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Everything posted by GBW

  1. Chris, are you saying that the gore fiber stayed straight while the braid moved around it thus causing break off spots? just asking as that's how I read your reply. thanks.
  2. good call and you are lucky to be so close to them...
  3. thanks for the pic's and temp info. now I can tinker too...
  4. i forgot to ask in my state of meat shock, how hot and how long?
  5. oh man that looks so good.... *insert drool icon here*
  6. interesting read now that a lot of you have had a decent amount of time to test it out. for now I'll sitck to my spiderwire in the green moss for braid.
  7. I think if you go down to 2 rod's this is going to happen to you. you have your ML for the panfish in the boat. your fishing with your MH rod and it's not set up to use the lures you want to use and you will be wishing you still have that 3rd as a musky rod with you. if you are going to target musky you want a musky rod so you don't kill the fish from playing it so long. you can still pull this off with out breaking the bank as I find great deals here, kijiji and ebay all the time. just my 2.1 cents for you.
  8. I made my Cuda 168 into a portable unit for my 14' tinny. all you need is a milk crate, wood for a lid, hinges, a battery and a 'C' clamp (oh and an old broken hockey stick or wood like it). mount the transducer to the 'hockey stick' and use the C clamp to hold it to the back of the boat. the rest is your case for the battery and the wood lid is where you mount the display. I'm going to sell mine I think as i don't use it.
  9. that's what I guessed too! you should be using that pic for your avatar...
  10. nice fish and LOL at the steelheader hold too
  11. this info is from another site... Chemung Lake Access/Launches Trying to compile a list of access points. If anyone can help ... Bridgenorth Area 1) BEL Rotary Park Yankee Line/Robinson Rd intersection (44°23'13.45"N- 78°23'58.74"W) - concrete ramp - No Charge launch, parking, or park use (BITO*) 2) formerly "Dutch Marine" east side of lake, 1 block north of traffic lights - concrete ramp - No Charge launch - DO NOT park on private property & observe local parking bylaws 3) Wilcox St road allowance east side of lake near the cemetary - natural ramp/limited parking - No Charge launch (BITO*) - Observe local parking bylaws 4) Irish Line road allowance west side of lake - natural ramp/limited parking - No Charge launch (BITO*) - Observe local parking bylaws 5) Tindle Bay Rd road allowance - NO launch, ICE access only - Observe local parking bylaws 6) Jones Beach Municipal Park east side of lake 1 km north of Dutch Marine - no launch but sand beach, kid friendly, nice place to park the spouse/kids/inlaws - winter access to lake 7) Upper Chemung Dr. Thank-you to flippincrazy & rethomps north end of the lake just off of Buckhorn Rd - gravel launch, no charge - parking on the street 8) 12th Line of Smith road allowance Thank-you to bluefin east side of the lake, close to north end - gravel launch, no charge - limited parking 9) Selwyn Conservation Area 2251 Birch Island Rd, Selwyn, Ontario (44.472827,-78.344874) - no launch but excellent beach, picnic areas, bar'b'q - group camping http://www.ontarioconservationareas.ca/index.php?option=com_mtree&task=visit&link_id=178&Itemid=26 * BITO = Boat In Trash Out! Take all of your trash, and somebody else's . No cost, no effort, no problem!
  12. well I haven't seen any reports from you so far grasshopper...
  13. jerk, LOL!
  14. text sent at 10:40 (or so) PM So from the sounds of it folks, keep the good thoughts and so forth coming as how I read this text, Jenn is looking up!
  15. I SOOO wish you were closer and I could make it. I need me a Spiel rod (the FISHING KIND!) and some Handlebarz lures. sigh... Maybe next year as the kids get older and I can throw some donations in again then.
  16. I got a text msg from Wayne and there was hope that Jenn would be out of the OR around 7PM. I'm sure the stress on everyone is keeping him from the update. I feel a coming on soon (next time we hear from them).
  17. She does know, out 10+ year old 'pup' would say no look what province he's in... An older dog works well too. WAIT! your dad is going to read this and maybe your mom. I said NOTHING! yeah, from the French side of ONT!
  18. when I said to the Mrs "I wonder what it would be like to have the sound of little paws floppingand stomping around here again would sound like?" she said "No! Stop right there, not with the home daycare". So I'm out
  19. how many are spoken for and how many are left? oh she (the Mrs) may kill me if I do this...
  20. r u going to pay a fine if i do it and get one?
  21. trust me, when the kids showed them to me they were/are quick! I know I can NEVER get more then 2 at a time...
  22. oh that I know; but I wear an APE costume and only work at night under the cover of darkness...
  23. get the camera out and take pic's so ppl can help. I don't know of any weed called "cotton candy" but I have heard of skunk and others like it.
  24. that I would never do... save the fish however I just might do. let's see what the kids want to do then.
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