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Everything posted by Paudash

  1. did the same thing a few years back, I pulled into the marina with the owner laughing at me as I pulled in with the nose way up. 5 mins and $10.00 later he added a 6 foot extension and problem solved
  2. would you not figure they would have one or two of them working nights this time of the year just driving around. In the Peterborough area they could easily hit 10 or 15 similar locations in a night to stop this
  3. My son went by lock 19 in Peterborough tonight to see if the walleye spawn has started. The goods news is that spawn is going full tilt with lost of walleye and the largest being around 10 lbs. Now the bad news is the their were people fishing for them and the cut up walleye on shore. When he called the MNR to report it he was told they were most likely native and not to worry about it. When he then told them they definitely were not native they still said not to worry about it. He then drove up the road to the police station up the road to report it. At the station the office said he was just down their writing tickets and he will head back again shortly. Should the MNR not be at every dam for the next 2 weeks protecting the fish? I remember calling a few years back about a similar issue in Omemee with the same response from the MNR
  4. what a shame but what choice did he have
  5. No need to spend that kind of money on a starting battery. I have a Kirkland from Costco, I think they go for around $120 and has worked great for years
  6. put it a baking dish then cover it with a can of coke and let it sit over night. You would be amazed at what the acid in that stuff does to rusted metal
  7. with all the rain last night I hope it helped
  8. hope this rain today helps but I think we need a week of it before we see any real difference
  9. every 2-3 years
  10. Buy a really good hat and sun glasses instead. Had one on my boat and used it once, a pain to set up and tangle every second cast
  11. I just called to get my boat out of storage this weekend and was told it is a snowing in Bancroft
  12. We are looking into the same thing, the reason most fail is because of the mortgage people carry on them. If you are able to purchase it without going into debt you can make it work and live a comfortable retirement. If you have to carry a mortgage of any size on the property you are doomed for failure. Also when you do the numbers on any resort or summer rental property you need to realize that most places in Ontario are only rent-able for 7 weeks per year. Great idea and I am shopping now hopping to buy in the next 3-5 years
  13. if you have unlimited high speed internet I would look at andriod TV. I do not have it and can not get it because of my limited internet feed but they had it at the cottage show and it looked really interesting
  14. My kids placed may boat on Kijiji for sale at a price that looked like a really good deal but not so cheap that it would look like a fake add It took about 4 calls and 3 text before I clued into what was going on
  15. going tomorrow, disappointed no fishing stuff
  16. the best show I ever saw with him was him in a 21 ft bass boat in a pond that could not have been more than 100 yards by a 100 yards he was a classic
  17. just go to the MTO and buy a set of plates for a home made trailer, cost is $35.00 I think. Put them on any boat trailer when you buy it I think I have 3 sets like that, on private sales people rarely have the paper work for the trailers anyway so when you register it they usually classify it as a home built anyway
  18. My Santa Fe has 260k and no issues, changed the oil every 10k, 2 brake jobs and that is it gave it to my son last year and it still runs great
  19. I had a 2009 Santa Fe but it was only a 2wdr Towed my 17ft crestliner with a 40hp with no issues at all.
  20. I was looking at buying a plastics making kit but at a price of $200.00 to get started it seems like a lot of money. Has anyone tried it?
  21. For him to lead with this shows what else he has got to offer nothing at all, he is a waste of space living off his Dads good name can't wait for his first debate
  22. That is like the fish my dad has mounted in his basement, he swears its a 5lb and I thought so as well then I started fishing on own and caught a real 5lb it might be a 3lb on a slow day but I could never tell him
  23. in the states it is based on the choices people make, would you rather have a 30% tax rate and be able to pick the type of heath insurance you want but you have to make the payments and start them at a young age to maintain affordability when you are older Here we pay 50% taxes and the governments make the insurance payments for us On my yearly jaunt to Kansas for the NASCAR race, I got talking to one of my neighbors there. He told me that his family premiums were up to $1200.00 per month and he could no longer afford it. as stated above he can afford to go to a NASCAR race for the weekend but can not afford health insurance, it is all about choices people make.
  24. No cure, but a treatment program that has allowed her to start school again after missing 2 years and we are hoping for her to go to college in September. But the best thing is no seizures in the past 2 years since she started treatment with US doctors.
  25. Steve, I could not agree with you more and that was the issue but after my D suffered numerous seizures and 2 while we were at sick kids hospital in Toronto in front of doctors. She went from being an elite athlete to being wheelchair bound in a matter of 3 months. She was given 4-5 MRI's in the first 2-3 months but when they could not find a diagnosis they pushed everything out further and further and we went from doctor to doctor from Ottawa to Kitchener until a doctor told us to go to the states. As soon as they they found out she played hockey they kept saying she has a concussion and refused to look past it even though she never suffered a major hit. The Ontario system is set up like a menu, this is what the test shows so this is what you have. What if the test do no show anything conclusive, they push you to the next doctor. Your vet can treat your dog off of symptoms but Ontario doctors are not allowed to.
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