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Everything posted by modny

  1. i had a poop day like that 2 weeks ago or so next time u'll make sure everything is perfect. haha trust me. i check everything 10 times now
  2. check these out www.fbass.com thats where all my money goes
  3. this year i've dropped alot already two 150$ rods, 2 80 dollar reels, and about 100$ in tackle and bait and 100$ or so in boat gas and about 100$ in hookers
  4. because of its size i recomend making a 4 inch diameter round hol in the middle of the bag....
  5. the crocodile dundee fishin system
  6. i think i might get a outcast pontoon boat instead. and use the troller to get up close at caledonia then drift down to york then troll her back etc.. do u think a small gas outboard like 2 or 5 hp is too big for the back of an inflatable pontoon?
  7. pink tubes near the wall prodcue crappie? i'm headin out there tomorrow. gotta catch some lunch!
  8. awesome! its nice to know us lil scow fisherman can hold our own on lake O representin the TIN boat crew
  9. a 2hp gas motor on a pontoon would probably be pretty awesome. i wonder if it would move well
  10. ya i dont want restrction
  11. i feel like the "breathable" nylon style with a stocking foot might be more appropriate for me only because of comfort, they dont look as restricting
  12. yea i got some old stuff with pictures of like italo and al linder it says " best bait i ever fished" ahaha
  13. catching carp? have fun with that. i'd rather go jigging for toilet trout in a port o potty cool idea though, i'd be afraid of some bum shanking me though..be careful bro
  14. i have a bunch of power bait, i know the small panfish grubs work, thats really all i can vouch for
  15. i've really been thinking about getting a decent pair of waders, because in the future i'm thinking of getting a belly boat thing. i dont really want to spend a tonne of dough, but i would like something decent quality. bills tackle on upper james in hamilton has hodgeman stocking foot neoprene waders for 74$ and wading boots for 69$ does anyone have any insight? i'd really like to fish for those fall rainbows in caledonia but what other places can u use waders in around the hamilton area?
  16. didn't get darn all poop ahahah some dude said i could get brookies and browns and rainbows jerk
  17. modny

    No Topic

    those muskie pics make me want to go swimming with silver ankle bracelets on
  18. yea they are pretty sweet. i love using it when i'm at mountsberg, because thats the windiest rez in the world
  19. ya man i hear ya. there is a good chance he ate the perch or didn't get it weighed for a record
  20. anyone wanna meet near the williams and wet some lines? i'm just gonna cast some cranks n whatnot off /near the polica marina docks, off the little piers n stuff they got down there see if i can hook into anything nice. heard of people hooking into some brookies and rainbows sheephead etc down there i'll probably be down there shortly after 6
  21. i'm not even lying man. i'll give u my phone number, you can call me, and talk to my brother and dad. they were there too. it was gigantic
  22. i made a drift sock out of an ikea bag
  23. always switch it up if u are trolling for an hour and no bites, you are proably doing something wrong. even though the watter can be muddy, try dark colors like perch/ black greens, try reds whites, gold, silver blue/ firetiger's etc try some harnesses aswell, gold blades will produce, eerie deeries work super even try trolling a jig. look for holes and humps and drift white/green/ or black twisters and a 1/4 oz jighead tipped with worm over the holes.. even catfish/ grunts are known to hit cranks, which will def give a great fight aswell. good luck!
  24. modny


    i'm in wherez errbody?
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