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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Walleye and bass, anywhere from a super slow drift to 3mph. Musky and Pike, 1.5 to 7mph. Salmon and Trout, 1 to 5mph. Generally start slow in the spring, faster in the summer, dead slow in late fall, just follow the water temp but you never know. The water temp, how deep you want your bait, cold fronts, lure action ect... it all plays a part in speed.
  2. Damn Johnny, $4.09 for one jig, wouldn't want to loose to many of those.
  3. Yeah, it's weird Lew with these big pike in the typical musky spots but I remember that one Next Bite show this year when Pete and Thorpe were musky fishing on Lake Nipissing and all they could find were big pike in all the spots usually holding muskies. I get out the bigger lure and get a smaller fish, lol, goes to show they have no problem with the 14" baits especially a big one.
  4. I got a couple pink bucktails tails and big soft plastic baits that do good on pike/musky , and do good on pink Jigs for walleye/bass.
  5. Way to go, good luck tomorrow. Actually those little shakers are probably harder to keep hooked and land than a 10lber, good work.
  6. Very nice, some good looking golden fish there.
  7. Tie on some Jakes. Sundays looking good, cloudy and 14 degrees. Good luck.
  8. Maybe not tomorrow Wayne, but Sun to Thurs next week are looking prime for anyone fishing and there might not be too many days left so I'll be out as much as possible with this great fishing weather. Still haven't broke out the ski-goggles and mittens yet.
  9. The link doesn't work for me, it does show up but won't let me select any answers.
  10. Well, 3rd time out musky fishing in a row and once again got another huge Pike on the 10" Jake in a completely different spot than the other two, I gave the Jake a makeover with a magic marker and made no difference. After the pike fooled me again into believing I had a musky on, I decided to upgrade to the 14" Jake like I said the other day because the 10" must be too small for the muskies this year. Unfortunately I fumbled the pike over the boat when I went to take a pic but it was another fat 40"+ to complete the Trilogy of unexpected Pike. Trolled over a saddle with current in between two islands, only around 200 yards from where I got the pike, and this one finally payed off for the target species. A nice clean new personal small musky hit the upgraded Jake and this little guy was hungry, should grow up to be a respectable GBay monster one day if she continues to eat like this. Maybe next time out I'll find her Grandma that I've been looking for.
  11. I agree they taste the exact same as Walleye in the 20-25" range, than they can get real fatty and oily.
  12. Happens all the time on those sunny no wind days, fish all day for walleye not a thing, than the sun dips down and you get 4 or 5 in 15 min. Nice rocket fest.
  13. Nice trip fellas, I like how all the Walleye eyes are glowing in the day light still in that first pic..
  14. I got the Garmin Blue Vision chip in mine and I don't use the 3D at all just keep it on the regular setting, basically use it to find the general area and then it's the depth finder that I look at because it will be more accurate then the 3D view, the 3D view will follow the gps contours witch as you know are somewhat off compared to whats really under the water, the depth finder is 100% accurate. It's cool to look at, that's about all though, haven't tried the side views yet.
  15. Don't forget your glow sticks or lighted bobbers if your night fishing. The whole 4lbs leader deal is just for show. I use to do that whole thing too even went to 2lbs but it doesn't make much sense, I would stick to 8lbs if you don't want to loose too many, the fish don't care.
  16. That's the truth.
  17. Nice, at least you each got one, well worth a trip. The weather has been very windy latley, I like that 20-25mph after that it's tough. Thurs and Friday are looking good this week with 10-15 degrees and cloudy with a nice 20mph South West wind, perfect late fall days for anyone fishing.
  18. Ha, that would be a sight Rizzo, might be a little to big but I have seen a pic of a guy that got one on a 22" custom crankbait.
  19. Nice, it even looks scary.
  20. Thanks boys. Yeah I hear you Rizzo, they are still nice to get when there big but they are big enough to think you got a musky and then they get to the boat and it's not, but I can't complain they were fun to catch. Think I'll have to go with the 14" Jake's next time out, these 10"ers are to small for the muskies this year apparently.
  21. Yeah, I've been just setting it on the edge of the boat a kneeling down for the pic, but you don't need to spend any money really, just get a 2x2 piece of wood 4 or 5 feet shave the bottom to fit one of your seat holes or whatever's available, use plywood or plexiglass to box it in on the top and that's it.
  22. Wow, thats old school, a more recent list would be something like this. The trolling motor, yes for sure. Fish finder, for sure GPS Senko Braided line lindy rigs Gulp Theres a few anyway.
  23. 47 degrees on the Bay today, this is the time of the monsters when your breaking ice to get out, lots of guys row troll this time of year and get Giants, so it's a good idea to go ultra slow, I use my bow mount this time of year to troll muskies and go just fast enough to make the lure move good, usually 1.2-2mph or get the suckers out and drift, then again all I can get is Pike this year so I don't know.
  24. I'm almost positive it's a Jake Dan but could be wrong, maybe Jake's use to be wood too ? I wish they were all wood still though could be they reason this one is working so good with a little different action. It's the exact same as my other Jake's in size and shape and my Grandmas have a different lip and a little smaller but could be a old style Grandma. Yeah, that was just for the shot Wayne, I usually hook the top hook onto the reel so the hooks don't scratch the rod or bend the guides.
  25. Well last time out yesterday got a huge pike, and went out musky fishing again today and surprise- surprise another nice one but smaller than the last one, pike that is, can't get any musky, lol. This one was on the other side of the bay not even close to where I got the one yesterday but same lure and same deal, it hit on a 15" hump off a point rite when it started bouncing. I heard my real clicker start to scream and looked back and seen a nice fish fly totally out of the water 4 or 5 feet, so of course I thought to myself "nice finally another musky" started reeling it in and it jumped clear out of the water again, got it to the boat and its a damn Pike, anyway not bad but it totaled the lucky Firetiger Jake and swallowed all the hooks so I had to cut them all out but she did swim away with no blood. So much for that myth that Pike don't jump I guess. I had no idea this Jake was wood, always thought they were plastic ? well off to the repair shop she goes.
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