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Everything posted by GoneFishin

  1. I'm surprised every one is beating up on the guy. I don't think I've ever seen any one stop catching pickerel (walleye) until everyone in the boat had their limit, and to tell you the truth I thought it was legal :S But every one who fishes regularly IMO should have a sport license. My question is, if you guys were fishing together and the fish were all in the same pail, how did he know that you were over your personal limit?
  2. I searched all over for it before and could find one for every where except Canadian waters.. But I think this app is under 15 bucks so it's a good purchase.
  3. Just remember they are bottom feeders. They will be where the trout are but so will the float fisherman so it makes bottom bouncing a tough call (you'll piss off a lot of people) But dragging a roe bag or dew worm on bottom under a float should do the trick. Just bring lots of hooks lol...
  5. Get your self a multi meter if you don't have one and check all of your wires. I just replaced my board to find out that I had a pinch in my coil wire and the positive lead corroded and broke down causing it to loose connection. Cut the piece out re-wired it about 30 mins ago and she's ready to hit the water You could also try hard wiring it right to your power leads to see if the motor spins. There's one you can access at the pc board and one at the top in the unit head. If it spins, it's most likely faulty wiring. BTW the board is supposed to making a clicking sound when engaged in forward or reverse.
  6. Welcome back Garry! Hope you enjoyed your getaway. Won't be long before you can get out for some crappies by the looks of things. I'm thinking about heading to scugog next weekend to try out my new 11.5' cormor
  7. IMO most of the sale items are lower end and mass produced. They have some compre's but they are even 2 piece. I was hoping this year they might put some of their higher end gear on sale also. I won't bash there sale though because there are some good deals to be had. I'll be there Thursday morning to check out a rain coat and glasses, and what ever other cheap goodies catch my attention on the way to the till.
  8. My step dad had a couple 1000 bricks at the side of the house that he was pretty much given for a drive way project he wanted to do. He ended up giving up on the drive way and tried to get rid of them on kijiji. Someone offered him 100 bucks for them all which was a good deal. Took half of them (helped him load them......), didn't come back, didn't pay and when we finally got a hold of him he said he didn't want them and we could come pick the bricks up from his house that he had taken...
  9. I got to one in Oshawa at 9:45 and they only had one spool of 20lb left... wish I could have stocked up but it's still nice saving a bit of money. FYI This is nice line and is more water resistant then power pro and fire-line which helped a lot the other day with the ice build up from cold temps.. I'm also thinking about trying some on the pin, nice and supple plus it should just about float.
  10. Actually, They will honor this, weeks after the sale! If I miss a sale or something is just really expensive I go to customer service and ask if it will be coming on sale. Sometimes they say they can't tell you if it will be on sale but they can tell you if it has recently, and chances are it has and they will always give you the sale price, 2 weeks after even. I know a lot of people don't want to be bothered but it can save you quite a bit just by asking a simple question.
  11. Thinking about getting black ops off my buddy tomorrow since I just got my hd projector lamp replaced yesterday
  12. That's insane, especially how it was an adult with a kid! I remember chasing my cat around when I was about 12 trying to get some Grey hairs to tie a fly on my home made vise lol. Got in a lot of crap from my mother....
  13. Sounds like you had a ram issue. If you have more then one stick of ram try removing one and starting it up. do this with both and if it starts up with one then you have a bad stick. It could also be a graphics card to try removing it and starting the computer up without it in. I'm pretty sure your CPU pins are bent though and that's a big problem. When you removed the fan the CPU was probably stuck to the bottom and taken out of the socket. Pull it off the fan and make sure you get every pin straight, if even one is broke your CPU will probably be no good. Make sure the socket is open! When you pulled it out it was probably still locked in(undo latch). If it's locked you'll never get it back it and that's how I'm assuming you bent the pins. Make sure you have it the right way (there might be a gold tab in one corner)
  14. Exactly what he said! Make sure you sell live bait, I don't give my local tackle shop any business in the winter because they don't sell live bait, so I'm in tight-lines all the time and have no need to go else where to get tackle. Location is key also, if your near a highway exit you'll get a lot more people who want to make a quick stop with out loosing much time on there way fishing. Open early for the reasons explained above lol. As for tackle... Find out what people want! You don't need to stock 20 different colors of plastics when people are only buying a select few, and if your popular baits run out are low re-stock them! if you open a store like that, LET ME KNOW!
  15. But why transport live fish? I guess they might stay fresher.. but I'm sure a cooler would do the job...
  16. It was great, right until about 8am after we got the hut set up and lines in... I went out to Simcoe for the first time today with a couple of buddies and my gf, and we ended up in side the hut all morning holding the walls from collapsing or breaking.. Does the weather always get that bad out there? You would have though they might have a wind advisory or something warning people not to go out Oh well, hopefully we get another chance to go before ice out. I want my first "lake" trout lol.
  17. Just got back from Walmart in Oshawa (north end) and they have fishing items on clearance. Including lindy darters!!!(only 2 left where I was) If you want to save your self 6 bucks I'd go before they are all sold out! Also have gulp alive maggots and fish fry mini containers for 5 bucks!
  18. I just got back from trying to get tubes... Finally found some at Canadian tire, haha mike Then took a quick stop at Walmart and they had lures on sale for 3 bucks again. Picked up some lindy darters!, Can't go wrong with deals like that!
  19. Canadian Tire is my back up store for sure. Walmart doesn't carry much but they always seem to have goodies on discount P.S. At the end of ice and soft water seasons lots of things go on a miscellaneous discount rack for 3 bucks I came out of there last fall at the end of soft water with about a dozen plastics and swim baits and well just random stuff that was usually 7 bucks or more:clapping: I'm going to grab some tubes tonight just let me know what size your after.
  20. The fibers on my premiere started splitting the first time I had it out.. I was going send it back but that's another 15-20 bucks that I could just buy another ice rod with.. This thread got me thinking and I phoned up gagnons to see if they would just replace it (without recipt)and they did!! I got the medium instead of the medium light and it feels great, can't wait to try it out lol.
  21. I know how to sharpen metal blades... But this guy swore to me this was the easiest way and produced really good results. He was even trying to show me on my new auger... Told me to never use a stone... I'm just saying it might work when your out on the ice with dull blades and no other resources.
  22. I was told by an older gentlemen to run a knife down the top of the blade. He said it will push the edge downward and that it should be good as new. I just recently picked up the strike master so I haven't had to touch my blades yet, but if your about to replace blades it's probably worth a shot.
  23. I don't work there I just seen a couple kicking around today. And I'm sure you don't want to start pumping out a full line of spuds for everyone on the board, but then again it wouldn't surprise me lol.
  24. If any one else wants to know where they sell them, the causeway bait shop in port perry sells some nice ones for 30 bucks.
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