As I rolled into the house this morning after work I was greeted by my wife who reminded me she was off for the day. Usually theres a quick hello/briefing on what the kids had planned for the day, groceries needed, house work requiring my immediate attention etc.... you get the picture. But not today!
Roe bags were hastily tied, shotgun cased, ammo picked, dog prepped for hunting and we were off.
I Got to fish with 'Rookie" my yellow lab who up until today only understood hunting, fishing was a relaxing transition for him though and not one float was retrieved ;-)
After a few hours and a few fish we decided we'd pack up and head to a local marsh that had produced ducks earier in the week. Unfortunately my shooting was not as sharp as my hook sets today as I missed a couple of nice wood ducks that should of been marinating in my fridge as I typed this and whats worse is the look of disgust on the dogs face after a clean miss, Its almost unbearable LOL.
Can't wait to do it again next week !!!