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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. nice fish. great background. lol. I would have done the mosaic pattern instead, it allows the others to kind of think they know your spot. lol! I actually have a pic of a 21" crappie of my own but nobody believes me that it is 21" so I won't post it.
  2. My buddy did his hunting course in late October, bought a cross bow the following week (he says it was a good one), went to a range and calibrated his sight, went out and waited in a tree stand for 2 hours and shot his first deer ever. Maybe it was just beginners luck but he says he thinks he everything right. He even called it in 3 buck noises and 2 doe moos (not sure what the proper terms are but I am pretty sure those are not them. lol). Tricky 40 yard shot but hit it perfectly. It only ran for about 20 yards and died within minutes. Pictures were taken after he changed his clothes. Pretty good result. not a huge dear but it was his first so he was stoked. I don't hunt (wife not a big fan of it) but he is my fishing partner so I shared in his excitement.
  3. outriggers. lol. I had a 11' that was too unstable as well. I just got used to it. No sudden movements or else you will have a sudden movement.
  4. Last year I went with the handlebars. The year before I went with a crazy sideburn stache. This year I am keeping it thin and dirty. French style with a touch of Mexican. 100% greasy. Here is how it looks so far. Remember it is still early.
  5. I am hoping to get a 7 this fall as well. Managed to just nose 7 last fall and judging by the length of my moustach it was well into Nov. when I caught her. Still time.
  6. Nice fish. Great extention. good work. I haven't been out in over 2 weeks and I am so anxious. I won't get out until the 13th of Nov. Hope they are still eating.
  7. Nothing big yet this year. Caught lots of 4+ pound bass this year but only one over 5 (so far). this was 5.3 pounds. I will be out again in the next 2 weeks so I should crush that if all goes well.
  8. I am all in. This will be my third Movember. Started today and already have a nice one carved in. Not a huge cookie duster like the last couple of years. This year I am going with a frech styled three musketeers look. My wife hates this month. lol.
  9. Nice job Dave. Might have to get out there on KBay this week. Dragging tubes can be boring but you can't argue witht he results.
  10. What can't you fish out of? The toneau cover on the back could be converted to a nice fishing platform. You could have a roll bacl toneau cover on teh front for a front platform as well. I assume the engine is in the back.
  11. I have seen some interesting amphibious vehicles before but this is the most interesting I have ever seen. Apart from the guy being cheesy and the fact that it says Chick Magnet at the end, I think this is pretty cool.
  12. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure Bill was kidding. It was a tongue in cheek comment hence the smilie. I may be wrong but I bet he was being sarcastic.
  13. Nice fish. Gotta love girls who fish.
  14. Got the shot today at 3:30. My hand was kind of forced. Needle was fine. Didn't even feel it but now, about 9 hours later i can feel it. I believe it is an intermuscular vaccine. feels like I just had a shoulder workout.
  15. Just got back from my doctor. Because my daughter has the H1n1 (MAYBE)??? All my family got the shot. The rest of my family got it yesterday and I just came back from getting it. Didn't feel a thing but my kids and wife tell me their arm is really hurting them. We'll see tomorrow. Not sure what to make of all of this. Many kids missing from school today again.
  16. My situation exactly. One daughter has it and we were forced to get the shot (except for the child who has it). My wife and 2 of my other children got the shot. I am supposed to get it tomorrow at 830 but I can`t make it. I am kind of thinking I might not get the shot but then who knows. So many conflicting reports. I am a teacher and teach North (actually west) of Orillia. I would say I have about 5 kids per class missing. That is above normal. I have a hard time believing this is an issue but when perfectly healthy kids are starting to die it becomes a bit scary.
  17. From what I hear they are very good. Recoil eyes?
  18. There is a funny shirt I have seen that says "Does this shirt make my bass look big" and it has a pic of a bass on it.
  19. Great report Your pics are always so good (not to mention your fish) FBI is the funniest thing I have seen for a while. He was big indeed.
  20. Cool. That is what I figured. Thanks Rob
  21. THere is an article on page 57 with regards to fall smallie fishing. Good enough read and it continues onto page 58. Now here is where I am a bit confused. I thought you were not allowed to keep or transport muskie under 54". Is there a rule that you can keep them in the livewell to brind them "back to life"? I don't really care, I was just curious. On page 58 of this month's OOD It talks about the finish to their day. I will quote the article "a boat idles up alonside us. "I've got a 44-inch muskie," says the angler. "DO you think you guys could take my picture?" "You've come to the right place," I say, grabbing my camera and stepping into the 16-foot aluminum. Josh, from Sudbry, hoists athe handsome specimen from his livewell for a few shots before sliding the great fish back into the water." There is also a pic of Josh and his muskie. Is it ok to put the muskie in the livewell? Are the rules different up near Sault Ste Marie? I am glad the fish was released just a bit confused. I have seen on some shows where they keep muskie in a super oxyginated bag for some time (up to an hour) to make sure it is healthy and can be released. I think that was on LSC. This is a fishing hunting mag so I am sure they know what is legal and what is not. Again, not trying to stir, just wondering if what was talked about in the pages was on the up and up.
  22. run the tag end back through the eye of the hook from the top down after tying the knot
  23. Are those bass grey with a forked tail by chance?
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