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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I just winged it. I figured out how big i wanted it and started cutting. It worked out very well
  2. Awesome report Frank. I'll be heading up there in a few years once the 2 boys are old enough for a trip like that.
  3. Congrats! Ours was yesterday
  4. I was on a "washroom" break with my now wife in Physics class in grade 11. The principle played the message over the PA. That night was the first time I ever watched CNN
  5. Happy B-Day Simon Enjoy the Keg
  6. It's called the "make fish big" lens
  7. upload to photobucket and use the img code
  8. He does love the outdoors. I have a feeling his toys are going to get expensive though He does have one of those but prefers the ATV
  9. That's insane!
  10. It's a Baja 90cc (chinese). I got it off kijiji a couple years ago. It goes pretty fast even with me riding it. I redid all the wiring and gave it a 3" suspension lift, now it is super reliable. It is still too tall for him but some added foot pegs, and extended brake levers work wonders.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCBASt507WA&ob=av2n
  12. Well last week was the first time I put my 5 year old Jacob on his ATV by himself. He listened to every word I said and did very well So yesterday I asked him if he wanted to go fishing. He said yes but after ATVing. So we loaded up his ATV and headed to Turkey Point. I increased the speed so that he could easily go up the hills and through the sand. Again he listened to every word and did awesome. After 20 minutes I just let him ride. This kid is a natural!!! (BTW his mother smashed the other headlight off lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eoKJsBYNLc He figured out donuts pretty fast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIjsDTTbHFU We managed to get 15 minutes of fishing in but had no takers. I have a feeling a lot of gas will be used this weekend lol
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TUnwu-X6pk
  14. It's Spongebob Your spoon is safe with me, maybe
  15. I'm obsessed over any fishing lol Glad your mom can finally get that door I should be good for gear, thanks for the offer. Hopefully those baits catch ya something!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXFClqJ53cE
  17. Just watch the weather and the spoons flying toward you and you will be fine.
  18. That is hilarious! Shows how many people read my reports since I posted that pic a month ago
  19. That's reminds me, I guess I am down to no stations at the cottage from 1.5 stations. I will probably have to upgrade from the wabbit ears
  20. hmmm... I'll try but it'll be tough
  21. learn something new every day
  22. Ya you can use it. I thought I had better ones but they have too much tongue as well
  23. not a good deal at all
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