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Everything posted by modny

  1. sweet. i love carrs my neighbour has one of these.. except his is super charged, and basically just done up to the teats
  2. i would put that close to 6 lb
  3. wow holy smokes thats deep when fishing rainbows do u use long leads? how many miles out is the blue zone?
  4. what exactly is the blue zone?
  5. i just drooled on my keyboard
  6. i live close by so sometimes i go catch my limit of crappie and have a nice "shore lunch" at my place. haha the crappie tend to stay suspended in that lake, i've never had a sonor in there so i dont know what the bottom looks like.. usually i just drift accross the lake with some micro tubes, in pink, white, blue or combo's of both. cya
  7. i've fished it a bunch of times SO MANY CRAPPIE they encourage you to bring em home. i took home 50, me and my dads limit.
  8. yea man better yet make ur own leaders get some real nice 100lb snap and swivels and some 30lb or more mono or flouro carbon. and tie em together
  9. nah thats over a lifetime
  10. here's the differen't types of freshwater fish i have caught pike walleye sauger chinook coho laker atlantic splake brown trout aurora trout brookie whitefish yellow perch white perch white crappie black crappie sturgeon burbot carp freshwater drum mooneye musky WGSF LMB SMB sucker lamprey eel - stuck on a laker pumpkinseeds bluegills bowfin bullhead channell cats goldeye these weird goldfish out of this weird pond near dofasco rec center round goby a clam three spined stickleback pink salmon rainbow trout spotted gar long nose gar arctic char arctic grayling hey there's 43 thats pretty solid
  11. nice, how down deep were u guys? can't go wrong with a michael jackson
  12. wow thats awesome. salmon fishing under a bridge with graffitti, who woldda thunk it
  13. now I'M confused.
  14. this is a fishing board? i thought this was a help forum for single teen moms. ive caught 67 different fresh water species
  15. the triton ones, and i think alumacraft oens are sweet i was really interested in a center consol one
  16. i also dont recomend launching any princecrafts in mountsberg, the ministry doesn't like those boats due to their color because they spook the bass and crappie fingerlings out of the shallows and into the mouths of pike.
  17. i dont recomend launching with a toyota, it will get stuck there easily. are u fishing for carp?
  18. amazing!
  19. CAMERA /thread
  20. i've fished some road side ponds with good success before, just be ready to run if jimbo comes running out with his pump shotty
  21. you keep your net in your tackle box? wow, Plano has thought of EVERYTHING!
  22. i would say no, because u cant really prove that u caught that fish 2 days earlier/
  23. will these work for carrrps too?
  24. is your bumper gold plated? either way, who the hell steals a bumper? what the heck! will insurance take care of this/?/
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