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Everything posted by modny

  1. i hate to be a nancy, but thats a beautiful animal and IMO a shame that it was killed for sport.
  2. those 7lbers are slobs nice petit la bouche'
  3. remembering
  4. looks like that Mako that was being sold in the classifieds haha
  5. wow big ups to your bro before even reading this thread i was thinking to myself, wow that black dude towers over that white kid so the fact that he even gave him a good run for his money is great mad props
  6. whatever you do, make sure you stop for breakfast at Aux Trois Moulins aurevoir
  7. pour some milk in that bowl and u got breakfast son
  8. do u guys eat carp?
  9. BFG AT /thread
  10. haha what the heck i was at the lower damn last sunday managed 1 eye about 3 lbs. thinking about fishing the upper part just above the dam for those moving fish
  11. how is fishing just above the dunnville dam at this time of year?
  12. any bass players?
  13. heading down to lower grand tomorrow bright and early. I heard jigging near the dam is hot right now. any other recomendations?
  14. man i fall in that channel of water so much its scary when u talk about catching lots of muskies in there ahaha
  15. Lew, i feel the same way i always say upwards of 150 000 or more a year.
  18. nice man, those are some great lookin fish does anyone know if there are any streams that hold trout like this near hamilton? pm me? thanks
  19. awesome catch thats one ugly pig of a fish that could of been a derby winner , crap! you cant eeat something like that can you?
  20. i can't stress check those fittings enough. even for people who have had their boats for awhile. i launched my boat in dunnville 1 hour from home, and sure enough the fitting popped right off, my boat started taking on water LIKE CRAZY! its a pretty big hole, i replaced it with the brass fittings. i think over the years the white plastic gets UV damage and it deteriorates the plastic making it brittle
  21. i really hope you dont drive around the lake with your main plug on the outside of your transom
  22. is it bad to eat them?
  23. awesome i love walleye when u say like 240 back on a dipsy, do u mean a slide dipsy?
  24. wow nice catches boat is lookin sweet too
  25. were you guys "experienced" during the show?
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