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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. That was a KWIK active morning. Even struck gold. ;0)

    1. ketchenany


      You had a gold rush!

  2. Must be doing something right. First time in many years, my doc said I look great and blood pressure is normal. I said, take it again and put your glasses on. Normal. Think I,ll celebrate and have a A&W burger.LOL Tease G.

    1. ketchenany


      Have two to prove him wrong!

  3. Rain held off. Just enough to nail a couple of fish. Shrimp aint just for the barbi.LOL

    1. Fisherman


      They d work very well.

  4. 5 days of east wind and looks like it,s not going to change this weekend. Looks like wading some rivers is in the way to go. Toon will get a break this weekend. MAYBE. LOL

    1. ketchenany


      Roast Peppers lo no wind!

      I made wine today!

    2. misfish


      More peppers are on my mind my friend. Might just make the rip down and fish sunday. Bloody food getting in the way. Hope your wines ferments well.And no, I dont want any. Had my fair share like I told ya.LOL

    3. ketchenany


      Well you are getting some anyway! I use it when I cook, as the BBQ gets done I drink the wine!

  5. Carrots, onions and herbs. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry


      saw stocks and leaves, but where were the buds . bud

    3. misfish


      They got nipped, sorta speak.

    4. ketchenany


      I'm comImg your way on Saturday. Farmers' markets are NOT on my schedule!



  6. Note to self, get wool gloves and hoodie out. Dang 2 degs this morning. Shock to the system.LOL Did manage a nice eater salmon this morning on the kwikfish. Offering for an old friend.

    1. Terry


      nice going cold temps nice maybe we will be making ice soon lol

    2. misfish


      Jan 1st will be just fine by me. Way to many rivers to fish til then. Now if we can just work on your 4 am on the rd wake up call. LOL

  7. GBAY, OH THAT GBAY. It can get nasty and mean. Thought I was going to last out there, but the 4-5 ft rollers were just to much. Oh the toon held strong,but casting was another thing. LOL Thought I had the recording , but found out when I got home, I didnt. Dang. I do know now though, breaking waves will comes up and over my seat. LMAO It was a blast non the less. Crazy bugger I am. So I was told by many of the shore anglers when I came in. HA HA HA HA

    1. ketchenany


      A good way to jig, up and down.

  8. This beautiful weather. Cool and over cast. Weekend looks nice and cool too. Bring on the fish.

    1. ketchenany


      You are a toon! Sleep in and cook something!

      I have a little one's on

      Sunday in Broolin.


    2. ketchenany
    3. ketchenany


      Birthday on Sunday.


      Have a good row, row you boat! Lol

  9. Missed CTV Barrie last night. Picture this, sunrises and sunsets. Sent a few in.

  10. Cant wait to get floating again for some salmon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ketchenany


      On your way down, say hello to Oak Ridges Loraine

    3. Terry


      my weekend is here ..4 days on bay of quinte

    4. misfish


      That will be alot of water to cover on the toon. Have fun.

  11. Finally got lots of rain. Well needed. BUT, the question is, west or east in the AM ? Guess when I wake up, I,ll make the call.

  12. I can check off, salmon fishing/landed on the toon. What a great morning. I love it when a change of plans come through. Will be giving this another go in the morning. Totally jacked. What a blast.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry


      he did but he knew I had to work. he just called to say ha ha....lol

    3. misfish


      And it was my ,,PLEASURE. HA HA

    4. GBW
  13. Happy Friday, happy friday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oh wait, Wednesday for some still. HA HA HA HA. Time to go fishing again.

    1. Terry


      have you been told..lol

    2. misfish


      Im told everyday, has no effect on me. LMAO

  14. Saturday looks like rain and wind. Perfect for a west shore drive up to apple country me thinks. Apples and pears are ready for picking.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ketchenany


      I have fun everytime you go out and report reminds me where my stomping grounds. have fun B and Hopefuly it will be the same for our grandkids.

      We will meet I promise.

      it was fun B and it still can be.

    3. Fisherman


      I saw the annual influx of apple pickers in Meaford this morning.

    4. misfish


      Well fishing sucked, the the fresh produce is amazing. Water is going down fast again. We need lots of rain and COLD . Maybe I,ll stick to tooning for awhile.LOL

  15. Kiddies back to school today. Slow down.

  16. Someone call CRIME (RIVER) STOPPERS, I was ROBBED.You silver devilish quick snatcher of me colourful Kwik Fish. Oh may you spawn a million fry. And hope it hurts, Just as I hurt losing my fav river bait. Yes I need blame thee self,as I did not check my line. WHHAAAAAAAAA LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      I have a few over 25 years old, afraid to lose them.

    3. MJL


      Brian, I have 108 magical Kwikfish in K5-K9 still in packaging that I'm willing to sell at a you at a rock bottom price of $100 each :D

    4. Terry


      not your Kwikfish

  17. My weather knees are telling me, it,s going to rain.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      They may lie about the rain sometimes, but they sure hurt.LOL

    3. cheaptackle


      Weather Kneetwork does not agree - says sun sun sun!


    4. spincast


      More accurate than today's marine forecast for the Port Credit area, I'm sure

  18. So many lakes, so many roads. So many places to try. Do I go north west, north east, or just north? South is an easy one. NO, LOL

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GBW


      forgot when, msg me prior

    3. Terry


      your folks own a lake, cool

    4. misfish


      Well, lake picked out. I can hear the dark, top water attacks already.

  19. Here comes another heat wave

  20. Hallelujah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheaptackle


      whiskey tango foxtrot?


    3. dave524


      That David played and it pleased the Lord

    4. GBW


      Hajulellah too

  21. Gas prices all over the place, Barrie $1.10 - Angus was .92 - Sunnydale corners .84. I knew I made the right chioce to wait til I hit Stayner this morning. .82 cents a liter. Makes my fishing travels, that much more enjoyable. Now a fish or two would of been nice, but a river smallie did put up a good fight till it jumped off.LOL

  22. Dogs best friend, or is that your best friend is a dog? Gave Gizmo up a year ago to family. To my surprise, we are dog sitting tonight. I have not seen him since we gave him up. He will not leave me alone. This is very over whelming.

  23. LOL My weekend is here now too. And look, it,s not raining. Mother nature likes me best. LOL

  24. Black clouds full of water, have been rotating all day here in Barrie. I love it. We so need it.

  25. Bonus. Granted a long weekend this weekend. Time to hit some GBay water. What say bye. You in? Let me twist your arm.LOL

    1. misfish


      OOPS, twisted to hard and broke it. LOL

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