yup, well I do I don't look at the full size img, I just look at the album and C&P from there.
Mike, yes this is how people add 10 to 15 pic's in a post.
Hum, I noticed my link before is messed a bit... well I was rushing to catch a train home...
if you click img it will show you 'copied' so now you just paste here.
[ IMG]http: //i345.photobucket.com/albums/p387/G_B_W/Caribe/100_3040.jpg[/img ]
just remove the spaces that I used... in img and after http:
that is my goal this year or next, fly fishing for bass and walleye. when I catch a walleye next time out I'm going to the fly gear (provided I'm in a boat).
it is a very small lake because I know from my brother in-law. I asked if he wanted to go fish it and he said forget it because of the size and it was a weekend and he's only 5 to 10 min. from it. we drove a lot farther to go fishing that day. and that was a year ago and I'm sure there is more traffic now.
what ever you do, DON'T wrap the wood 100% around with the carpet. Why? it traps the water in and takes for ever to drain and dry thus causing the wood to rot much faster. keep the bottom open for drainage, after all, the boat doesn't touch there anyway.