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Everything posted by jwl

  1. wow marrying off the kids eh??, that's gotta cut into the fishin money when ya make it out our way, perhaps after a hard day burning up the steelies..if your arms aren't too sore after, a few wobblies and jammin out on some Niel would be in order to top off the day
  2. hey when you gonna get down our way and do some steelie fishin with me and Cliff???
  3. nice going on the fish TS...although I like mine cooked a little more head and finless , nice scenic shots too
  4. ultimate guitar tabs is a great one..I use that all the time, but basically just for the lyrics for songs I already know...some of the transpositions are wrong though..for example with what Fang put.. All Along The Watchtower the actual song is in the key of B,...so it goes something like this ... AA..BBBB..AA..GGGG for the intro, then the verse is something like..BBB...AA..GGG..AA and repeats that way. As for goofing around with tab..I preffer to read the music, but when trying to figure stuff out with tab..you just gotta look at it like it is the guitar neck and strings from looking down at it while you are playing....so the top line is for example: Low-E ..............0.............. A...............2............ D...............2............. G................1........... B.................0.......... E...................0.......... so for a silly simple example...that is an E major Chord..the 0's mean open..of there was an X, you would not play that string..there is generall on "good tab" also a symbol that would be telling you to play all those notes together and therefore make it a chord the numbers are simply what fret to play on on that string, and there is a "key" for all the symbols on what they all mean for example.....when to pick stroke up or down, when to hold notes, when to bend them and so on.... I find with tab though it is hard to get a grip of at first unless you know the song becasue it's not written out in measures and such in alot of cases and harder to count you have to remember on these sites though that it's the "author's" transpo of the song and often keys are changed or parts are wrong so there is no copy right infingement going on so for another example a simple G major scale would be written out somehting like this: E..3....5.............................. A...........2....3....5........................... D..........................2....4....5................. G...........................................3......5.... B.........................................................2....3......5....... E............................................................................2.....3..
  5. well when's dinner??...perhaps a fish fry is in order soon while it is still nice out..I got some in the freezer
  6. nice going, I always love the markings on LSC muskies, and you got one in the boat to boot, ya can't beat that, musky fishin is not always musky catching that's for sure , I think my arm is still sore from tossing big baits to no avail this week thanks for sharing the pic...just curious,see the mast on the boat, you guys often use the board when out in the open water???
  7. you need to shoot me a message once in a while when you are headed out, If possible I would come and join ya for a bit, or suggest another spot to try out or whatever, wife is always of Mon-Tues, right now I am slow for work, but loving the much needed break..only near future thing I have on the go is putting on a steak dinner at the conservation club next saturday as part of an awards presentation night for different people's efforst in a couple different clubs over the years...now that I am not working so much I can get back to being more active in the club and standing up to some of my exectutive commitee duties as a trustee...for the most part they understand that I have a wife 3 kids, and work alot on the summer..lol, I am not yet at the luxury of retirement like some of the more active emebership, but they know when it boils down to it, I am there for a hand to anyone. Anywas keep it in mind...and my boat's coming home turkey day weekend at the latest too ..almost killer local giant pike time, and of course I will be on the river for steelies all season after the boat is home.
  8. hey Bruce...aren't ya pushing your luck a bit there man....didn't we just get back from a 3 day fishing trip I think you have the bug worse then I thought
  9. I know..I know.. ,couple more weeks I got a nice one in the bag for sure
  10. nice going Paul, thanks for the tease when my boat is 350kms away from the river right now.. ,it's coming home T-Giving weekend and getting all cleaned up, and once over before huntin the big steelies all winter, then we will be running into eachother on the water a couple times a week I am sure
  11. hope therre is a warning on the box for rednecks that the product inside may get stuck in thier tooth that is a fun idea, and another great example of some of the fun lovin for one another that goes on at these get togethers
  12. we where totally happy with our boat package....mind you I dinged myself with a few upgrades,(motor,cover,extra seat,load guides and trailer jack) but in essence I ended up with the boat I wanted in the end because I picked the extras at the time. Most of my fishin is on the smaller water so the "2 foot syndrome" was not the issue, I can still pick my days and get out on the big water like Erie...and there is always a plan B if the lake is a write off, I do loads of fishing on the Niagara River, and it's a great boat for that. It was what my family could afford at the time, and after 5 years still great, still in excellent shape, and hasn't put an extra dime out of my wallet for repairs or anything, so I haven't had to deal with any issues from the dealership ect...knock on wood.
  13. thanks again for all the great comments guys and gals. getting out there with some great fishin friends is what it's all about, we did pretty good for the fishing being "slow". It's only the start of the fall fishing, I will get a couple more good trips in. Yellowboat, if you are going to shut down your place Thanksgiving weekend...maybe see ya out on the water then.....look for my green/cream Viper..don't be shy run on over and say hi, will share any good fishin news with ya no probs
  14. it's not cold yet , just the start of fun fall fishin for me, depending on how bad the weather actually is..I have a great Columbia gortex rain suit, if applicable and I wear boots, I have the Kamik's also..good bang for the buck, if it's super cold I wear my Mustang Floater, a nice warm Thinsulate touque,once your head gets warm it actually stays too hot..lol, as for gloves, I can never fish with gloves on even ice fishin so I just tough it out or play lots of pocket pool In general this time of year I don't bundle up all that much, I love the fall weather, I don't like getting toosoft with the warm clothes, I like to slowly climatize myself so I am a bit accustomed to it when I am out there in my boat in the middle of january in a snow storm hunting down the steelies
  15. wow when Bly goes big she really goes big, maybe I need to invite her on my next musky trip so someone finally boats a 50 incher plus fish in my boat this year
  16. breakfast/brunch menu was just as good for 3 mornings..sausages,bacon,eggs,fried taters onions &peppers,panfried fish..coffee with the recipe(wife's home made Irish cream..she made us 3 bottles..lol) a few beers. Man, ya gotta fuel up when you are spending the better part of 12 hours on the water And thanks for the great comments folks, it was a great time spent with some great people,no monsters to brag about but we caught a couple hundred fish easily between the gang and had a blast doing it and that's what it's all about right there I am lucky I have been able to share alot of experiences like this one over the years with some great fishin freinds,my wife and kids, and relatives alike since I have had my trailer there on the lake front
  17. in open water you can..not the St Claire or Detroit Rivers,not marinas and harbours and such..just in the open water of the lake
  18. nice going on the fishin there, some great sized fish..as for Cliff's 40 incher plus fish, that's a tough one to crack these days with the average sized fish being alot smaller then say 20 years ago when the numbers of big fish was huge too..biggest I ever got was in the 1980's when the run was massive..pulled in a 48 1/4 incher coming in at 42 lbs..( numbers came from the taxidermist when I brought the fish in for a mount) found out the mount was going to be over 400 bucks, being a teenager at the time, I decided that i had better things to do with 400 bucks ..The way you guys plug away at it,I am sure a fish over 40 inches is well within your grasp this season. NIce coho in the pics too, I always thought they looked pretty cool when they started to take on that redish pink spawning colour....that's a pretty nice one too for a coho
  19. I like that one perhaps the real question was "how come no one has been coming on here and giving me a map of all thier good fishin holes, and who wants to lend me the gear so I can try ..oh wait better yet, who wants to just do the fishin for me??? "
  20. thanks for the added pics Bigugli, hopefully we get a couple more good ones from the other's cameras too...geesh I just noticed in that fish fry pic..umm don't ya think you used a little too much beer in that batter so when we doing it again??
  21. Got all loaded up with my stuff on Sunday night, then made the rounds in the van to start picking the troups for our adventure. Arrived in town, made a quick late night stop at the boat launch so that my buddy Jeff could get his boat in the water, and run it over to my dock, then we all pulled into my camp site at camp about 1:30 in the morning, I got everyone sorted out where we were going to stay, got the water and furnaces going...it was pretty chilly out when we arrived. We got all our gear packed away and proceeded to have a few drinks by the fire. After a few drinks and some fishin talk about what Monday morning's fishing tactics where going to entail, I think we got to bed around 4am so we could try and get an hour or so sleep and be out on the water first light. When we got up in the morning it was a pretty cold start to the day, we bundled up, Jeff loaded up his boat with himself,girlfriend Adelle, and our buddy John to start thier journey. I didn't have the bigger boat in yet, so we loaded up my 14 footer tinny with some bait and a wide assortment of gear, then me and the Bigulgi headed out in the other direction to see if we could come up with anything. Arriving at our spot we though we would try a crack at some pike action for the day. The weeds had our area looking like a bass master's slop haven, armed with some spinner baits and anticipation of the day, we started chucking and hoping for that big one. After a while of chucking our spinner baits, me and Bruce where getting a bit frustrated with all the "short strikes" although it was fun watching the fish come out and miss our baits, we where dying to start the trip off with something in the boat. We where drifting the river mouth in the huge weedbed trying a few points ect along the way, in a few areas we manged to spook a couple huge pike on the surface just enough to get the blood pumping and hopes up for the first day of fall kick off. Finally, I broke the ice and put something in the boat, wasn't quite what we where hunting after but, it was a start anyways. After a while of getting frustrated with the big ones teasing us, I decided to head out into a different area of the lake in search of some eyes. I took us to an area that had put out some decent fish a couple weeks ago for me,so I figured I would take the gamble and see if they where still around. I did manage to start off the later part of the morning with this shall we say....smalleye The morning continued, and Bigugli and I stuck it out on our drift for a little while when we stumbled upon a good number of decent perch. It was a small area to work, and you had to stay in the zone or all we winded up with was a load of bluegills for our efforts. It was kind of funny, we knew we where off the perch and soon as someone got a sunny, go back to the start of our drift, and bingo perch again, so we worked the area over just enough so that we could fill our bucket for a livewell up and head back to camp so we could get my bigger boat put in and get on wioth the day's adventure. We headed back to camp wondering how Jeff,Adelle, and John where making out as they headed out with Jeff in the search for eyes as the target species of thier trip. Jeff managed to get into a decent sized one as they where fine tuning the tactics for the rest of thier trip. So first couple hours out on day one, proved to be a bit tough, but we all managed to have the kind of action we where looking for along the way and ended up with the start of a good snack. Bigugli was quick to volunteer his filleting services. We all chipped in and rangled up a big breakfast to fuel up for the day, enjoyed a couple libations, got my bigger boat in the water, and we where ready to get the fleet out and pound some water. Here we are lined up at my dock and ready to rock! Later in the day myself,Bruce, and John, hopped in my boat back down to the river in hopes of getting into a big one as we had seen quite a bit of activity down there earlier in the day. It wasn't long until we saw some action..well not on the end of our lines but action none the less, we spooked a few good sized fish on the way into the weedbed, and while Bruce was tossing a big buzz bait we got to see some fun when a couple fish missed the bait, then it was time to watch a decent pike come after his bait 3 times on the way to the boat, he took a hit at it, but was gone after a second..I casted my spinner bait as a follow up and sure enough, wham fish on...then oh..fish off, we laughed about that for a few minutes but that just got the blood flowing in hopes. A while later Bruce had a nice visitor come for a look at his spinner bait when a decent sized musky came out of hiding, followed his bait, gave it a little lick and quickly turned away. John finally saves the early afternoon by boating a decent little largie. after seeming like I was casting my arm off, I got this hog..lol Day one was wrapping up nicely, everyone caught some fish, no huge ones, but we caught a load of fish, perch,some walleye action, pike, largies, of course a billion sunnies in the search, and one of us even had a sneak peak at some musky action. We all got back to camp at about dark to get some dinner on the go and swap some tales of the day's adventure, over a few drinks. Headed off to bed fairly early this time to get a good night's rest for the next day's trip. Day 2 was turning out pretty much like a repeat of day 1,Myself,John, and Bruce headed out in my boat on the quest for whatever we could get into while Jeff and Adelle set out again on the hunt for walleye. Our day was filled with the mixed bag that we had gotten into the day before, no monsters but some great numbers of fish, we managed a few more perch to add to the collection for the fry, and headed back to camp waiting too see how the others made out on the walleye mission. It was mission accomplished for those guys when they came back with some decent eyes The afternoon, I suggested that we load up the big guns and take a few mile journey in my boat to a spot I know where the river opens up to a big lagoon area for a crack at some monster musky action. We tossed around the big baits for a good couple hours in anticipation, but we all know that musky fishin..isn't always musky catching, we tried all sorts of different tactics, but it just wasn't going to happen for us. Here is a great early fall view from the area I took us to We decided to head back into our part of the lake and finish off the day on a lucky note,all in all a pretty productive day, and a nice boat mission too, it was great fall weather for making the few mile trip on the hunt..everyone was into decent numbers of fish and having a great time. We needed to fuel the fire from the day, as usual we eat like kings and queens at camp, and this was no exception on the menu was a concoction I made up of the night before's bbq'ed steak and chops, combined with some sauteed veggies and some of Bruce's left over venison chilli from Monday night, some crispy fried taters we got some burgs and dogs rocking on the que and Bruce got right in there with the fryer pot for some good ole fashion beer battered perch and eyes..mmmmm Yesterday morning we headed out for one last kick at the cat....Jeff, and John headed out for thier walleye quest of the day...if you can't tell by now, that was Jeff's mission for the trip..target walleye...that's it, that's what he wanted to do...ya ever been beside someone in a boat that yells out oh @$%## because all they caught was a couple pound bass..lol, well Jeff does, he hunts the wlleye and he works hard at it too with great success. Bruce and I could not pass up the option of catching one of those monster pike, or that musky that had been teasing us for 2 days so we headed down the river again. I came up with a couple more snotters for my efforts Bruce started the morning out in the same area with some spinner bait largie action after a while of trying this out, we decided to head out into the main lake and see how it was turning out for Jeff, and John on thier quest..and working hard at it they where, with a couple nice eyes in the boat to show for it..Jeff;s trolling tactic of the day was to work a hump area, as slow as they could,drift sock out,back trolling with 3 ways and harnesses, proved to be the ticket for them. Bruce and I decided to work an area where Jeff had thrown out a marker....it was funny, those guys where catching the walleye, while we where getting huge numbers of smaller bass, and a load of worm scarfing sunnies here is Bruce with one of our double headers from the day, holding both our fish while I snapped a quick pic. more "smalleye" action for me..lol It was soon time to call it a morning and get back to camp and start breaking everything down,pulling the boats out,tidying up the trailers while getting ready for the sad part of the trip....heading home...boo..hoo, I hate that part. One more round of fish to clean up from the morning, some nice eyes from Jeff and John's mission and a couple perch in the mix from my boat So concludes another great adventure at the JWL camp..we could not have asked for better fall weather, we caught a tonne of fish in the mixed bag..got a couple hundred fish all together if we counted some of the sunnies..specially the ones Bruce was getting 2 at a time on the pickerel rig..lol. we got a great variety for the trip...walleye,perch,pike,smallies,largies,well of course sunnies, and although no-one hooked up with one, we did get one musky to play with someone from the group.....I think next time we should just head out on a sunfish trip and maybe then someone will hammer a 30lber..lol It was a great trip, and I would like to thank some good fishin friends for sharing in a great time with me, these folks are all first class people to send any day on and around the water with, I hope we can do it again really soon, heck on the way home I was already trying to plan out how soon I can get back to my camp, I need to get a couple more good trips in this fall for sure. Probably more pics to come once we get them off everyone else's camera too.
  22. sounds like yet another great get together, thanks for sharing the pics
  23. nice fishin there...great way to catch fish on a nice day, we just boated a tonnes of fish the last couple days too this way..mixed bag of smallies,eyes,perch, of course sunnies . Sounds like you had a great time on the water.
  24. sure that is such a good idea...arming the wife like that??? , you better make sure to be good now. nice report, nice birds too..that will make a nice meal for sure,looks like you got into a few more ruffed then the spruce up there. wow those massive 3 footer rapalas work pretty good for those lunker pike,I thought they where just a novelty when they where selling them at Walmart last Christmas, but that's proof in the puddin right there
  25. I would look for a couple things if it's a bass boat that has been fished in tournies and stuff...some of these guys pound the crap out of thier boats, resulting in stress crack/spidering on the hull, and also when pounding the big waves, when the motor is coming out of the water a bunch of times, really pound on the transom and also can create cavitation with the motor causing alot of engine problems.
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