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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Lol, u older guys light the light stuff eh, I find the rods light and never had problems with the past "heavy" rods either. O well, when I get sponsors and become a professional bass fish then I'll spend 100+ on a rod. Until then I'm just out there to catch fish. btw-those rod u have may be to light, better give them away
  2. Wow, great job on those trips buddy! Must be nice to tangle with a bunch of Musky. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  3. There I got my 6'6 Casting Bob Rod, also brought back my 6'7"MH Rapala TS2 in exchange for a 7'MH Spinnerbait/Heavy Cover TS2 casting rod...never even saw that setup on Rapala's site so I will be pleased with the extra inches of everage the Rapala will give me for jig and frog fishing. Going to use the Bob Rod for spinnerbaits, dingers, buzzbaits, maybe jerkbaits...stuff like that, also got 15lb P-Line Fluoroclear fishing line and 30lb Power Pro for the other rod. Hope some nice reels come on sale around Christmas time!
  4. I did it last year also...every time I went out fishing I would add a day to my msn status...kinda easy, it's only counting by 1's u should try it...Kind of similar to your average fish size...the 1lb wonders MTBF
  5. I have a $39.99 combo from BPS(Mega Tournament rod/reel) That I bought in the combo and I wish I didn't. The reel is smooth but the bail is crap, and the last few times I set the hook the first eye on the rod(biggest) cracks at the base. Long story short, my other 2 rods one is a older Bob Izumi rod, the other a Rapala TS2(both are over $60 and I am more than happy with the quality. Getting another Bob Rod today. As for the $100+ fishing rods, if your making your living tournament fishing then why not go with higher quality rod's with lifetime warranty's. Tools of the trade right If you were a pro golfer you would try to get the best clubs...not the cheep clubs. I declare myself as a in-between angler, I fish when ever time is available to fish rather than the occasional fishing.
  6. Good song, I really like Zac Brown Band. Good music from them, like that Chicken Fried song by them.
  7. U can't hunt Good luck out there...u will need it
  8. I was looking at them but I can't get myself to buy one. Main reason is every rod needs a reel lol. I got 1 good baitcast setup and am looking at a M action 2nd combo...most likely with another Daiwa Megaforce then I am g2g for rods this year...Maybe I'll go back tomorrow and reconsider...that reel might come on sale in the spring at BPS. Nice rod's though. pretty light and well made from the looks of it. Sale ends tomorrow(I'm assuming when the store closes).
  9. Was out fishing yesterday and found my self wading through the river...came up to a farmers field and saw 6 deer out there feeding on the grass...was beautiful to see, wish I had my camera.... Good luck out there killers!
  10. Thanks Ryan, now they all know what I talk about at school lool As for fishing Mr Worm dangler I do lot's of fishing Up to 58 times out this year!! And as for school I scored a 88% on my Ecosystems test today so with fishing, fishing, and more fishing I still have time for homework and study time! Uhoh...that pretty 2000 is now gone, be prepared for the 3000mark speech from Mike The BEST Fisher!
  11. Post Number 2000 I want to say thank you OFC for all the great information I have learned from this truly respectful and friendly forum. I have caught my first carp, gar pike, pike, salmon, and a bunch of personal best catches since I joined in 2008. All of the guys and gals on here deserve a pat on the back for the hard work and effort that goes into this web site. Living in Oshawa I only really had two fishing buddys and that was my friends Dad, and my papa, realizing how fun fishing is I too try to get people into the great port like my own Dad and my little brother, cousin and another friend of mine. Since then I have fished with 3 other guys from OFC and have made some great friendships. Bringing people together, sharing information, and getting praise and appreciation from reports is something that I admire most from the members on this site. There is nothing like getting a photo of a great fish and being able to show it to hundreds of fisherman. Also, a very special thank you to the moderators on the forum! Thanks OFC, 2000 post's down and many more to come! MTBF
  12. Incredible story, I could only imagine a fight out in the lake with a Salmon...all that room to swim, must of been hard on the arms lol. Thanks for the story, MTBF
  13. Cool story, I saw the salmon doing the biting thing last year but never saw them glide through the air....actually trying to eat lol. Nice job and thanks for sharing, MTBF
  14. Nice place u got there, many delicious foods will be cooked over that nice stove/oven!
  15. Agreed, nobody likes to go hunting for pictures. Feel free to add some pictures via photobucket and share with us some fishing stories! Thanks for joining up, MTBF
  16. Oil based sents are off the lure much quicker than the more water based scents. IMO tube jigs are the only way to go for a oil based scent as you can put the scent onto the jig head prior to putting it within the tube...stays locked up inside for a bit longer. Would like to try that Mega Strike stuff but the kind that is in stick bottle...it's like butter kind of and it's rubbed onto the bait...not sprayed.
  17. Does it say what they are in graphite perspective? IM6 or IM7 perhaps?
  18. UhOh, I smell a trip to CT tonight
  19. great job dude.
  20. wow, incredable..I beleive it's weight.
  21. wow, what a giant fish. Great story, too bad the fish couldn't be successful in the release...guess it's been faught out too many times. Thanks for that video, MTBF
  22. Un real...Man those fish are monsters
  23. Great pictures, not only September but this year fishing has been good to lot's of here on OFC. WE have all had succes and have had some pretty good times. Thanks for making myself take a look back at this past summer, and as you were thinking-Bring on the Fall! MTBF
  24. I was watching this video on Kevin Van Dam's web site about fishing them deep, bumping them off structure and even jerking it through pads and isolated weed clumps. Interesting lure and something I never took a second look at before. Well see how it goes, hey I caught one bass on them so far.
  25. You taught her well old man, looks like she may of beat out my PB smallie this year(3lb 4oz) Great job!! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
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