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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. about time we got a fishin report from you. Your digital scale is screwed. That bass fish is 7-8 pounds at the most. You probably have one of the cheap digital scales. You need to buy a $18945785 scale if you want to get an actual correct weight. Nice fish by the way. PS that crappie is a hair under 4 pounds I bet. You guys from down south always exagerate the size of your fish.
  2. Hey Chandru The tourney is over for this year. You had to be using the whole dollarama kit including the rod and reel. Maybe next year. Those poppers are good though.
  3. The Japan fish is 1 ounce bigger than Perry's but to beat a world record the fish has to be 2 ounces bigger. That is my understanding. Therefore, it is considered a tie.
  4. If she doesn't mind you going by yourself then keep her. If she gets annoyed at your "fishing all the time" then I have to agree with radnine, throw her back. She ain't a keeper. If she is just your girlfriend and she gives you grief, she will really give you trouble when you get married. Get out while you can. Find a girl who likes to fish. PS. Being Romantic and fishing have nothing to do with each other. Leave the romance stuff to other activities, like theater, dinners, walks etc. For me fishing really isn't romantic. I would rather fish with the boys, but that is just my opinion. Good luck
  5. Jitterbug is a winner as is a black spinnerbait for largies. We use a couple others as well. I like baits that make more noise than frogs but if you are fishing the heavy stuff your options are limited.
  6. Well, to me, weight carries more weight than measuring length (pardon the pun). Measuring length is great for musky and big pike but for bass, I don't think length works very well. As soon as the FLW or Bass start using length as their official method of judging fish tournaments then I might buy into it. Until then I want to know its weigh, not its length. By the way I have caught about 5 bass this year that were 21". Their weight varied dramatically even from the same body of water and the same time of year and none of them would have had any eggs inside.
  7. Man, stuff like this happens all the time. I have done way worse than that on the water and trying to get boats out as well. My favourite part might be the fact that this is the second time this has happened to you. lol.
  8. I kind of like the mini version. I want to show it to a cop.
  9. Wow. Reminds me of a fishing trip I once took. Then my wife kcked me and I woke up in front of my tv watching a infomercials. Are you kidding me with those fish. That is nuts. Speaking of wives; you either don't have one (don't think that is the case), or she is a very cool wife indeed.
  10. I caught a 21" smallie near opening day it weighed 3.04 pounds. I caught a 21" smallie the other day it weighed 5.30 pounds. You point is valid for musky though. You are right 19" bass might weigh 3 pounds.
  11. Got mine the other day but had technical difficulties wehn I printed out the temporary copy. It is tiny!!! Can't wait to give it to a policeman. Here you go officer, hope you brought your magnifying glass! It's wafer thin
  12. close to 5 I would say. Hard to tell. I guess you didn't measure it with a tape measure.
  13. Wow! Are you still married? If you are, make sure she does not see what you just wrote. that was funny.
  14. Water level is down in Simcoe considerably. They drain it every fall for what I assume is so the ice does not damage properties or flood come spring (not really sure). Anyway Simcoe is a big lake and to make it drop by over 1 foot you have to move lots of water. Where does it go? How do they do it so fast? Seems like they do it in a day or two. (where is the big plug? lol) What a pain launching the boat yesterday by myself. Had to pretty put exhaust underwter to get boat off trailer.
  15. I am not fishing for largies. Here is the problem. I fish for smallies because I know where they are and I know I will be successful. I have very limited fishing time so I go where I know I can catch quality fish. I have a few spots for largies but they are farther away from where I live and there are lots of 1-2 pounders but no real hogs. I know how to catch largies and whenever I have a chance I do catch them. I was planning to go fish largies but my fishing partner bailed on me so I went to my old stomping grounds. If I have 4 hours to fish and that includes travel time, I am going to go where I know I can catch fish. I guess I should have complained about fishing time rather than not catching big largemouthes.
  16. Wow. Nice afternoon/evening. Your dad must have loved it. You guys got into some quality fish.
  17. Lol. I thought you were the teacher dude not the student.
  18. Sorry Man Only found out I was going solo after midnight and I was leaving the house at 5am. Did not give me much of a window to get a fill in.
  19. That is my friend's boat. We usually fish together but he was away. He doesn't mind if I use it. He is cool that way.
  20. I do appreciate Simcoe and the size of the smallies there but I really need to catch a 5 pound largie. I am not bored of catching big smallies, I just need to change it up and catch a big largie (I should actually go out target them). They seem so much more significant than a 5 pound smallie. Ok enough complaining about catching big smallmouth. Here is the what happened this morning. Got up early because I knew I only had a few hours to fish. Went alone but I almost posted here late last night to see if anyone wanted to come. I got to one of my spots and the amount of fish I was markig was insame. I even turned the sensitivity way down but the screen was still covered with fish. Big balls of baitfish and they were always surrounded by big fish. They were feeding but it was really hard to get the to bite. I was trying everything from tubes to drop shots, to crankbaits but only managed one small one. There were little minnows jumping all around and huge carp jumping right out of the water all over the place. After having very little luck there I left there and went to a second spot. The second spot started producing some really good perch of a deep diving crankbait in 21' of water. I took three 12" perch home for a snack. It was the second spot that also produced my 2 biggest bass of the day. Both came on the crankbait, one was in 14' of wter and the other in 21' of water. The second fish was the biggest smallie I have ever caught on a crankbait. I have caught bigger smallies but never on a crankbait. Here are the pics Lots of fish but very few takers this morning. Some really nice perch from 20' of water. Nice smallie. Great fight, jumped many times, barely hooked Big smallmouth. Was very fat (pics don't do it justice). Stayed deep the whole time, no jumps. 5.30 pounds. Good fish.
  21. PB smallie. Fat pic in November hence the moustache for Movember.
  22. I live about 45 mins from Toronto but in these parts we is votin Conservative.
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