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Shelley Cooper

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Everything posted by Shelley Cooper

  1. You guys are scaring me.... But I can't wait...
  2. Sounds like a great plan... Count Chuck n I in too...
  3. Great report and pic's Joey... congrats... sure looks like a great time was had by all...
  4. Awesome report and pic's... Congrats on the PB... I can't wait to get there either...comon weekend...
  5. Wow.. good report and excellent pictures.. Thanks for sharing...
  6. Looks like you had beauty weather for your outing.. as you said, Fish is a bonus.. glad to see you got out... Also, thank you for this thread.. We had no idea we had to carry the ownership for the boat, IN THE BOAT... We'd carry it in the truck because of pulling the boat, but not in the boat itself....thank god we haven't been stopped on the water...We'll be sure to put a copy in the boat now... Thank you for sharing....
  7. I still see it too Gcd...
  8. WTG Cliff and Carole.. glad to see all went well with the first launching of the new boat... Waiting on the fish reports now...
  9. WTG Charmaine... Nice fish... Good on you Pete for getting her out... Thanks for sharing....
  10. Nice fish Steve.. congrats...
  11. WTG Joey... Keep it going girl...
  12. Morning Lew.... Off to work for me... You have a good day too...
  13. Congradulations... Nice to see the search is over and you found a great deal... Can't wait for your reports...
  14. Congrat's on the NEW family member Speil.. I'm sure you'll enjoy her.... Nothing like coming home from a crappy day at work and the little feller greets you at the door and cheers you right up.... I couldn't live without MY best friend....
  15. House work.. Yard work.. House work and Computer work.... and the winds a howling outside... but I'll be ready for the water's NEXT weekend...lol
  16. Hahahahahahha... LOL That is funny...
  17. Yaaaaa, bring on the COLD... but keep most of the snow... Once Lady Simcoe is FROZEN.. I can go fishing ANYTIME....
  18. Nice fish Terry... WTG...
  19. Good morning... Yep.. Fall has arrived... brrr You have a good weekend too Mo...
  20. Your welcome BMMike... From all of US in cabin #10
  21. Wow.. gonna try to catch that tonight.. if not, maybe record it... I like E.R. too...
  22. Night Roy... hugz.
  23. Happy Birthday Patrick... and an awesome way to celebrate it..... Thanks for sharing...
  24. Morning everyone... Have a great day....
  25. Nice reel Terry... good to see you got out and also great to see you took action on them 2 guys... We're heading out in a few minutes, might see you guys out there...
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