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Everything posted by salmon

  1. Hi Here is some good info http://www.bassfishin.com/articles/fishing-line-guide
  2. Shimano Low profile: Citica or Curado Round: Cardiff or Calcutta B series Daiwa LP: Tierra or HSTA Abu LP: REVO SX Jose
  3. I have had my knee scoped out ages ago. Knee was locking up until they went in and cleaned it out and removed some loose debris. But I ruptured my ACL and they reattached both the loose ends. A couple of small incisions with a bit of swelling. Jose
  4. I had a broken reel just like that, a Quantum Calatyst 20 took it back to where I got it and had a brand new one in a week. Take it back to where you bought it from, explaint what happened. If the sales rep for Daiwa might be @ to help you out. Jose
  5. He disappeared Man up and explain yourself!!! Jose
  6. Regs are confusing at times http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001335.pdf Jose
  7. Info http://keelshield.com/store_locator.html?&...spdirectory_pi1[mode]=liste&tx_spdirectory_pi1[modifier]=search&tx_spdirectory_pi1[pointer]=0 Jose
  8. I have the Redhead Classic model Been thru hell and back and it looks like it too. LOL Jose
  9. Island lake, Orangeville. If not then May 24 long weekend, always pike in there. Riot to catch Jose
  10. Tony Join up with the Credit River Anglers Assoc. http://craa.on.ca You have to register using your real name. Good site for info. Jose
  11. WTG some nice slabs Never fished crappie, until later this week. Jose
  12. The only dam that I know of on the Credit is the the one in streetsville. If it is it is a closed section. Please read your regs. Jose
  13. One of those "who me??" faces Jose
  14. Dirk Congrats to you and your family. Jose
  15. WTG Nice size for sure. Jose
  16. Too late LOL J
  17. Hey Here you go read it. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001335.pdf Jose
  18. OOH It's the elusive picture of SNAG (Grant) Is that a Harper...... jacket you got on? LOL Nice moon shot LOL Jose
  19. Hi I just got back form the Credit. Nice colour, it is pretty clear a lot of people fishing. I would suggest very early would be the best time to go. Nothing caught for me though Jose I would hit it before the rain comes in.
  20. Very Nice, WTG Jose
  21. Erindale open all year http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001335.pdf
  22. Regs have changed This year it is open from the south of HWY403 to the lake Golf course is private property (be careful) Jose
  23. I am heading down this Friday morning send me a PM we can meet I can show you some riggin tech. and help you out. Just make sure you have you centerpin spooled up with line, backing and you main line. I have extra gear, floats, shots, fluoro line etc etc. Do you have waders? http://craa.on.ca Jose
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