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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Agreed.... Hopefully someday that changes, and they have the opportunity to make the changes.
  2. I love the idea of elective high school courses....wish they did that when I was in High school. I have often thought the same thing about the licensing system, and wondered if a test would not be in order? I can't say I would oppose it being it could not possibly do any harm, and would more then likely educate a lot of people to the in's and out's of angling. Perhaps they could Grandfather a clause in for Anglers who have been licensed for over 10 years? Just a thought? Sure, It would end up being a cash grab, and not necessarily deter Illegal poaching in every instance, but as Bigfish said it would lend a hand in showing added levels of responsibility, and thusly could allow offenders to be easily prosecuted with little to no sympathy. We could infact see harsher penalties instated, and carried out setting an example for future poachers.... If the Ministry Picked up the job, and it was properly billed and outlined we could see a higher cash flow going to the MNR...and then possibly see more Enforcement officers on the water. definitely more of a positive then a negative IMO.
  3. That was a great read, and most definatly the best post I've read to date! Some impressive results as well I might add... Thanks so much for sharing that. I'm headed in with My dad first week of May...those father son trips are the stuff memories are made of. (mind you my 4 brothers will be there as wll so Portaging wil be a bit easier)
  4. Nice looking lakers, and a detailed report to boot!!! That water looks cold LOL...Strange resemblance to Colpoys bay with the Aqua tint, and rocks? Thanks for sharing.
  5. I see the waters come down and cleared a bit.... Might have to make a day trip my self That is if I can ever get a day off..... Thanks for sharing, Cheers,
  6. I was wondering were you had run off to? Welcome back I guess any day now Jonny Bass will be back as well?...
  7. Cripes! Sorry to hear you had such a rough go, But glad to hear your on the mend. Tace care,
  8. I' am guessing they feed it? That is incredibly odd to have a big Cat come that close, let alone stick around for a close encounter with a camera? If they are not feeding it... I'd be very worried about the mind frame/mental health of that particular cat. But either way those are some cool pics. Thanks for shareing.
  9. Tell me about it... I'm have a canoe trip to Algonquin May 2nd, and the lakes are still frozen right now. although they are not safe to walk on, and are melting fairly quickly....and the 23 degree weather forecast for next week should get them open. Your up quite a bit futher north but I'd imagine you'll be ok by then? I'll cross my my fingers for you
  10. nuthin here in K-town. Just a lotta wind....and I'm ok with that
  11. Only 16" ??? Dang...I can't wait to hear the ice is out. Nice looking Spec there in the last shot....been fed well. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Dont forget cabela's huge online selection Love my durango... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/...i517248sn01.jpg Light, waterproof, tough, and a ton of room, with stapping to attach a few extra's etc...
  13. It better start warming up soon.... 3 weeks from today I plan to wet my paddles, and the snow right now has me nervous...
  14. What the heck?.... 15cm of snow over night is forecast for Kitchener....Is this some sort of sick joke?
  15. BigSwede caught a few mooneys on Quite last year. Not exsactly what we were after though LOL...
  16. Sad indeed, Our soldiers are committed to their Mission, the least we can do is support them IMO.
  17. If its a lift you want I stumbled across these used... http://toronto.kijiji.ca/f-boat-lift-W0QQi...ordZboatQ20lift hope it helps?
  18. I'll second the mepps minnow... I have one from days past n My box. I've never seen them sold seperate from the Spinner though?
  19. I'm no expert but My guess is Those are not Adult cats....still young enough to hang out with Mom. But I don't imagine they would for much longer, once that snows gone I'm guessing they are on their own.
  20. I Did try Fire line once.... I must have got a bad spool or something because it got reeeeeely frayed in a short period of time? I liked its non-stretch factor, and strength was good, but I found the Diameter was noticably thicker then PP?
  21. Different lines for different situations I S'pose. I use PP for pretty much all aplications except for 4 scenarios... #1- When useing Light action Spinning gear for Spring time, specs, Lakers, and steelhead. #2- fall Trout fishing.... #3- Open water down rigging for Salmon/steelhead and lakers.... #4- On the Fly rod in search of Browns... So basicaly I use it for everything except Salmonoids. When after them little beuties....I use P-line.(rave reviews on both products personally) Might try P-line Halo this year....we'll see But I have to point out the no stretch factor of PP makes it Ideal for hook sets...especialy when trolling.
  22. Man....lottsa info there. My eyes are burning LOL....
  23. Absolutely an April fools joke... Heard this one on another board already. No worries guys, Algonquin is safe for another year LOL...
  24. Good job!!! Keep at it, and you'll be so glad you did... Its s tough climb but the veiw from the top of that mountain is awesome. (I've been in those shoes, and am 7 years smoke free) Nothing worse then admitting defeat now... It makes all the effort of your last month meaningless....bring it home bud and finsih the job.
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