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Everything posted by modny

  1. headed out to the lower grand on saturday. launched the wet dream at fishmasters. after 5 minutes in the water noticed that she was takin on water BAD. plug was in..no problem there.. turns out the livewell drain spout sheared off somehow and was fillin the skiff up FAST well sure enough, some guy was taking his sweet time getting his bowrider outta the water. like i mean sweet time. he was like flossing his trailer wire connections or something... so all we could do is circle around in the lil bay and run the bilge and cross our fingers. yanked her outta the water to see what was the matterrrr found the problems went on a wild goose hunt for some reason to try and find parts to fix it or block it off so we could go fishing. pretty much drove all over dunnville only to find nothing.. sure enough called it a day without wetting one lure or worm. so that night, got the proper parts, and fixed her all up in the driveway. even bought extra spare parts so we dont get dinked in the future. so we hit the water early sunday morning, same thing, another 5 dollar boat fee. all is good, she is still floating, no water coming in. right on.. ripped up and down the river a couple times, a lil choppy, south westerly winds putttin a nice break on thewater with some overcast skies. worked our way up and down the channel trollin cranks in about 10-15 ft water. i rigged my old mans line and within the first 5 mins he got this then i got this and then this and then the skies looked like this so we got soaked. then lighting started coming down and things only got worse, so we packed up and left. sure enough on the way home, sunshine breaks through and now its 3 30pm and i wanna hit the water again for some evening action. poop. hahah all in all, it was a great weekend on the grand. defently a learning experience i just wish the weather was a lil more promisisng so we couldda got a couple more in the boat. ohwell. we kept my eye for a lil snack later.
  2. givin those pike the infamous " lakair pretzel squeeze" nice fish. tips up
  3. that would be a bad ass tattoo
  4. the only problem may be launching though u will have to back her in REAAAL far
  5. ya LPB will produce i dont know that water very well tho
  6. i think working the westerly shorline in the flats produces a good mix
  7. nice buckets
  8. no dice i say grand river then... too bad u didn;t have a smaller boat\\ the section from paris to brantford of the grand is great. as far as i know, its no live bait, and barbless hooks only. and catch and release only. yea good smallmouth fishing can be found on the diesturned area where the nith river meets the grand in paris. and 3 miles furthie south at the mouth of whitmans creek. sometimes u can find browns and rainbows there tooooo smallies respond well to grubs, tubes crank and top water baits fished in deeper holes around sunken structure.
  9. mountsberg. its great there, especially if u have a canoe or tin boat. no gas motors though. work the weeds and flats and stumps. with some natural color jigs. get there early, bass like the early morn and dusk. especially if u wanna do top water.. personally i'd probably toss some small perch minnow raps, some spooks, x raps or husky jerk, black spinner baits work well and some jigs on heavy braid to work the stumps and heavy cover.
  10. where on the grand my son?
  11. lately i've been working my snake for lady fish aka land mermaids nice catch
  12. nice layed a nice hammer handle
  13. tttttttttt i'm in
  15. if u have access to a small boat or canoe hit up mountsberg. its got some trophy's in it
  16. last year at this time prices were $1.02
  17. awesome! thanks very much for the help can u recomend a tackle box that can hold this stuff?
  18. yea.. is the bumblebee a good color or what? i remember catching some big pike on large rap shad raps, like the white with red head ones and natty perch color
  19. thanks lew. that seems like the most logical thing to do.. i already have a chartruse musky killer , works great. i remember hooking into a monster pike up north years ago on a white jointed believer. it was my dads lure..he never used it since he bought it in the 70's.. i casted her out and let it sit for like 5 minutes. then i twitched it and SLAM a monster pike took the bat. it took like a solid 10 minutes to bring her to the boat, and then of course it wouldn't fit in the net and it shook the hook. now that lure has no paint left and just crazy bit marks all over. it was easily a 30+ lb fish. i couldn't believe it. good times.
  20. love my gerber multi
  21. i'm in hamilton i got dibbs guy... i'm not looking to brreak the bank. i know some lures are like crazy expensive, i'm by no means going pro
  22. nice catches i love crappie
  23. water is fast at caledonia, i usually toss out a big as chunk of weight with a glob of cut bait or liver on it worms like a charm last time i think my last cast landed right ontop of the fishes head, because i moved to a new spot, close to this old guy, the fish immediately hit it and started running. the guy was like " F**K me, i've been here all day and caught nothing" it was howls
  24. it had a early 90's merc 20 2 stroke. i remember YEARS ago a friend clocked us doing 25 mph, me, my lil bro and my dad. mind u i was like 10 and he was 8. haha now 15 years later.. its a lil different. the 20 broke down, then we tried upgrading it to a 25 horse, with a 25 horse power pack etc, but so far no luck, we'll save that for another post.. to be honest, i was really lookin at a nice merc 40 2 strok til with trim and oil inj. but it was 10 years older, and i felt it would take more to maintain. i think it should haul pretty good. and be nice and quiet
  25. nice, that makes me smile already. the boat doesn't have much in it. iwas thinking of modding the boat so that the gas tank is under the middle " seat/cross member" kind of like how the lunds are, maybe this would help with weight distribution
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