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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Its been years since I caught a pike. I was out for some salmon. I was told I should post this pic by SNAG so here's the pic. Taken form the early morning hrs just at sunrise this morning. I didn't even have a leader on.
  2. Watch it they are back breakers. I should know. ha ha ha. And if your not careful they are rod breakers too. And gear destroyers.
  3. Opps I missed this post!! That's funny. Awesome tho.
  4. I agree.
  5. If you're thinking of checking out Mimico for some Salmon action take a look at this. The places where there used to be water is all sand. The water level is extremely low and you can see bottom and far as the eye can see. This area used to be loaded with carp which was unfishable cause of access but its all dried up. And this sandy island wasn't there before.
  6. Well I don't have a $1000+ camera but I got some shots to share. Since the carp weren't bitting I decided to take the camera out and look for opportunities and found some. It was really hard to get some decent shots they were moving all over the place and tried to adjust the shutter speed but by increasing it only reduced the light that I needed to get the shot. Had to set my Canon 700A Powershot to rapid shooting mode which I thought was kool!! I could have selected a higher ISO but it would have been grainy. What do you think? Oh by the way this is an awesome added section to OFC!! dsn
  7. You should ask them how to get a boating license and watch what happends!!!!!!! dsn
  8. God is not under the laws that apply to the earth. I like to see how they exspect God to pay them. All foolishness.
  9. After lying in bed for a week and half. Jesus healed my serious back injury I was back out there taking things easy. 95% recovered. I thought with the past cold nights things would have made them disappear into the deep but I found them in about 1 foot of water with their heads stuck right into the last green weed clusters. They were all gathered together whispering to each other with their heads facing each other in the weeds.pppppppppsssssst Must be discussing where to go next for the warm water. I sent most of the time searching for them so I only landed one cause I ran out of time. to fish. dsn
  10. There's only one person who can perform a miracle and thats "Jesus!" Some might say I'm religious, some might say I'm nuts. But after the incident with my back and how he healed me the next morning. I know he can do the same for whatever the need is. I would pray for him but being there in person praying for him is alot more effective. I do what I can in prayer on this end. dsn
  11. Bummer. Oh well sorry didn't know. Least you tried.
  12. dsn

    nine eleven

    Out of all the days of my life I can't remember what I was doing. But when 9/11 happened I can recall what I was doing that only day and where I was exactly when it took place. Weird.
  13. I would never offer a fish to another fishermen. I rather let it go. And live another day. Too many folks kill them for thier eggs and leave them to spoil. Other than that, nice fish. dsn
  14. What are you looking for. I'm a GTA'er. Also. dsn
  15. Thats agreat idea!! Oh by the way is that snow I see in your pic?
  16. Hey that sounds like me.
  17. Ahh nice fish. I sure they were fighting good in that currrant. dsn
  18. Wow nice mirror. I have yet to get one of those.... dsn
  19. Nice going. And theres the carp pose. kneeling down.
  20. I don't get it. whats the purpose of this? In return they take the fish out of the birds stomach and eat what the birds ate? Yuck!! Is that the point of all this? dsn
  21. I'm glad evrything turned out ok. I guess we all should be like that eh? When we decided to meet someon make sure you meet them at the appointed time. And not be late. I'm usually an early person too when meeting anyone.
  22. For me when I feel a sore throat coming I breakout the garlic caps by Jamison. Chuck a few of those down and leave 2 in your mouth just to bathe your throat in the garlic kills any viral infections. Garlic acts as a anit-viral medication. If its sore you'll feel the gralic burn the back of the throat where its sore. Secondly I drink hot ginger. Theres ground up ginger drink that you can buy that works also. Most of this stuff works great when you notice the first sign of soreness coming on. After a few days this remedy doesn't seem to be as effective. Then its time for the doc's Fishermens friend is great but after taking so many of them it leaves your wallet dry and a rough tongue. dsn
  23. That first shot is amazing and the second one also thanks for posting it. I have never been to vancouver. dsn
  24. I'd go for bullheads any day when nothing else is around. They are fun. And easy on the back. dsn
  25. yeah hes got that seriuos look. From the looks of it that water doesn't look too deep. But its gotta be blast being so close to the water. dsn
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