatfish or lure jensen hotshots all produce..... drop them back in the current flows and let the current wobble the baits....can be a deadly technique and not hard to master if you know where the trout are sitting in the pools. The hardest part of this technique is not how you fish the plug but reading the water to figure out where the fish are laying, if the trout are laying in the bottom end of the pool just drift the plug down, close your bail and let the current woble the plug and hold on, they smoke these baits hard.
  20. great clearwater presentation, winter fish in cold clear waters
  21. One day, god forbid, you may have to be treated in the hospital by the so called " overpaid healthcare workers" maybe then your ignorance towards there profession will change your atitude. I had a heart attack in April, went into cardiac arrest and the healthcare workers brought me back saving my life, these proffesionals perform long hours under extremly stressfull situations and earn every cent they get paid for. The latest facts came in today 1300 known deaths from swine flue since July in the USA and the flue season is just starting with up to 6 million cases now being confirmed. If a vaccine could have saved 1300 deaths I think it's worth the effort to try and contain this virus.
  22. The idea of vacination is to catch the H1N1 in it's infancy and not have hundreds of thousands of deaths.....this flue strain is very severe and seems to infect portions of the population that have good immune systems in place. If this strain reaches epidemic proportions it's to late and very hard if not impossible to control, maybe it is blown out of proportion but I think the health organizations of the world see the potential of this becoming a very bad pandemic. It's better to take precautions now when the flue is at a controllable level then to wait and have thousands of deaths just to prove the skeptics wrong.
  23. The world health organization, the entire medical profession and the worlds governments are all on the take to help manage huge profits for the pharmaceuticle companies........give me a break
  24. The Ski pro shop here in St Catharines gives me old skis for free, the problem is they want me to take them all , I don't want 20 pairs. Just a suggestion go check out a local pro shop you will probably be doing them a favour by taking the old skis off there hands. By the way nice design, not sure how you'll attach the skis to the hut
  25. Sadly you seem to leave out the MNR and Conservation Authorities who are 100% funded by my dime. I don't totally disagree with what your saying but lets get all the facts correct.
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