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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. I am close to you in Oakville..... if he does flake out (well lets hope not!!) we can amass an army of OFC'rs and will meet you at his place and park outside and not leave till you get the running boat or the cash back lol..... Burt
  2. Way to go Moosebunk and family! A quick fish in the local creek yielded one trout on but none landed Cleaned up the spots I hit though..... http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y225/Burtess/IMG_0723_zps28433955.jpg~original Burt *can't get it to post the pic so it is visible in the thread (been having problems with photobucket and posting pics lately!!
  3. I don't want to see any fish.......start your own threads if you want to post fish pictures This thread is to post a pic of the bag of garbage you pick up on your travels tomorrow. I always try to remember to bring a bag with me when fishing the tribs, even just a smaller grocery bag full taken out each time makes a difference. It's often like the empty building.... once one window is broken, all the others are very soon to follow. Some people, if they see garbage strewn about will surely add to it, but if it is a clean and natural area, they may think twice. Lets all do our part tomorrow and bring some extra out with us! This is one from a few years ago.... the fishing was slow so I filled the bag lol.... Burt
  4. Yep, my pass for HRCA is for a full vehicle as well and it is a swipe card. This is nice as you can use it with any vehicle you are in at the time. I know the GRCA pass is a sticker for each specific vehicle which kind of sucks imo.... Burt
  5. Happy Belated Birthday Brian! Glad you enjoyed playing with your long rod..... Burt
  6. Ok....... so I will post again without the "bad word" lol... Buffalo gas on Wedesday $3.879 / Gal, converts to $1.128 CAD / L along with a 1.75 L bottle of Canada Club @ $21 CAD ($60 at LCBO). I think that's better???? Burt You done good Burt thanks for the help Art
  7. There was a guy out ice fishing on the bay in Midland today so no open water there lol.... Burt
  8. Nice bass..... side arm is AOK with me too..... but he should really pull his fly up..... Burt
  9. What time of year and for what discount does the BPS 100MPH and Cabelas Guide suits go on sale? I will have to watch for them as well. Presently I use a Wetskins X-Treme suit that I picked up a Costco for around $50-60. For the price its great but I looked at the 100MPH and they are way heavy duty. Burt
  10. Back in the '90's I used Dr. Juice all the time. It came in the small (like 2oz?) bottle and you just put a drop on. I caught fish so I guess it didn't hurt.... Have not used scents in years though, maybe I should revisit it??? Burt
  11. I had to dig through a bin of Shoehorn spoons to find them, gotta be more down there lol.... Burt
  12. Picked up half a dozen Luhr Jensen Laxee spoons in different colurs at Sail in Burlington today, on sale for $2 a piece. They are slimmer spoons like a Krocodile (a little wider), about 3" long and 3/4oz. Silver plated too so they will have that whiter flash as compared to nickel plated spoons. Anyone ever used them? Not much info when Googled... I am going to give them a shot off the piers. Burt
  13. I will have the gasser as well..... we should be able to Swiss cheese the joint..... Burt
  14. I am (and have been in for quite a few years now) in a variable with TD Canada Trust.... Prime - 0.4% = 2.6%. I don't see the prime going up in the next couple of years so this is where I will stay..... Burt
  15. Looking at the map, we are parking at Heritage Park? And Hooters is just north of there? What time is everyone arriving? Burt
  16. Awesome you two had a great time!! And I think you were just as excited as she was to get out together because you mentioned it a few times when we were out on Friday! I promised to take my 12 year old daughter out for perch on a weekday (good report card means day off school for some "real world education"), maybe we can hook up again for some perching with the kids? Burt
  17. Haha Brian, too funny! "brought that fish to the hole like he had caught many of them" lol...... Brian says "easy, easy..." It's helpful to have a coach out there on the big ice..... Had a great time today Brian, hope to get out with you again soon (pike gtg??) Burt
  18. X4 And why would the turn out for the derby be affected by whether or not the CO's check everybody? Is it normal for them to keep slot fish etc.??? (I would assume not!) Burt
  19. I hit that crap driving north to Midland, couldn't see more than 100ft so I pulled off the nearest exit, Innisfil Beach Rd. Sat in the Hortons there and 5 min later heard on 680 about the pile up. Glad I had the sense to exit when I could! Sat there for 3 hours until they opened the 400 south and went back home.... Burt:)
  20. I always thought of a nice and dark cork handle as just a build up of fish stories and memories........... never would clean any of mine. Burt
  21. Fantastic video! Love that the hooksets go to the music Burt
  22. So I picked up a Rapala Nitro 43cc (same as Eskimo Mako M43) at Crappy Tire in Oakville for $299 from $450. Some CT stores are starting to mark down the augers and shelters now. Tried it out yesterday afternoon on the way back from Midland on Simcoe out from Shanty Bay. Starts first pull and cuts great, ice was nearly 2 ft. No fish though....... Burt
  23. Maybe one of the grain beetles? I assume you found it in your house? Check your flour and cereals etc. for beetles/grubs. Burt
  24. Ice is getting too thick...... or I am getting too lazy.... Anyone see any good sales on gas augers anywhere? Don't need anything exotic or ultra powerful.... as long as it runs and cuts through ice I'm good... Burt
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