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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Yes to most of your questions try dragging tubes in the 30ft area.
  2. nice day. Probably a goby but could be a sculpin. I believe they are native to the lake. I picked up a rock the other day and there was one laying under it. It was darker than a gody but similar shape.
  3. That is big. Wow. I am a bit confused from your post. THe fish actually weighed 45 pounds but yout thought it was only 30 or 35? Either way, that is a huge great lakes fish. congrats With your weight guessing skill it might be safe to say that your dad's fish wasn't 25 pounds, it probably weighed 35
  4. Not a carp fan but that is impressive indeed.
  5. nice. which l. gibson is this?
  6. don't put a swivel on the weight. Drop shot = lost weights. Might as well just lose weights instead of weights and swivels. If I am drop shotting all day and have to worry about line twist, I will sometimes put a small swivel (without snap) about 15.35" above my hook.
  7. I agree 100% with the whole colour shape thing at night. At night it is often a reaction strike. The fish won't even see the beautiful leapard frog paint job. I do look for slightly darker colours though and I think there can be lures that are too noisy at times and those that are not noisy enough at other times. I always like fishing with someone else in the boat at night. Aside from it being safer we often throw different topwater baits until someone is really outfishing the other person then we both throw the same bait. I guess it is the fish telling us what kind of comotion they want to eat.
  8. Wow I remember that story from back in 1989 or around that time. Maybe it is just one of the urban legends.
  9. Yeah I know what you mean about 12-18. I hae been catching in 13 - 18 as well. They are moving out a bit. The topwater night bite is done completely. Last 2 times I have ben out only 2 blowups and no fish at night. They are getting fat.
  10. Good fish. That is some serious slop out there.
  11. smallmouth. yes poppers, jitterbugs and others. By the time you get here they might not be nearly as accessible from shore. When do you arrive?
  12. i top water on simcoe almost everynight. I do it from shore quite often. Very possible to do. Little lake as well. Simoce,l topwater at dusk, night and dawn only.
  13. It is working now. thanks. sorry for the panic
  14. It is trying to go windows live
  15. My hotmail is all reconfigured and it won't really let me get my mail. Anyone else having issues at all? Is there a fix?
  16. Both of those were not producing so went with a silver blue Northern King down 60 ft over 120 ft of water
  17. Here are the official unofficial result of the Dollarama Derby. It was a cut-throat tournament that went down to the wire. One agler ros above all others to claim the title. Congrats to Bigugli with a total of 34.5"!!! Congrats to T.J. Quesnel with the Big fish of the tournament a 15.5" smallmouth! Lots of broken equipment and lots of should have could stories. Good job to those who actually participated and tried to catch fish on such qualiyt equpment. Here are the results: Fisherman - number of fish - total length 1. Bigugli 3 fish 34.5" 2. T.J. Quesnel 2 fish 25.5" 3. Fish Farmer 1 fish 13" 4. Cudz 1 fish 12.9" 5. Jocko 1 fish 12" PS if there are any results I have missed or miscalculated let me know. If you want to see some of the tournament stories and pictures see the above sticky post at top of the page!
  18. Here are the official unofficial result of the Dollarama Derby. It was a cut-throat tournament that went down to the wire. One agler ros above all others to claim the title. Congrats to Bigugli with a total of 34.5"!!! Congrats to T.J. Quesnel with the Big fish of the tournament a 15.5" smallmouth! Lots of broken equipment and lots of should have could stories. Good job to those who actually participated and tried to catch fish on such qualiyt equpment. Here are the results: Fisherman - number of fish - total length 1. Bigugli 3 fish 34.5" 2. T.J. Quesnel 2 fish 25.5" 3. Fish Farmer 1 fish 13" 4. Cudz 1 fish 12.9" 5. Jocko 1 fish 12" PS if there are any results I have missed or miscalculated let me know.
  19. THere are NO fish in lake Simcoe! That is a fact!
  20. I am going to get another reel. I am going to get another lure as well. I want to catch a 4+ bass on the rig. I love the rigger pics. Youhave to ctch something. Be prepared to hand line it in though.
  21. see dollarama post Jon. Did you get out today? 4.40 I laughed and so JT. I guessed it was 4.6 as well but I was wrong. JT fell in the water off the boat today as well. I will explain later.
  22. I was running it slow. It was working fine in the end the problem was I was in almost 15ft of water and it couldn't get down. I need to throw in about 6-10 ft. Not my boat today but tomorrow I will take my boat. I was actually impressed with the wiggle. IT moved more than I thought it would.
  23. That is a good fish. It is a largemouth but it is big (looks a bit hungry though)
  24. I finally have an entry but with a bit of a tragic story. I busted out the dollarama gear and I tried to cast a bit. Anyone who owns one of these reels knows that they don't cast worth a crap and they reel in the line even worse. At $2 per reel I feel somehow I got fleeced. Anyway, bad reel aside, I decided to troll one my baits that kind of looks like a little big O. It was doing well and I had a fish on but lost it. A few minutes later I got another hit and manged to land a 12.99" smallie. I don't think this combo can actually handle much more than that unless in the hands of a fishing Magician (TJ). My line was a mess and I ended up hand bombing the fish in for the last 10ft or so. After landing the fish I was eager to get my nait back in the water but it would not run true. It kept surfacing behind the boat. The eye which connects to the line had come loose and made the bait spiral. I tried trolling my other lures but no luck. I had good intentions to start jigging when an unfortunate accident ended my dollarama dream. My reel broke apart. Here are my pics. Two easy perch and I could have won this thing. the setup The fish (note birds nest line) The measurement The carnage
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