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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Nice BP. Glad you got into a bigger fish. Hope I can get out soon too.
  2. Thats the reason I won't touch a gun. You have to make sure you take ever caution when handling a fire arm. One little mishap can be very seriuos injuries. A risk I won't take. A paintball Gun is as far as I'll go but even then that hurts.
  3. I'm not fan of any type of fire arm. I don't think I'll ever fire a gun in my life time. They scare the hell out of me, growing up in neighborhood and hearing gun fire almost every week. I used to work as security in an airport and I have seen riffle bullets... and knowing how long those things are and trying to imagine one of those in me terrifies me. yikes. I stick to fishing.
  4. Yeah I had a really safe weekend. Can't be any safer lying in bed recovering from a back injury. Man How long does it take? I missing all the action. dsn
  5. Ha ha another one comes over to the carp side!! "WELCOME!!" Oh did your fiancee get to see the carp take your corn? So that she doesn't think you just wasted it? dsn
  6. This is a "No NO!!" Mom always says don't play around with your food. Man You gotta be really bored to do this. Heard it was always great fishing down there. Nice report. dsn
  7. Those are some true amzing shots. My fav is the one with the mountains in the backgrouund and the helicopter in front. I've lived in the city all my life and never seen such awesome beauty. Great report even if its not about fishing. Thanks for postin it. dsn
  8. Hmmm how do you ever get a hold on a carp's lips like that? I can never lip those fish they are too slimmy. Nice fish tho. dsn
  9. Here's my last carp that I pulled out before my back went out. But is healing up nicely and quickly now. Thanks lazybum. I should be back up soon. This time I'm fishing carp with a backsupport. The weight of those fish can be a real stress on your body lifting them. Thats another reason we carp anglers don't stand right up holding them. Which I did here. But the fish did squirm abit and I had to quickly turn holding all that wieght and fish fell into the water not the concrete slab I was standing on. Or it would be injured. Folks that saw the fish wantted to take a pic of the fish so I had to hold it up. Other wise I won't do it. dsn
  10. Soryy I couldn't make it. I did something seriuos to my back and tore some major nerves and was in seriuos pain most of Tuesday (Started Sunday Morning) couldn't even get out of bed let alone sit or stand. Was in bed 2 straight days in prayer. The pain I had started with my legs shot through to my brain every time I moved. But Thank God I'm able to sit now for bit can' stand for long at all. Thank God For Miracles. dsn Sorry I missed out.
  11. yeah most of the carp move out when I was there the same day I caught this one. I'm still trying to track them down. This year I found out more than I did before, while tracking the carp movement on the islands. There are bass in that canal we seen a few and they do chase down baits thats if you can keep them above the thick weeds. Or do the drop and jig thing with plastic grubs. I guess the carp thing will be over for me soon and I'll going for bass. Ahh lighter gear to carry for me that is. This bass looks like carp swimming back down to the weedbeds. dsn
  12. I was there yesetrday morning... The carp action has really slowed down and they seemed to have scatterted but I did manage one even with a bad back after a days out fishing MJL hulling carp over a 5 foot wall. I had to break out my very old weight lifting belt to lift this monster out of the bay. You missed all the action bro. Kids were pulling out some big bass which was released back into the water by Bell Canada guy who works on the island. He made sure no one kept them. The fish didn't jump as much yesterday. But the day I was out with MJL they where jumping everywhere. dsn
  13. I was the one who brought the groundbait. MJL didn't have any. He only brought the maize. And it was unscented also. The last time I fished with him I bummed some unscented maize off him and took it home and scented. Cause I have no access to maize let alone a car. Even then it was the regular can of corn that started the water from bubbling.
  14. Hey that's an awesome idea you're brilliant!! Gotta give it try.
  15. Last few days I have been dieing from the heat. I have no AC when I sleep and no cool breeze. Sometimes even respiratory problems cause of the heat. So I found a solution since I had a tub of this stuff lying around. Hmmmmm? Cake yourself in this stuff and you sleep like you have AC all night.
  16. Nope not yet. With the warm temps coming I might head over sooner than the weekend. dsn
  17. As for me if a small carp and I have a camera man I'll stand. If its a big fish its hard to stand up with it once you have it in your arms (craddling it) and then you have to bend back down to properly release it. Not great for your back bending over holding a big slimmy fish. Already have back problems. dsn
  18. Thas a nice size fish. We can see who got the victory and who ended uo with bruises Nice going. dsn
  19. I don't eat carp but this is interesting. They said that carp has a better source of omega 3's that salmon do. So listen up all herbal remedies and health food stores!! Go get as many asian carp and gather in all the omega 3's!!! Here's where I got the article!! Surely they will harvest them to death you watch and see!! They'll be wipped as soon as they stick their ugly heads out of the water!! filleting carp and eating carp dsn
  20. Sounded like you got the chills when it was looking right a you. dsn
  21. Nice fish. Looks like a great palce to hunt down carp. I love clear water carping. Its a blast to see your yellow corn disappear. dsn
  22. Hey nice pics!! Great report. LOL. I like th priceless pic of the upside down carp. You look as if you were holding a precious stone. I couldn't believe the two fish you had on right at the drop of the feeder. Surely ti would have spooked them but it didn't. Not bad for half a days outting. dsn
  23. Here's few website that can help you tie your own hair rigs. One of these links also has a video link to show you how to tie them. Anglers.net Toasted This site has video. This is my fav work very well. God Bless dsn
  24. You got to narrow it down to what kinda fish you are after then prepare yourself with the right lures or tools for that fish and look for locations where that fish might be. Habitat. I have found alot of places with different species of fish in one pond or lake altogether. Narrow down your species your after. dsn
  25. I love this shot Looks like hes popping out of the photo.!! dsn
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