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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. You'll be fishing with them in no time!
  2. 2 weeks ago while fishing with my 5 year old Jacob. He got his 2nd ever bass on (1 minute after his first) and yells "it's a real big one daddy" he fought it like a pro and brought in a nice 4 pound smallie.
  3. I was looking forward to this, nice job!
  4. Especially for the kids when they decide to have a water fight at the end, Them (all of them ) VS. Me... I lost!
  5. I just wanted to thank EVERYONE for the help. Every single person from this board stepped up and helped out with everything. Frank, Juli and the kids basically set up the prize table, HTHM and Loonietoon for BBQing, Kickingfrog for helping to unload my truck, MikeP for my new secret weapon and to everyone else that helped I'm starting to work on next years event stuff after my vacation next week at the cottage
  6. meant to quote HTHM's post. Apparently they are bad luck
  7. Brian, SRT8's brother who had big fish walked away with it. It's in good hands.
  8. Awesome pics guys. All of you were SO much help
  9. It was great meeting you guys. Thanks again!
  10. I'm off boys and girls, see you in the am
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