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Everything posted by dsn

  1. yeah nice going!! Topwater POP-R's are my favorite way to go also. Nothing beats seeing a top water strike!! dsn
  2. Hmm everyone mentioned everything I was going to say. So I have nothing to say now. All the above. dsn
  3. Lowrance GlobalMap 100 Saves up to 750 way points, 1000 even makers, 99 saveable routes, Had it for few years. dsn
  4. Its funny!! Can't charge him. He doesn't go by our rules. ha ha Check out the link even the video is in the link. Sea Helps Himself To a bag of chips in the store and runs out.
  5. Yeah weekend is looking great enjoy and good God Bless out there!! I'll now keep an eye out for wild life now. dsn
  6. Truely an amazing person!!

    Always happy and surrounds herself with love.

    Animals and people.WTG

  7. Ok Nauti you inspired me. So I gave it a try. I came across this at the island. And thought ok I'll give it a try and see how it turns out. I decided to get really close up and used manual focus mode. Snapped this pic before it flew off. Then I took this are my bros place. Not bad huh? Usually they don't turn out for me cause of not enough light. But in this cause it turned out good. I was hoping to get a close up shot of a bumble bee but they are too quick!!. dsn Thanks for inspiring us!!
  8. yep and I got soaked in it today while fishing for carp. Landed 3 before the rain got me all soaked. Nothing big so I won't bother posting it. dsn
  9. Buckhorn- scottsmen Point resort. I have been there scotsmen point rates.rates for scotsmen point Stoney lake--- kawartha park marina they have boats that are built like tanks!! Here you go I found the prices.prices link dsn
  10. yeah truely you have passion for photography!! I have canon A700 Powershot and I can't take close up pics without getting the shakes. And sometimes lighting conditions don't allow for faster shutter speeds. Did you use a tripod for the butterfly pics? dsn
  11. I might show up with someone else too if they can wake up early. You never know. I might be on the 7am - 7:30am ferry wards. dsn
  12. dsn

    Last Cast

    A spinner bait will work for all the above. If its my last cast!! dsn
  13. Yeah I have, not to mention the teeth. Safe to handle when they are small just like any other wild beast of nature. dsn
  14. woodland caribou provincal park. Never been there just sounds awesome!! dsn
  15. I was thinking that too. Would be awesome to have a bay bowfin in a tank. But what would you feed it? Great report OO7. I'll be hitting the islands this week also. dsn
  16. Truly amazing pics. What name brand and series digtal camera do you have? dsn
  17. Hey glad you got into some fish Victor. Sorry to hear about your gear. From the looks of the pic. That animal surely looks like baby deer. dsn
  18. Wow and I thought Sony had high standards. Not anymore after this read. dsn
  19. Nice buildings. Would have likedl to see the full size of the last bass it looks huge but got sut off. dsn
  20. I might be there next week also
  21. Ahhh the good old Scotsmens point. Say "Hi" to Andrea for me. (Dennison.) I haven't been there for awhile but she knows me well. There is bay straight out from the rental cottages that holds big bass and lily pads. Along with tons of blue gills. As for carp they have tons of carp in that lake but I have never seen anyone even attempt to fish for them. But I can truly tell you they are huge indeed. I also believe theres hump a bit further out from the point where the cottages are that hold smallies. And walleye. Good Luck!! Can't wait to read your report. dsn
  22. I was warned by one of OFC memebers not to purchase a Sony Digital because of problems. So Thank God I did. Seems like Sony, a company I thought was flawless is coming up short with flaws in their products. I always love Sony items. Infact I still have my Sony TV which I bought when I was in high school. But when the PS2 came out there was a problem with the laser reading certain game discs. And the reason was Sony was using cheap a laser. Which I read on many boards, when I did a search. And the entire PS2 has to be replace. And now it with Digital camers and camcorders? I think their slacking. I used to hold them very high on my list for quality. I guess its time be careful when buying any sony items in the future.
  23. you can tell by how the pics I took, how they change from bright then got dark and then brighter again. Because of the clouds.
  24. Ahhh no thanks!! I might take them and think they were jaw breakers and start eating them myself. dsn
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