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Shelley Cooper

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Everything posted by Shelley Cooper

  1. I'm on there too Randy....
  2. We decided to hit Lady Simcoe today for another kick at the Lakers action.. We haven’t had much luck with trolling, on Simcoe since we got the boat… The morning started out a little breezy and choppy, once set up.. this was the beautiful view, and promise of a nice day… We fished the Oro side of the lake today… set up and started trolling.. after some time, one of the lines goes off and Chuck has a fish on… a Herring… and a good sized one too.. We both thought it was a small Whitefish at first, because of the size… but at closer inspection, realized it was a Herring and quickly put it back into the waters.. with out a Pic, sorry… We were so concerned about its survival, we hadn’t thought of a pic till after it was released….. It sure is nice to see the Herring returning and one of such a size… Set up again and not to long goes by and we get a knock off…. Set up again and a while later, we get another shot at a fish.. It’s MY turn now and Chuck yells for me to grab the rod I get this nice laker for the dinner table… We trolled a bit longer with another knock off and that was about it for us.. We left the water around 2:30pm…. Not as many boats out there as we expected but there were a few.. We heard of others getting 2-3 fish each, but not sure what they were getting… It was sure a great day to be on the water…I’m sure there isn’t many more of these days left…. And a great way to finish off the Laker and Whitefish season… We may be heading back out after dinner tonight. But we’re sure to be out again in the morning,. Our target will be the Whitefish tomorrow… We’re heading Georgina way, so if any others are out there, stop on by and say hello….
  3. Made me laugh too... good one...
  4. Wow.... AWESOME
  5. Wow...Nice fish Bly... I knew you would do it... WTG
  6. Sounds like you to had a great week away... beautiful Pic's too Joey... Thanks for sharing..
  7. WTG Bly.... with your determination, I KNEW it wouldn't be long.... Congrats..
  8. Good Luck Brian... can't wait for the report...
  9. Happy, Happy Birthday Cliff.... May the big one be YOURS TODAY..
  10. Wow Cliff.. NICE FISH... WTG...
  11. Wow Cliff, thats some fish... WTG...
  12. congrats on your marriage... may the fish gods be with you for your honeymoon...
  13. Awesome Report and pic's... 2 PB's... Nice... wtg.. Thanks for sharing....
  14. Nice fish... I'm hoping to get my first this year too... WTG....
  15. Got it... Thanks bNb
  16. Thanks all... It really was a good time... Sam... Don't feel bad.. we ALL need a holiday....your store looks great, we'll have to get inside next time were down... MTP... Yes, plan's are already made to be at the BOQ in November... Cliff.. yes, it did take some time to put that together... kept feeling like it was to long but trying to shorten it any further seemed impossible.... thanks for your encouragement...
  17. Great to see you made it there safe and sound Joey... Pual sure looks like he's having a great time... The fishing wsn't the best this wekend, but the weather sure was nice....
  18. Great report T.J.. Love the pic's too....
  19. We arrived at Pete and Charmaine’s Saturday morning around 10 am…. Charmaine informed us that they’d just sent Cliff and Carol off in their little tinny and Pete was out, but would be back soon. Charmaine gave us the tour…the view from their yard…Breath taking! This is the shed/guest room that Pete’s been working on…not yet finished but it sure will look great when it’s done….I think he said he’ was after the “ol barn” look… The guest room… as cozy as could be and fitted with a big TV at the bottom of the bed. When lying down at night, you had an excellent view of the fire pit… I had trouble getting one eye to fall asleep; it was mesmerized by the wonderful view…lol Their daughter Sara had popped in with her friend and we got a little visit with her too.. Nice to see you again Sara… and Tess was pretty good around our pesky little dog too.. Cliff and Carole came rolling in on the tinny to say hello and have a short visit before we took off to do some fishing too…. We visited and chatted for a bit and managed a group shot with the help of the neighbor…. Then we all headed out fishing with the plan to meet back around 6pm… We arrived in Trenton and launched the boat at a public launch… Dang, imagine that.. FREE launching… you don’t get that in to many area up our way… Us 3 girls waiting for the guys to park the truck and trailer…. We’re finally off and I get the cam out to take some shots when I turned and got this shot… The excited couple were truly showing their enjoyment over the boat ride…hehehe But this was the look I got when I suggested we take them back so they could get a room… lol We got to a spot that Pete thought might be good to start trolling… We didn’t have much luck in the fish department on Saturday, but we sure did enjoy the ride and company… and Charmaine and I did manage to pick up some nice colour…. We all arrived back around 6:30pm… Pete and Charmaine put on an awesome feast. The steak was excellent and the potatoes, as Cliff said, ARE the best I’ve ever tasted… We were all starved and I’m sure there wasn’t a bite left.. lol A couple night shots… The fire pit… Chuck and Kea enjoy the relaxing time… We all crashed just shortly after Cliff and Carole left for their trip home, in hopes of an early start to Sunday morning fishing…. Well, none of us woke before 7 am and this was the view.. Heavy fog, you couldn’t even see the water…. and then there was breakfast. So we had a bit of a late start, but were off to Picton Bay after a quick shot of the fog lifting and a promise to a beautiful day ahead…. We all thought it was a great idea to take a detour and stop by Carra OutDoorSports to say hello and see what we could spend some money on… but it was CLOSED… here’s Pete and Chuck, Hoping to get SOMEONE to answer the door… lol Well, no luck there.. So we took shots of us OUTSIDE the store instead… lol We left and headed for Picton in hope’s we’d find a bait shop open in the area… and we did.. but on the way, Chuck was a little busy, so Pete took over the Wheel.. lol We finally arrived around 11 am to this beautiful view… Soon out and ready to fish….brickNblock all set up…. But the first fish caught belonged to me… A white bass the guys called it, but I’ve since heard they’re also known as silver bass.. Not of any size at all, but it’s a fish… 10 min. later… Pete gets a bigger one…or maybe its the way he holds it?? and not long after that… Chuck gets a big weed snag on.. but not all’s lost, he was rewarded with a FREE lure from his awful snag…. I then get this… heheheh So, I’m 1 up on the guys… We tried a few other areas with no luck and called it quits around 6pm… but it was a great day out… Charmaine was smelling up the whole truck all the way back, from her skunk, but she didn’t care and enjoyed her knitting time when she needed a break from fishing… and our Kea just loved her for it… We got back to their place and a fabulous meal was on the menu again… Rib’s with all the trimmings… No wonder no one can stay up late around their place.. full belly’s equal NAP time.. lol But before crashing, I managed a few beautiful shots…. Chuck and Pete enjoying the bonefire… If you look close at this picture… you’ll see the rainbow that seem to stay over us each night.. it was just amazing… And the night darken’s, but only to a more beautiful site… Well, Sunday night fell fast, it seemed and Monday morning came early.. I was up fishing by 6 am and I got this shot of the Carp that visit Pete’s doc.. but Pete thinks the Carp are all on the other side of the river. I seen them there the morning before, but I didn’t think he believed me and got this shot…. Just after taking the picture… Chuck comes along in time to see a few more Carp swimming through… Look close and you can see them…. LoL Eat your heart out PETE…They ARE there… LOL… I did try to catch one, but had NO luck…. LoL After another nice breakfast, prepared by Charmaine, who wouldn’t let me lift a finger… it was time to head out… We had 2 stops to make on our way home.. and Pete and Charmaine were heading out to work… We took pic’s of each other in front of the boat at brickNblocks and Charmaine’s place for our memory album’s… We had a fabulous weekend … We couldn’t ask for more comfort or better companionship.. Pete and Char are one of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure of spending time with… We didn’t get onto many fish or any of size to write home about… but the time out on the boat and around the campfire made it an awesome visit, even the weather cooperated…not to mention their laid back, pleasant approach to ANYTHING…. You’re the best… Thank you so much for having us… and our pet… If ANYONE has the chance to spend some time with these people… you won’t regret it… they are wonderful, pleasant and so caring…truly enjoyable people to be around… I can’t wait for them to come up our way and show them the same hospitality that they showed US.
  20. Good morning Mo.... We are heading down to BnB's tomorrow morning for the long weekend, and believe me... after a 58 hr work week, am I L king forward to it.... You have a good safe weekend too...
  21. Awesome report.... and pic's thanks for sharing....
  22. Happy Birthday Paul... and Al Hope its a great one...
  23. WTG..... Nice pic's... thanks for the report
  24. WTG Joey... glad to see yous got out... Sunday sure was the better day to be on the water... Nice pic's, thanks for sharing..
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