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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Is that still open? Go through Atherly and turn left at the Atherly Arms. lol
  2. Did the same thing this time last year and came home with a huge skunk as well. Can't explain.
  3. Nice job. Glad to see you made it to barrie.
  4. Aside from the obvious like Petty and Earnhart, I would have to go with DW and Bill Elliot when he hangs them up. Cale Yarborough is a great choice.
  5. I would have been much more interested in this thread if Rick's name was replaced with Dave's.
  6. i will. but i need to fish in shallower. I am catching fish in 30'. I will try trolling it for a bit nearer to shore. Here is what I will do. I will run a weight about 2ft in front and make it sink down. I desperately want to catch something on it. I will try tomorrow.
  7. Hey Ryan, Find a nice day in the next week or 2 (hopefully things warm up) and bring her up here (long drive maybe). You can't go wrong with kids catching fish in the bay here. You are so close to shore that you are not really affected by waves at all unless the wind is from the east. Constant fish all day and vey close to shore and calm waters.
  8. Nice job ryan. I am out there tomorrow morning again. I use the exact same thing; Jigging spoons and drop shot plastics. Surprised you didn't get any smallies. I am actually going to target smallies tomorrow. There must be a million perch out there because if your lure is down for more than a minute without a hit then it must not be running right or it has weeds on it.
  9. nice pics of the trees. I drive up there everyday and appreciate the colours. Sorry about the weather and the lack of fish.
  10. lol. yeah I did. Oh well, I guess everyone knows what the Orillia waterfront looks like anyway
  11. As usual Steve, great fish! Sorry to hear about the marina fiasco
  12. 5.64 pounds. Congrats, nice smallie. I am out for 3 hours tomorrow. Trying to catch a 5.65 pounder . Will let you know how it goes.
  13. my kids insist on dressing themselves. sometimes it works and othertimes not so much.
  14. I am not a wolverine wannabe. I am wolverine. lol I grew it for parent teacher interviews. The principal told me to dress up. SHe meant look respectable and I misunderstood her and thought she meant dress up as a super hero. Don't think she was so impressed but the students loved it. here is the pic of the bigger smallie. Finally got it off my phone.
  15. Not too big. Just in front of fountain off wreck. Lots of fish. Mostly cookie cutter perch 9" long. several 10s a few 11s but only one 12. I took 7 home for dinner.
  16. No, got loads of perch, 1 sunfish, and 2 smallies. Fished between 26 and 32'. There were times when my finder screen was black with fish from about 15-30' in 30' of water. All my fish were on jigging spoons but my daughter caught loads on a worms.
  17. lol. That doesn't happen everyday. nice boat! My sister lives on Lake Manitoba or Winnipeg, can't remember which marsh. I used to go to a place (memory is failing me) with huge pike and nice eyes. The name whiteshell rings a bell, but I don't kow if that was it. I do remember that it was a river that had been widened I think. Actually I don't have a clue what I am taklking about. IT was only 15 years ago and I can't remember. I will try and get the name of the area for you. Anyway it was like 2 hours from the Peg and the fishig was good.
  18. lol. that is funny. Let's just say that fishing with dad for 3 hours was not their number 1 choice of things to do on a nice Saturday afternoon. Having said that, aside from caramel popcorn all over the boat and a few fights and some tears, it all went pretty smoothly. It did get cooler later but luckily I thought ahead and brought snow pants and winter jackets for all of them.
  19. I actually did get a pass today. My wife is a good woman.
  20. My wife had some work to do so I managed to slip out of the house with the kids to do a little fishing on my favourite lake. Inspired by Knightfisher's "Knightspoons" I decided to cut the handle off a spoon in the drawer and make a jigging spoon with it. Got out on the lake and tried it out. Managed 3 perch right away but the lure tangles more than other spoons. Anyway, I only used jigging spoons and had action for the whole 3 hours. Besides all the perch, I also managed 2 nice smallies. One was small and the other quite a bit bigger but my camera died and I had to take a pic on my phone. Now my phone won't allow me to send the pic to my email. Maybe I am doning something wrong. 2 of my girls fished and they both caught fish. My youngest (3) tried for about a minute but didn't manage anything. My eldest caught loads of perch drop shotting a worm. We shared many double headers this afternoon. If anyone knows how I can get the pic off my phone that would be helpful. I tried seding it as a picture message but it won't allow me to connect with the net. It says error code 26. THe phone does not have a usb cable/hookeup either. Nice day on the lake and I am not ready to put the boat away yet. Pic of the girls with a little perch Pic of the little smallmouth. Yes those are Wolverine sideburns! This is my homemade spoon. Wife was not happy about me cutting up spoons.
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