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Everything posted by modny

  1. and out of fishermans pier
  2. uhhhhhh
  3. would make a cute pet
  4. i would just type " kijiji shimano" i found my new honda outboard that way " kijiji honda outboard"
  5. i love catch and release nice vid
  6. thats pretty awesome thats why the fish grow big there lots of munchies
  7. great report, really roughing it is always an adventure, and staying on an island really makes u feel apart of the wilderness. i wouldda ran down the shoreline with a net and captured those crayfish as bbait.
  8. algonquin!
  9. looks like a real nice lake, and obviosuly holds some nice fish. always fun to have the whole fam out too cheers
  10. i prefer noodling for them on rock shoals and sandy flatts
  11. totally sweet!!! thats an amazing prize to win, especially for just catching a fish! lets get some PIX!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. hahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahhahah
  13. ahahahaha ohhh man some people are pure idiots they were probably gross subs n e ways
  14. i totally understand what u mean man.. but at the same time, atleast u can get out for some pike or bass... short walking distance for me means jiggin for turds( bbrown troutz) in the sewer
  15. one of my clients is going to murphy's point next week... i fished restoule YEARSSSSSSSS ago, i think its pretty goof bass fishing there too. rideau river will produce aswell
  16. BAHAHA
  17. pretty solid cut some high end out of that bass and u are gold
  18. i remember seeing 2 musky in the shallow end of a beach swimming area on buckhorn lake. kinda freaked me out
  19. see ya there
  21. ahahah, RIP DIMEBAG ya no kidding eh. sooner or later i wont be able to even fish. people will be sittin on their docks with rock salt in their shotguns scaring away " pesky fishermen" " hey earl, have u been up north lately?" " yea cliff i have, those fisherman are really bad this year eh?" " i know i know, there must have been a hatch or something, i had to burn a couple fishtronella candle to stink em outta my area"
  22. you are right... the kind of person that knows where and how to catch big bass.
  23. oh for sure. i thought that was already an assumption. i fill my livewells with carling black label
  24. i'm gonna fish docks even harder now. frig, i'll anchor my boat 20 yards away and pump tunes and just have a gay ole time for a couple hours if the bite is on
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