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Shelley Cooper

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Everything posted by Shelley Cooper

  1. I'll be there... not sure of the date's yet... I can' wait for morning coffee with Lew again.... and of course... seeing everyone else...
  2. Glad to hear all went well Rich.... Best wishes for a speedy recovery....
  3. Chin up Nanook.. as other's have said.. Enjoy the meds... it'll be over in no time and you'll feel a lot better....
  4. I hope all will goes well Jack... and you have a speedy recovery....
  5. My son and his girlfriend were brought home this morning... They are banged up pretty good and will take some time to heal, but they are alive, and they will heal... The police say they are very lucky to have survived such a terrible accident and come out of it as well as they did. Justin, the friend in the back seat, is still in hospital and being transferred to St. Mike’s in Toronto to see some specialist’s for his back. He has cracked vertebrae and they are worried it is moving towards his spine. He will more than likely have to have back surgery. But he too is alive and thankful for that…He seems to be in good spirits, and we are keeping close contact with his mother. It surely was a terrifying experience for us parents that made it to the scene…. And something I hope I never have to see again. We are all so VERY thankful that we still have our children…. It could have been so much worse.... Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and thoughts.... Shelley…
  6. Wow... Nice fish.... As you can see... We love pic's... Thanks for sharing...
  7. Wow... Very nice perch... WTG... and congrats on the PB...
  8. WTG oldphart... Nice outing... Can't wait to see the pic's...
  9. Just heard that too Brian.... So sad....
  10. Awesome report and pic's... thanks for sharing...
  11. Awesome Brian.... I'd sure love to get out for some of that there kinda ice fishing... Happy New Year to you all....
  12. WTG Joey... A real NICE start to the 2008 fishing year.... Happy New Year....
  13. Happy New Year to you and yours too Lew... Best wishes for 2008
  14. Happy New Year T.J and Family... And to all OFC Best wishes for 2008
  15. Amen Rick.... and right back at ya.. I wish the best for you and all the OFC family community for the coming year... Safe Fishing First.. Lady...
  16. Hahahah Twilight... it is Grammy..... She is my first granddaughter, but I have 4 grandson's before her... And YES Wayne... I am feeling OLD... but only for today... Thank you all...
  17. Nice report and pics... Love the video.... Good to see you got out...I'm still feeling a little nervous about the ice conditions with the crazy weather we've been having... Thanks for sharing.....
  18. Excellent report and pic's... Nice to see people are getting out and getting some nice perchies... Thanks for sharing...
  19. An update Brian... Sure... Here she is... Shantayah gave us a bumpy road to travel.. But she finally made her appearance at 2:57am on Dec. 28/07 weighing in at 8pds 11oz... so much for the doc's report of her being about 6.5pds.. Mom and baby were kept a very close eye on for the first 12 hrs... blood pressure issues for mom and heart rate for baby... but as of last night, BOTH are doing quite well... and on the road to a great recovery and new life... Kaylin and Shantayah... Thank you to those whom have responded and kept us in their thoughts... Best wishes to all for the New Year... Shelley.... Now for some much needed rest...
  20. Excellent report and pic's... WTG guys...
  21. Looks like an awesome day out.... Congrat's on the PB...
  22. A belated Merry Christmas to all our OFC family members…. It’s been a busy time around our home, as I’m sure it has for many. I finally have a few minutes to myself. I must have been a good girl this year; cause Santa was really good to me. I got this Garmin 250w special edition GPS for my vehicle. No more getting lost for me. And this Viper remote car starter. Yes..No more running out in the cold to start my Jimmy.. This obusforme Drivers Seat will keep my back massaged, warm and comfortable. I didn’t open any fishing gear this year, but I did get some gift certificates for BPS and CTC. Along with a lot of other little goodies. But the best gift of all, was having a house full of family and friends to celebrate. BUT Its not over for us.. as the best gift of all is still to arrive. This is my daughter, with my granddaughter still cooking in the oven… We will be leaving around 5am tomorrow morning, to Humber River Regional Hospital, in Toronto, to start the process to bring this NEW life into OUR world, and I get to help with it all I can't think of a better way to finish off the Christmas season and start the New Year… I hope everyone had a great Christmas And Happy New Year to you ALL…
  23. This isn't hard to fiqure out Brian.... He does have an excellent reputation for being CROTCHY... lol and you are Right.....
  24. Merry Christmas to you and yours too Kelvin...and Best wishes for the New Year
  25. Happy Birthday Gerritt....
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