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rob v

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Everything posted by rob v

  1. Fantastic end to this terrible story. I am so happy for the family !!
  2. congrat's on the move to Blenheim. my family and i lived there for 12 years - nice place to have a family. The Thames is a nice place to spend some time in the spring for early spring walleye - can't remember the name of the small community (Kent bridge ?) but spend some time asking around and you'll find out the spots. Also in the spring the cuts at Rondeau Estates were always a nice place to spend some time soaking up the spring sunshine and crappie fishing - just observe the no trespassing signs. Rondeau park - along the north part of the spit/shore of the bay has lots of spots to fish early in the spring also. Rondeau bay is great for ice fishing - as is the thames when the ice is safe ! enjoy
  3. Well done- nice report ! thanks for sharing
  4. you got me thinking - our kids are grown and doing their own thing. For years (not quite as nice as this) we went to various provincial parks and did the tenting and tent trailer thing. Now my wife and I have some time to ourselves. We did the algonquin thing (acray campground - one of the less popular ones) this summer and while we ended up next to a site with about 3 separate families on it (quite lively at times) we did enjoy the "remoteness". The backpacking and hard-core camping thing isn't for us - but I got to thinking this might make a nice trip for the two of us. I'm going to have to see what she thinks. This place looks very reasonable and remote all at the same time. Do you know if the other outpost camps they have are similar ?
  5. Great report - thanks for sharing. Looks like you and your family had a wonderful time. You're a very fortunate man !
  6. Great stuff - thanks for sharing.
  7. I understand the japanese auto parts plant outside simcoe is always looking for people - Tiatsu ? (I'm sure i haven't spelled that correctly) - apparently not the greatest place in the world to work - but until you find what you want it might fill a hole or two
  8. rob v

    RIP Jack

    He gave his life for this country and his politics. A fine Canadian.
  9. Ryan - buying a tent tailer was the best thing my wife and I did for camping with the kids. You'll love it and it doesn't have to be extravagant. We did plenty of tent camping with our two kids while they were small and enjoyed it, but buying a small tent trailer made the whole experience much more enjoyable. In bad weather you could still function, and move around and best of all you were off the ground. Much more comfortable and much more convenient. We used ours a ton - but after the cables busted putting more money into it just didn't make sense and the unit pretty much rotted away after that. But it didn't owe us anything that's for sure. Kinda wish we still had it though - now that the kids have grown up my wife and I have done a bit of tenting again - and a trailer would make that a much more enjoyable/easier exercise !!
  10. Looks like a great spot - thanks for sharing !
  11. If that guy had been beating a rat with his shovel - nobody would have cared - what's the difference ? His neighbours just lived too close. what he should have done is what Leechman did - except he should have tied a brick to that cage - and taken that coon for a swim.
  12. Yup - there are a lot of problems in society these days - the environment, politics, rich vs poor, have vs have not, etc. But all this video proves to me is that some (most ?) of these "protestors" are nothing more than troublemakers, thugs & bums with nothing better to do than causwe trouble and help themselves to something that isn't theirs - looters and muggers.
  13. aren't they defined as varmints/pests when they do that sort of thing ? 22 usually takes care of the problem.
  14. Hey thanks for the info guys - I'd like to make a run out there this fall - I hear that's when they really pack on the pounds - but it'll have to be when the weather's right. Got the co-ordinates for nanticoke shoal from the local long point web board. Thanks anyways.
  15. my mercury dealer recommends Star tron fuel treatment. might wanna give that a try.
  16. Is this the nanticoke reef you're talking about - I've never fished there but i've heard plenty about it - I'd like to give it a try sometime. Where would be the closest place to launch from to get there ?
  17. You want more opportunities like this ?- I must get a dozen a week - and lots of cheap pharmaceuticals, mail order brides, real estate, credit card deals ... everything !! I'll send them your way ! The internet is such a wonderful place ! )
  18. well done !
  19. Great report on what was obviously a great trip - thanks for sharing (take me next time ?).
  20. Fantastic - you guys did a great job !!
  21. I've been away form the board for a bit but I'm really impressed with the news & updates ! Fantastic progress ! Sounds like small (big) miracles are happening every day !!
  22. Thanks a lot Wayne - looks very workable !!
  23. Fantastic spirit !! It's great to see her smiling and enjoying life no matter what it hands her. We take our health so much for granted, almost makes me feel ashamed when i complain about my minor aches and pains.
  24. And if your double car garage has a partition like mine (two garage doors) you're really euchered - won't even get in the door !
  25. thanks guys. - yes the great lakes isn't on it - but lowrance has Erie and St Clair already programmed into it albeit not in a lot of detail- and those are the only two "great lakes" I fish in. I'm having a dickens of a time trying to find a list of the lakes on the 2007 edition over the net - any ideas ? Having thought about it I may decide to purchase the newest/latest edition - while it's another $70 at least I'll have the latest info and I know what lakes are on it !!
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