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Everything posted by modny

  1. right on right on LMB are my fave. i dislike smallies
  2. that rainbow is missing like half its tail i wish i knew of some cool streams to fish for trib trout near hamilton
  3. man, u could texas rig a turd and catch a pike. aslong as it looks tasty a fish will bite
  4. my band had a gig in kirkland lake in feb, man it was like minus 60 i swear!
  5. i've used some dollar store lures before they work perfectly
  6. congrats nice report. sweet lakers
  7. Visit My Website
  8. yea its pretty mental i think too.. but, i'm gonna hit the water tomorrw for some dinner so i'm happy.
  9. nice filets electric or manual knife?
  10. good day fishing.. i wouldda cast a line right at that guy. just a blob of splitshots and bobbers right at him. " o sorry. i didn't see you"
  11. yea true we trolled cranks aswell my old man was working a white cordell fat rap style first i was working a perch shad rap all fish caught about 50 yards off that island. out depth finder is garbo so i'm not sure what the structure looks like udnerneath to be honest, i'm kinda hoping my gf gets called into work tomorrow so i can go fishing. hahah
  12. black is supposed to work very well. fish often look up at a lure instead of right at it.. this causes the lure no matter what color to look black due to shadowing etc black will work hands down.
  13. the new boat is nicer n e ways better colors glad it all worked out!
  14. yea we were thiking of ways toplg it up but the hole was just too dam big.
  15. the old man and i are def fishing partners. my brother comes too sometimes. that guy is brutal at fishing. loses more fish at the boat than anyone i know...
  16. yea thanks it seems to get a rise out of people. new paint on her next year so we'll get some nice new decals made up etc its suppoised to be nice tomorrow. hopefully the GF is working so we can get some more 'eyes in the livewell
  17. yea totally. we were super dissapointed to find out that we couldn't get on the water. but i'd rather that happen close to home then on a big fishing trip. might be headin out there tomorrow too for some more walleye action
  18. nice report. there's some nice fish in that lake. cool dog
  19. thats a nice calico bass
  20. NIce! good fishing up there. despite what u may think by the looks of it. that one pike is a MONSTER. not super long, but the girth on that baby. WOW excellent catch good luck on that remote lake. watch for deadheads.
  21. hey bucktail, yea i seen ya.. i wanna get an OFC flag and hang her from the transon light post or something.. glad to hear that everyone was catching em. if we were out longer i think we couldda had a couple more in the boat. where u comin from? did u work the channel down by FM too ? we found most action 50 yrds off that island seperating the river from that channel that goes to that BBQ marina didn't even consider it. those winds were heavy sat/sunday. didn't really wanna jig in a 8 foot chop. or die in a 8 foort chop. hahah i'll probably be back there next sunday with the old man. and maybe my brother. who doesn't know how to fish at all. yea it was pretty crappy when it happened. but even though we were still roughly 1 hour from home its better it happen now than being up in the sticks with no shops or proper tools handy.
  22. pics or it didn't happpen
  23. yea totally. the bilge pump parts we needed were a big size that no one had i guess, so we went home and rigged something up completely new. can't wait to get out next weekend
  24. fishin with dad is the best
  25. nice i've never flipped for bass looks prodcutive
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