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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. I just checked out the Services Canada Site... They say regitering a pleasure craft under the Weight of 15 gross tons is optional. It does not say anything about H.P, length or anything? http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/goc/ship...istration.shtml You need to tranfer the Licence of the boat into your name, and of course Licnece the trailer, but the boat doe not need to be registered.
  2. I've had some pretty good results on Rapalas(floating & deep divers, and rattle raps) In Blue & silver, black & silver, and perch Pattern in spring. And I'd second the cleo's & wabblers for sure.....those would be a staple in my mind I generally don't even try for them in the summer, but if I did....I would probobly keep it the same with the aid of a rigger, or take Tjsa's advice. Cheers,
  3. Yes sir...2nd till the 9th and I can't wait!!! Destination is unknown yet Depends on the crew.... I was planning a route to Hogan, but if my Dads comming thats a bit aggressive for him... So we may alter the route and head south through ragged into procupine, and see how close to welcome Lake we can get over the week. not a huge excursion but good enough.
  4. Soon...this nice weather has me itching to get out there!!! You getting your paddle wet this opener Nemo?
  5. Soon enough he'll drop in. He's out of season right now anyway.... Another month or so he'll be in here shooting the breeze... Especially with all the election talk for June
  6. They use Ultra sound for Physical therapy as well. It helps to reach and warm muscles deep... I Broke my ankle a few years ago, and that was the first thing they did at the appointments was get my ankle and foot all lathered up with gew, and they ran the paddles over the ankle and foot for about 10 minutes before I got into the rest of the therapy. Worked well for loosening up the muscles, and got the ligaments moving a bit better.
  7. More flourocarbon content in Seagar, while Lines like P-line are a Co-polymer/Flouro mix (Elements of Flourocarbon with in the line.) Feel free to correct me if Im wrong? I've not seen a berkley flouor mix yet? Maybe I have to get out more
  8. I'd agree but I'd caution ourselves on that same note.... There is reason to beleive the warming of the earth is a cycle, but if its not... There is still reason to beleive it may not caused by our C02 emmisions. I think in order to better protect ourselves, and ensure a better cleaner future its worth questioning the supposed Sound Science, and. Be open to examine other possible causes and contributors. Lets not put all our eggs in one basket I s'pose. Cheers,
  9. My thoughts exsactly.... I've followed this theory for a long time, and I'm not sold. There are many things we could do better, and cutting back is in no way a bad thing IMO But I'm not exsactly scared of an appocolyptic scenario, nor do appreciate tree hug'n hippies condeming me becasue I don't compost? Theres proof to say we're warming, but there is proof to say we're cooling. Theres proof to say its a Natural cycle, and then there's proof to say its human pollution. Theres proof to prove the proof but its yet to be proven as absolute proof because the other science guys have proof to disprove their proof.... Yikes!!! Whats a guy to beleive?
  10. How about Rhap-Allah? or Wrap-pa-law? or rupp-pa-lah?
  11. I honestly have never met a dog that couldn't swim... I just asumed they all could Guess I'll stick to cats
  12. Some girls dig the "Outdoorsy type" My wife was a sucker for me I know several girls who look for the rugged Outdoorsmen type. Its Tough not to be an Outdoorsman while being a fisherman... But then again, I know a guy who will fish, but only in a boat, and doesn't camp LOL....
  13. Ya...I have never met a rodent I like/trust yet. Allthough the forecst for here in kitchener says its going to be 14 degrees on Thursday? I'll beleive it when I see it.
  14. Me too.... Very touching, and I'm incredibly proud to be a member of this board right now.
  15. Dang, Sorry to hear of your loss... My Thoughts go out to you and your family, and My sincere Thanks to another vet. R.I.P.
  16. This stuff just makes my blood boil... Having been the victim of an unprovoked attack by mulitple asailants...this "jump from behind" method of cowardace makes me want to throw things.... Tough guys when they are in a pack attacking a completely unsuspecting person...from behind....with a weapon yet? Simply because he was decorated soldier? Those little punks have no idea what that soldier went through, or what he did to earn those medals.... They are not worthy to sit in the same room as him IMO. Send them to prison for a year or two...let them see how "not" tough they really are, and learn the lesson their own way. Panzy Assed punks....They make me want to puke.
  17. Looks like a great time. Sure got me itching for some spring Laker action... On another month and a half Thanks for sharing
  18. Very cool little video... Agressive little buggers....love the Swarming technique.
  19. Envious....nice part of the country Thanks for sharing.
  20. Well, Not to burst the bubble, but if we're giving first had expereince stories... 2 freinds of mine had 2001 + model Civics. One retunred it at the end of his lease due to electiral issues, and a bad transmition. The other sold it, after haveing...you guessed it Electircal Issues, and having the Tranny done. Both guys were commuters...K-town to Toronto. Not sure if they both got lemons or what? For the record though....one of the two owned a 90's model Before buying his last one. (1990 I think?) That older one lasted him till he bought new, and he had no major issues to speak of. (He got rid of it because the Body Rusted out.) I'm a GM guy myself but "if" I was going to choose an import....it would be a Civic or a Corolla
  21. Jerks... Makes me angry as well. I hope they nail them. Ya...little to neat and tidey for an animal kill. Looks to be "piled" up a bit?
  22. Semi-Automatics are a valuable Firearm for bird hunters in particular....pulling the trigger for 3 shots with out haveing to, pump and re-aim is great for us not so acurate guys LOL... And I agree entirely with you Garry... One step at a time Fire arms are being restricted to help lower crime rates...but its not the "LEGAL" guns comitting these crimes!!!! Its criminals useing "ILLEGAL" guns. The registry was a disaster that cost a fortune and solved not one crime.... The systems we have in place are good, and its made getting LEGAL guns difficult, and have inturn enforced strong Gun safety standards. Fully Automatics are already Illegal, and I'm ok with that... But to start banning Semi-automatics that have practical applications for Hunters is going to far.... How will banning a Semi-automatic help anything at all anyway? it makes zero sence to me? Its time to start getting tougher on Criminals...not law abiding hunters, target shooters, and collectors.
  23. 2 years ago My Pops hooked a MONSTER musky in G-bay...fishing for Pickeral But My dad had no chance of landing it...6lb test, on a 2" Rapala Classic story LOL He thought he snagged the bottom... Then it did a wicked head shake and jumped...errr..."Flopped" twice right close to the boat, and then Luckily the beast spit him out, rather then snap him off. But I swear on all that is holy... That fish would have been "close enough" to contimplate a run to the post office...
  24. Did the Turkey course last year, She's a bit dry, lotts focus on safety (good thing IMO) And a lot of upselling of product LOL... But I'm glad I got it done.
  25. I don't know that I would agree with that...Its different in every region I would bet, but as a whole I would guess the opposite to be true. I don't need to look further then Kids I see every day. 90% of them are good kids...but even the good ones seem to talk the talk, dress the part, and have a sense of entitlement about them. Its fashionable to be bad unfortunately. But I completely agree the Paddle statement... Any teacher smacks either of my 2 girls...they had better go into hiding. My Wife and I will discipline my Children, if its a repeat problem...I'll swat I've no issue with spanking, but I want to be the one to set the limit...everyone’s different True... Kids are only as bad as we allow them to be. If you raise 'em right, and give them a sense of right & wrong, & some how manage to keep them humble....they should be just fine.
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