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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. The long rod has been checked over. The pin has been looked over and a bit of oil to the bearings. Roe tied. One season nears it,s end, another starts.

    1. GBW


      good luck fine Sir!

  2. Here we go AGAIN, BAD luck for JR.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Oh. I just assume B only calls his son B Jr. despite the fact that his name doesn't start with a B. XD

    3. Terry


      i really dont know, i just knew nascar was on when he posted.. so i guessed

    4. misfish


      LOL They said the new format would make it MORE exciting. NOT. Bring your ride the way you want and GO GO GO.

  3. Something tells me, the bite will be on. Walk and chip .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Haha. Good to see you again as well. Thanks for the great day on the ice.

    3. misfish


      Who ya going to call,,,,,, GHOST BUSTERS. LMAO

    4. Acountdeleted


      Fish must have seen me coming. :P

  4. Watching my videos on wide screen.LOL

  5. Ever heard of the story of the Fox and the Hound ? Well, we are going to write a new version. The Hounds are going after the Fox.

    1. ketchenany


      You and Terry are going fishing?

    2. misfish


      Well the hounds are red faced today. If there was a day to catch only a few, today was the day. +11 when we came off. Wheres my pontoon,,,,,,,,,,,

  6. Look at all the fishing related posts. I feel like Im at home again. AWESOME.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      maybe there is hope after all

    3. misfish


      I see a shorten ice season coming. Thats ok, the rivers will be calling then.

    4. Terry


      seems my ears are tone deaf when the river calls, might need hearing aides

  7. Oh look, another political thread. YEAH.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aplumma


      Winternet is going to be the death of political threads if this keeps up. Come on ICE


    3. grimsbylander


      One is wishful thinking.

    4. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      the political threads are dead. Long live political threads.

  8. Good thing the mrs,s didnt wait for me to come home with fish. BYE BYE WHITIE.

    1. ketchenany


      You have to be careful when it get close to the hole.

  9. Big stink here today. PEEWWWWW

    1. grimsbylander


      Fallout from fajita Friday? ;)

  10. Here whitie whitie.

    1. GBW


      calling all crackers?

    2. irishfield


      Who's boat you using???


    3. misfish


      We,ll be doing the chip chip 2 step.

  11. Why do they say, the ball was over thrown in football? Blaming the QB. IMO, the reciever didnt run fast or far enough. LOL

    1. ketchenany


      If you had all of those guys trying to take your head off, you would get rid of the ball; long or short it will save your a$$!

    2. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      Depends on whether the QB like the guy, then he says I had to throw outside coverage.

    3. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      Under throw is inside coverage.

  12. We went north, we saw, we fished, we seen our ole friend, Miigwitch, my friend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      How far north were ya?

    3. misfish


      We were in Chippewa nation bud.

    4. Acountdeleted


      On the big lake they call Gitchigumi? (I had to)

  13. Hot beef sandwiches and fries. Nice break from the left over turkey. LOL

    1. Fisherman


      Turkey/chicken, could eat it almost every day.

  14. Finally my christmas break is here. Im done til the 3rd. Shut up Terry. LOL

  15. Drove by the bay after work. DEPRESSING :0(((((((

  16. lLooked at the long range, then came home and looked at the float rod. Said, Looks like we are back together for a couple of weeks my friend. I never seen a float rod so happy to get out again. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Terry



    3. misfish


      I can see money to made to stay shhhhhhhhhhh.

    4. ketchenany


      Give it a few more weeks and the rod(s) will be working! Depending if you find the honey hole.


  17. Think we had more snow the past 5 days, then we had all last winter. 4-5 ft banks along the roads here.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lookinforwalleye


      Ya there maybe one of those in my driveway when I retire Wayne...


    3. irishfield


      Want to know when they start coming in.. Leah needs a vehicle..


    4. lookinforwalleye


      as soon as I see one I will let you know..

  18. Two more fishing related trips, and Im ready for the ice. Good thing theres no ice yet ( SAFE THAT IS), or I would be missing out. LMAO

    1. misfish


      Did I say SAFE? No such thing as SAFE, ice


    2. Terry


      lol youre learning

  19. Whos taking care of the classifieds? Clean up needed .

    1. aplumma
    2. misfish


      Just trying to help is all. TY


  20. My mission has been completed. No messing around. Direct to hammertown and back before the next storm wave came here. Sorry couldnt stick around Dave, but thanks again for the great deal. Lets hook up for some whities soon. See ya in the spring Spiel.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. misfish


      OMG I feel like such a heel now ;0)


      We got more snow again over night. Looks like more to come again then lets hope thats it. We need ice.

    3. John


      I was going to buy lunch too Chris

    4. misfish


      Ok, I wiped away a tear. Enough.LOL

  21. Whats it like in the hammertown way? Snow? Gots to make the trip in the morning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,We got hammered here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Good thing I have a good friend in Hammer town. He is in no hurry. I guess I owe him a white fish outing when ice is good to go here.


    3. Spiel


      Dave's the man.


    4. grimsbylander


      The sun's been shining here in Grimsby yesterday and today. We have 1-2 inches max.

  22. Ice is stupid, people standing on ice is stupid. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aplumma


      A agree ice is for keeping your scotch cold.


    3. dave524


      the only ice I want is in my Forty Creek

    4. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      Only want ice the week we are having our Nipissing ice fishing reunion. We are up to 14 attending, ice or no ice. Lake ice.

  23. Last minute decision. Looked at sundays forcast. Warmer then today. So tied a dozen roe bags. When I wake up, it will be go time, I hope.

    1. Terry


      i hope theres no ice on the river

    2. misfish


      Dont be a smart ass. Looks like I might get caught with between seasons. GRRRRR

  24. Another smitty build goes to a new owner . New one to be made now. ;0)

  25. Thats a huge mass over GBAY coming in. It,s going to be a good snow fall.

    1. grimsbylander


      Down here you can't use the words "good" and "snowfall" in the same sentence! LOL I thought you'd prefer really cold and clear!

    2. misfish


      All that snow will make the bay here even colder and ripe for frezzing up.

    3. grimsbylander


      Well then..bring it on!!

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