Maples, I love the syrup.
And what classifies as being 'over run'? If cormorants had always been around here in the numbers they are now it would be considered normal. The fact is that the current range expansion is a natural event, species expand and contract their ranges all the time as environmental conditions change. And if you read my article carefully you would understand that I do not say that we should do nothing, but what I believe we should not do is a knee-jerk reaction. It should be obvious to anyone that something has changed to allow them to expand, so let's find out what it is. If we find out that they are chomping down on round gobies and the fry of asian carp, would you then still feel like exterminating them? And when P E T A comes calling, as they surely will, we may find ourselves fighting on three fronts - cormorants, P E T A, and public opinion.