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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. I used to fish the assinaboine (sp) pretty mcuh every night in teh summer when I lived there. In the area near tuxedo. I used to take a 2 min bike ride and catch some smaller cats and a bunch of other fish. I also used to go to whiteshell area. Big pike and nice walleye. Those places are near enough to winnipeg. I went to a cottage one weekend up in the Pas on clear lake and did very well with big northerns but that is like a 5 hour drive. LOTW is reasonable for a good weekend trip
  2. Just joined yesterday and had 2 posts. 2 posts in this thread are his so I would say you have not missed it. Might have PMed though. I have a buddy who went to Tamgami this summer and this weekend is heading to St.Clair to try for musky. I am sure it is not him though because he would not choose the name chaddy-boi. lol
  3. Hmmm. Good knot. My thought is that your setup should handle this fish. Maybe the fish was bigger than 35"
  4. Cudz


    That was sweet! OHHHHHHHHH!!!! lol
  5. Cool Mike, Just a question. What type of knot were you using on your setup? It is possible that the knot slipped if you were using braid.
  6. I am 25 years into baitcasters and I still get birdsnests from time to time. Here is my bit of advice. You need time using it to get familiar with it. Every baitcaster is slightly different but the set up is essentially the same. First of all I would go to an an open field with about 1/ oz -3/4 of weight. I would use cheap old mono for the first couple of times (after you get the hang of it and learn how to pick and pull out birdsnests I would switch to a quality braid.) Start with the tension fairly tight and learn how to thumb the spool. After you get the hang of keeping thumb near or on line then start practicing with less tension and longer cast. You will get the hang of it quickly. Remember to put you thumb on the spool just as the lure is entering the water. Make sure there is no tree, cusion, person, or other object behind you when you cast. If you get caught on anything behind you and then throw, say goodnight to the whole spool of line. Like anything the more you practice the better you will become
  7. Wow Jaydub. Don't sugar coat it. Tell us how you really feel about Steve-o
  8. I used to live in the Peg and I would fish the red near the big dam. Always caught big cats, big carp and big sheephead. There were also big Pelicans everywhere. Everything big.
  9. Hey Jacques, I hope the water temp was 64 degrees F not C. ! Maybe you guys are fishing in hot springs.
  10. I rarely target pike but I might just give a go this weekend. My understanding is that bigger pike move out to deeper water in the fall. I will be trolling between 23 and 40ft. What lures do you recommend. I have a few deep taildancers, some bigger storm lures, some big husky jerks, some big spinners and spinnerbaits, some sebile magic swimmers, all types and sizes of lipless cranks and of course spoons. Do you recommend a dipsy diver or should I try a three way swivel with 1-2 oz weight or should I just troll the baits as they are without an aid to assist them get deeper? I only have 2 days on the lake, so I am trying to eliminate some options so I can focus on a few. I am not really interested in 30" pike here. I can catch those. I want fish that are closer to 40" (don't we all). I am open to any suggestions. THe lake I will be fishing will be just north of Muskoka if that makes a difference.
  11. OOps. that looks like about $120 launch ramp incident. Forgot to lift the motor? What size and pitch is it and number of splines?
  12. Nice fish. How did the boat launching and take-out go? lol
  13. I had an opening for a cottage that I was going to very soon for the weekend and I almost posted on here to fill the opening but I found someone to fill it. Sorry Jim
  14. If deer had guns they would be shooting at us. Deer = Food.
  15. nice chrome. I think I know that spot... I recognize the ragweed in the background
  16. nice fish ear hooker. I hope you gt him on OFC. IF he comes on he better have the name ear hooker. Maybe he is already here.
  17. You are 100% correct. I learned that fact after the fact. Vanish is not to be used as a leader in any situation. Just wish I knew that earlier. As long as we learn from our mistakes after the 3rd or 4th time we should be fine.
  18. That is what I did with my Berkley vanish as well (well without the whole fisre thing). Opening day 2 years ago I have some vanish tied on as leader onto braid. On the end of my line was my prize posession custom painted pointer 100. 2 casts in and the vanish breaks off randomly 6" from the end. I almost cried. I almost punched my fishing partner as well. Since then I have stayed away from that blue box and the gold box vanish. evil stuff and not good at all for leaders.
  19. Shhhh! OFC members, misfish is a liar. All he does is lies. I can't believe these slanderous remarks that you speak. I might have to notify the mods about this.
  20. That is a great trip. I have to do that with my dad. He is still an avid fisherman and a fly-in would be sweet. Your dad's pike is a really clean looking beast.
  21. With his mouth. Sorry could not resist. again, sorry Bill.
  22. West side? THere are no fish on the west side! Stay away from the west side! I repeat, no fish on the west side of Simcoe. Nice fish Steve. I have some slammers in a very similar smoke colour. Just a quick question. Are you hitting weedbeds? Just wondering because it looks like you are texas riggin the hook. I usually nose hook them with a 1/0 or 2/0 octopus or circle. I guess draggin on the bottom like that you are just getting less snags. I have often thought about carolina rigging or split shot rigging the slammers but I tend to just go with the old faithful dropshot rig. PM sent.
  23. Ryan that is funny. I have never been sea sick and Ihave been in some serious swells in the sea but I am sure my day will come.
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