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After a few weeks of craziness I had to go back and refresh my fish towel with carp scent. Got to the location around 8am. Since I live closer now to the fish. When I got there I saw lots of bubbles everywhere. The fish were searching for food in groups. And they were right up against the edge of the pond. This one I caught took a rig I just dropped about 2 inches from my feet. But with that it also spooked the rest of the fish. I caught 3 -4 in total. I had to do some other stuff rest of the day. So I didn't stay for long maybe 3-4 hrs and left. Snapped this shot below. I thought they were swimming in a neat pattern before they scattered and mess up the shot. For some reason they look nicer in formation. dsn
Wow everyone seems to know about my bike too. LOL As for a report on fishing here it comes..... dsn
Ahhh finally back on OFC. I didn't know moving can be such a headache and funny too. During the last week of may and into June I was relocating. I decided to leave all my things behind except my fishing gear. Bought all new furniture. And even called ahead to transfer my internet service to my new location and decided to set up a new account with Bell. Did some of my address changes online, plastic cards etc... Thinking ok.. things are easier with the net. I even had the keys to the new apartment. Ok so the furniture is supposed to arrive Thursday the lastest. And Bell supposed to be here Friday day after. And all my address changes are done Yeppie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday arrives...no furniture. We called the place and they said the manufacturer won't have the stuff ready til Saturday. So ok we wait. Saturday arrives. We get a call that the furniture is on it way. And that there is a problem. So we dared to ask. We were told that the order was missing a single seat couch. And that it was somewhere on the 401. Because someone forgot to close the truck latch properly. So we are missing a couch now. Any come across a couch? Or ran into one? Monday the Bell guy shows up. And needs to get into a room where all the wiring is for the apartments. But the landlord and the guy from Bell both don't have the keys to that room. One says the other is supposed to have it. The other says they are supposed to have their own set. A week and half goes by and they are still arguing. I called Bell few days later to see whats happening. They said they won't come til my landlord calls them and tells them he's changed all the old locks to every room so that Bell can get access them. Some of my credit cards that I changed the address to, has been suspended cause I changed it online. And they didn't trust the person on the other end. (me) Why do they have that feature to change addresses on thier website when they don't even trust it. I had to show up and show ID to each address change I did online. Oh what a pain. Some websites didn't have that feature and I called them by phone. It went smoothly. I never do that online ever again. Here's part of the couch set we got. We are still waiting for the miss peice. And before we moved in We found a pigeon nest with 2 eggs. I have been taking pictures of them as they grew after they hatched. It's amaging how fast they grow and change each day. I thought the scenery was awesome at night just outside my window so took some night shots with a very slow shutter speed. I thought I'd try the streak effect. Turned out nicely with the car lights. But I tell yah I can't sleep with so much traffic going by. Not to mention an all night transit system stop in front. Can't wait to get back into fishing soon I hope. Even tho Im still waiting for somethings I haven't recieved yet. dsn
Nah its me. I walked by and forgot to take a shower the day before. Must have left a trail whereever I went. Sorry. dsn The way they reproduce they'll recover in no time.
Ahh nice going weeds. Can't wait to see the pic. dsn
Yeah agree thanks for the insight. dsn
You can go without me. I'll hurry up and do the apartment thingy and hopefully met you there again. Just hope I can make it. Remember the best fish are behind the toilet. dsn
Thats a good one. Snag
Nice mirror I have yet to land one in my carp fishing career. I hear they fight harder or is it my imagination. dsn
This is the reason why I didn't feel like posting anything.
Wow Thanks for all that info lundboy and everyone else. Starting to learn something here. June 1st around 5pm-9pm the Bell is going over to my new place and get the second line going. I'll see what he does and take note of everything I learned from here. Thanks every one you've been a great help!! dsn
This place I'm going to is rental apartment. I guess it would have helped if I mentioned it first sorry. And whats a "demarcation point?" I have no clue. Thanks for the info so far dsn
Ok I'm moving soon like a June 1st. Went to my new place and looked at the phone socket. Theres only room for one telephone plug. I ordered a two line phone service and I have sympatico internet. I see only one phone plug. I'm lost. How do I connect a second line to my new phone when theres only one wall socket? The new phone I bought has a line 1 and line 2 socket on the bottom of it. And how do I connect my computer to the wall socket? Three items and only one wall outlet. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks dsn
Incident Information Reference ID:11699 QEW (BURL TO FT ERIE) Fort Erie Bound [ FAIRVIEW ST - NORTH SHORE BLVD ] Lanes affected: Left shoulder and 3 left lanes Event start date: 2007-05-28 Event start time: 15:29 Reason: Collision Traffic impact: Severe Last change: UPDATED 2007-05-28 16:42 MTO INCIDENT UPDATES
Where's shot of you gong for swim? LOL I'm still waiting for my 20 pounder. dsn
We were being stalked by two other fishermen out there. We were pulling carp out like theres no tomorrow. While these two other guys were getting skunked. Urbanangler pulled out 6 fish from the same spot and these guys were watching. One even pretend to see if he could see any fish and came over and stood beside us and never said even "hi". He wantted to see what we were using. Then he goes back to his buddy. Later on when things slowed down Urbanangler and I decided to target bigger fish so we left out spot. Went for a walk. One of the stalkers yelled out... "Where did they go?" We heard them. After walking for a bit we went back to reclaim our spot. Things slowed down even more. Then we decided to try one of urbananglers locals. Nothing happened there. So we decided to head back to where we started from. Sure enough those guys took our position. We saw them and decided to try out a secondary spot. We could see them and they could see us across from the lake. They had no action at all. As for urbanangler and I we got into fish again directly infront of those guys who took our chummed spot. This time urbanangler gets a serious hit. It was the biggest carp of the day. Also cleared his spool of line almost. Then seconds later after I help him land his fish.. I get a monster on. And urbanangler helps land my fish. And all this was happening right is front the those two guys who took our chummed location. Boy did we make them look bad . The fish were following us that day. A friend of mine went over and tried to talk to them but he came back and said they were too friendly. That'll teach them for not being friendly. dsn
Hey your little one looks like my neice. They always out fish the adults. Its great when they want to go fishing too. Makes things worth while. dsn
Congrats on a very sucessful outting. You out fished me. Glad you had a great time. We'll have to do it again. And start off were we left off at the island. shhhhhhh dsn
WTG crazyhook. They seem like alot of fun on a flyrod if you have the endurance to keep up the battle. Nice big carp. I'm still searching for the big boys. dsn
When you buy a regualr bag of Nash Bollies they come with samples of POP-UP bollies. I never caught anything on them. I try to use the bright color bollies so that they stand out from the bottom. Usually is black decaying leaves that I'm fishing. When ever I fish with a bollie I never use any weight. dsn
I have a program that cuts the glare from the water.
Thats a good point. I wonder would it movr slowly since its so big or would it give a tremendous battle.
Tired fishing extremely shallow water but the carp are still spawning. Lost of jumps early in the morning. And most if the hits were early morning too. Doesn't matter if you get there 7am or 8am they were already searching for food. After 2:30pm everything just died down. Tried several locations and nothing. So I decided to fish deeper and wha la! They are finally getting bigger. One more day out tomorrow then I'll have pack my gear away along with everything else. I'm moving. dsn
Nice fish. I'm new to carping. Whats the secret bait dsn
wow least you where out on a boat. I can't remember when was the last time I did a boat rental with the prices up at $90 bucks per day. Last time I did a rental it was $45 bucks. Too bad you missed the carp. dsn