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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Oh I love the rainy nights, I love the rainy nights. What a beautiful night,,,,,,,,,,,I,ll bet the boots and hearts fans are not liking it though.

  2. All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHACKED IT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AGAIN

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aplumma


      I want to see the rest of the video of the diver under the toon hooking the fish on like the rest of the fishing shows.


    3. misfish




      Terry cant hold his breath that long.



    4. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      What were you whacking Brian, fish I hope.

  3. Not a boat seen all morning. Just me,my toon and the wave crashing 2 fters. LOL How the hell do we get N/W rollers, with a S/W wind? I could see the main lake. Waves going north,yet Im sitting on the toon in N/W rollers.LOL

    1. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      at home you will see 1 group of wind turbines facing 1 way and 10 miles away they are the other way

  4. Must be kempenfest weekend, a storm is a brewing. They took a big hit last year.

    1. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      CFRB said forests blown down up north somewhere today

  5. Did ya hear that one Terry and Fisherman ? LOL That was a good boomer. It,s coming again.

    1. Terry


      we had some big booms and lost satellite tv for a while

    2. Fisherman


      Ka POW. And then it poured for about 15 minutes.

    3. Fisherman


      Round 2 wasn't quite as exiting.

  6. One of those mornings when I wished I was off for the day. Calm waters and the sunrise was INCREDIBLE.

  7. As I watch a down pour here out the front window, I still see speeding cars and trucks. Waiting for that one to go hydroplaning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      Not a drop for 2 weeks, rain 360 degrees but nada here. My tomatoes need it.

    3. Fisherman


      Another dewey morning, no painting this week.

    4. bigugli


      Hail and another 2 inches of rain yesterday.

  8. Newest member here. Yup, waded out up to my chest this morning and found out the pouch my cell was in was not water proof, and niether was my cell. DOH. Also found out I didnt save all my contact to my SIM card. DOUBLE DOH.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rodbender


      Wait till you lose a 1500 dollar camera to water :o yea woops

    3. cheaptackle


      Note to self, let Brian go first...

    4. RangerGuy


      Not sure what phone you had,but maybe your contacts were saved online?.. Not many people save to sim anymore.

  9. When one gets a PB at my age, one would think, it,s just another fish.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      another PB, you the man. I would be fine with my PB Walleye this year, wind, wind and more wind. No one is going out this month, wind.

    3. Acountdeleted


      Me thinks you should have a celebratory PB sandwich.

    4. ketchenany


      A larger portion of Fish and Chips :)

  10. 9 straight days off. Fishing them all. Monday to Friday, 5 different lakes in 5 days. Going to need lots of coffee, and I AM JACKED.

  11. My younger brother always says, what ya going to do? I have come to saying the same thing. CRAP happens. Move on.

    1. ketchenany


      There is two of you? Toon and toonie?


      Enjoy your week off!

    2. misfish




      A tooner and 2 toonies and a loonie. The loonie, is the smart of the bunch.LOL

  12. Good Monday,,,,,,,,,Works like good Friday for me,,,,,,,,,,,Fish and chips. Thank you Lake Simcoe once again.

  13. Good Monday,,,,,,,,,Works like good Friday for me,,,,,,,,,,,Fish and chips. Thank you Lake Simcoe once again.

  14. Must be an air show here in Barrie. Traffic is stupid crazy out there. I,ll just pull up a chair and a cold one and watch from here. LOL

    1. ketchenany


      Go out and start small stand, lures, pictures with the toon . .

    2. BillM


      I watched it from the roof :)

  15. Lucky you all. My windows movie maker went for a c rap. Black screen. Unreal.

    1. ketchenany


      It has parental control on fish porn.

  16. Where is fisherpete with all these deals this year? The year I need line at half price,and he is not posting. Just my luck.



      lol sorry mis...i sold him out before he had a chance to post ahhahaa

  17. The weather people got it wrong again. DAMIT, should of went to zone 17.

  18. Round trip, Barrie to Burks falls and back. 8.4 lt/100km. Even better then that,found my access to a lake finally too. Gas in the ally was .98. ;0)

    1. Fisherman


      Yours is a 2wd single cab, right?

    2. misfish
    3. boombap


      Pretty decent mileage.. best I ever did in my hemi 4x4 was 10.5

  19. What a wicked front that came through this morning. Lightening and boomers that sounded like canons.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ketchenany


      = Chicken McNuggets?

    3. Fisherman


      And the deluge of rain was outstanding.

    4. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      I planted many flowers and dug a veggie garden 2 weeks ago up to my ankles in rain water. Of course as soon as I did it hasn't rained.

  20. The cooking thread needs to be revived. Coming soon,,,,,,,,,,,,;0) The smell is over whelming here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grizzlybri


      sorry that smell was me..had to many baked beans.

    3. Rodbender
    4. misfish


      Had half a rack left, so got some curry breasts on indirect to a company.

  21. Dont ya just know it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. ketchenany


      No rain this weekend!

    2. Rodbender


      and your working :D


  22. Nothing gets by you grims. LMAO

    1. grimsbylander


      A regular Barney Fife I am!!

  23. What ya got for sale ?

    1. spincast


      what ya looking for?

    2. bigugli
    3. misfish


      LOL You guys are so slow.LOL

  24. All these years chatting, we finally met on the water. Nice to have finally met you Sinker, in person.

  25. Saturday looks like the only fishable day of the weekend. Had a cold front all week here. Might be a tough fish.

    1. misfish


      ARE YOU READY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


      NET MAN



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