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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Congrads on the catch!
  2. wow, excellent catch man! Must of been fun! MTBF
  3. What's up with all of these fancy beers... I got 3 1st- Molson Canadian 2nd- Bud Light Lime 3rd- Coors Light But I'm too young to drink...or was I too young to buy beer I always mix those two up.. Cheers, Mike
  4. 27/7'sLargemouth was 21" Long and weighed 5lbs 7oz while my largemouth caught earlier in August was 21" long and weighed 4lbs 10oz...
  5. Ah, nice nice. Might be a little cold for fishing though out of a boat. Anything really open around that time? How/where r u putting it, im assuming it's not coming up here.
  6. WOW you kicked ass man, great job! A record is something that nobody else has done before and for that I praise you Just playin around. What's the info in this tournament circuit? Would like to try the amateur side of things next year maybe. Take care and congrads man! MTBF
  7. Righty. As for fishing, when does the boat leave the dock? lol, man it's all shore fishing around here. Found some appealing spots but still have yet to fish them. Well see u soon, man i can't wait to ice fish this year(aka first time)
  8. Sounds great but i don't have he money lol. Quick question though, are you allowed to weigh your fish in a tourny, i thought u were only allowed to use those culling things with the two fish.. just wondering lol, O and ill say it again, people get out and buy a scale!
  9. If I had the cash I would jump on that reel but I may need to spend a little less and go for the Daiwa Megaforce it's about 30 bucks less and well it's less money. We will need to wait and see what the holiday time brings me for spending money Looking to put 20(or maybe 30lb braid) on it and my main goal for this combo is to use it for jigs around lighter cover, buzzbaits, texas rigg's in weeds, jerkbaits for pike and small musky and the odd use i may find for it. Any reviews on the Megaforce? Sorry for stiring up the thread again bro.
  10. Those are some chubby Bronze Backs! Nice job man, keep it up! MTBF
  11. Nice man, I held a few of those. Man at the Lindsay CT they have a lot of fishing stuff...like it's unreal everything from carrot sticks to compre rods ...very impressed. Got any reals for sale...lol j/k pm me for a starter reel if u got 1 i might need to save up some but hey money's money.
  12. The R-Type at the Canadian Tire in Lindsay were 110 I think, I bought a 6'7" MH Rapala TS2 Trigger Rod today(My first baitcaster ) All I can say is wow, for $65.99 before tax this rod is state of the art, those R-Type rods are amazing also but for 75bucks with tax in this is amazing, a great first rod for myself and the hunt for a reel now begins!
  13. PM Sent.
  14. Nice job to u and the younger guys! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  15. 5lbs for sure, great catch bro! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  16. Not sure if there In Lake O but It's hard to fish specifically for them. Watch Dave Mercer's FOF The Show, he had a episode on them fly fishing. MTBF
  17. Great pictures and fish man. What beautiful fish. Thanks for the report, MTBF
  18. Nice job, I would kill for some bass fishing right now! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  19. Nice job, only complaint is that NJD's hat lol Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  20. Thought I read "Bassin" for a second lol. Great job on those walleye's! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  21. Great job man, love that shot of the fish in the water
  22. The earlier you get the better the fishing gets there bud, I'll PM more information but piggies like this are in this lake! Cheers, MTBF
  23. Nice little report man! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  24. Great bass, not sure what the standings are for smallies but u are apart of the 5lb+ club in that category bud! Great job and thanks for sharing, MTBF
  25. YES You finally got the job done man! Great catch, did you get a exact weight on that monster? I like the pic in the water, it's mouth doesn't look huge when compared to its wide body. Really a great catch bro! Looks like your part of the 5lbs + Largemouth Club buddy, glad to have you aboard! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
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