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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I'm in for that, we could have a fish fry at my boathouse afterwards
  2. Floating on a raft with my kids on a private lake in Ontario with a bobber and worm
  3. This makes me want to cast under the slide
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6N4WbXRu-c&feature=related Amps getting plugged in and the strat is coming out
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF4f9NdCFUU
  6. If it was planned and I had a couple weeks notice then I would have no problem with it.
  7. mmm...
  8. Nice Try... You won't get my spots that easily I thought about stopping in but after cleaning all those fish I needed to get home and go to bed lol
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3HemKGDavw
  10. nope
  11. I'm in for May
  12. There was one guy that took about 20 while being brave, he went down FAST!!!
  13. 64.5"
  14. 43"
  15. Sweet pics!
  16. There's a st croix in the classifieds
  17. Speechless
  18. I'm pondering a late arrival already
  19. Now that's what I call a great day, Awesome Report
  20. The weekend started on Friday with a friendly game of paintball with about 20 guys from work. It was my first time and I kicked some serious Mind you by the end I was ready to pass out. I went through about 300 paintballs in the 6 games that we had and managed to only get hit once, not too bad if you ask me. Saturday I was ripped off the couch by Jacob and forced to go fishing. We tried a few carp spots and got nothing, tried a few bass spots and got nothing. He wanted to try one more place before we went home and he managed a little WGSF to make sure we didn't get skunked. After that we went out to the fall fair. The costs are getting ridiculous there. $35 to get in and $40 for enough tickets for 2 rides each I only spent cash on one game because the carny said that it is very hard and he suggested not to waste the money on the kids trying it. Both kids got 7 out of 7 balls in Got sweet Angry Bird stuffed animals out of it The demolition derby was that night as well and it did not disappoint. The first round was a race with 2 jumps and a car flipped in under 2 minutes. That night I decided that I was going to take him out in the boat Sunday. So this morning we set off for Long Point. They were calling for Thunderstorms in the afternoon but we got lucky and missed them (barely). Jacob made the decision to go out to a spot about 10 miles from the boathouse. Since the lake was flat I agreed. By flat I mean like glass We set off and got to the spot and started washing lures. Then we washed some more lures and more lures. I figured I wouldn't get anything because I was targeting Muskie out there which are not that common. The clouds were getting a little darker so we decided to troll back a bit before making the run back. As we were heading back Jacob noticed a bunch of "animals" in the water. I went up to have a look and found a bunch of these floating around. Kinda weird! Anyway, we went to a perching spot where everyone else was fishing and bathed a minnow for 10 minutes before I decided to leave for my honey hole. It's a little early yet but I wanted to try it anyways, it did not disappoint. 2 hours of minnow in, fish out, minnow in, fish out. Jacob quit because he was too tired and I quit when I got my limit. Dinner tomorrow night We finished the day tailgating SRT8 and eating blueberry fritters. Time for bed! Thanks for reading
  21. It was a problem for me when the kids were smaller but now my best fishing buddies are my two kids. So when I go fishing she gets the day off.
  22. At this rate I don't even want to log in this winter
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