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Shelley Cooper

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Everything posted by Shelley Cooper

  1. WTG Lex... nice catch...
  2. Thanks everyone.. it really was a beauties day out there today... especially since it was my first trip of very few to come this year... The whities were a bonus and topped the day, and dinner off... ICE... The big guy is always free and on the ice.. call anytime..
  3. Thanks all.... Terry.. everyone is talking about how cold it was, but we honestly didn't find it all that cold, the sun was nice and warming, I didn't even cover myself with the trap today.. it was beauties out there with only the odd wind kick up, which wasn't much either.... GCD.... they're cooking away right now... soon.. I'll email you what I CAN... lol Hope you enjoy.. lol Shooter... Long time no hear.... NO, we were NOT out by you and we were on the skidoo.... Head around your island tomorrow and come towards us... and see if we can't hook up... would love to see you.... Good luck out there tomorrow everyone...
  4. I finally got my first trip onto Lady Simcoe today and she was not disappointing.... Found I had a missing wheel on the skidoo that had to be repaird before touring out... We got out around 12pm and fished until 2:30pm with lots of action... Back out tomorrow morning, first light..
  5. mmmmmh that looks awesome....
  6. Hey Joey.. wish I could help you a little more, but I have been working and haven't been out myself... Chuck is out there today, scouting the last place/spot we fished at last year... maybe he'll have some news by morning.. accessible from Innisfil... give him a shout
  7. I'm with Beans and anyone else... KETCHUP ALL THE WAY....
  8. I'll try to get a Noon time start for that day Maureen, IF I can.. I'll be there.
  9. Happy, Happy Birthday Roy... <hugz>
  10. WOWWWWW... Amazing video... Just got off the road, what a pleasure to come home to.. Thanks Cliff.. great job.
  11. AWESOME report and pic's Rich.... Thanks for sharing your holidays... Enjoyed the read too...
  12. Just awesome TJ.... I WILL make it down there one of these days too.. always wanted to visit Cuba... Love the pic's.. thanks for sharing... Glad your home safe... Welcome back...
  13. Excellent report and read as usual.... Nice pic's.. WTG u 2
  14. Excellent report and read Joey.... Thanks for sharing...
  15. Nice Emil... what a great start to the season.... Glad all worked out with the boat... WTG
  16. Congrats Brian.... They sure are a bundle of joy once they arrive and they grow quick too... Got my first granddaughter just before the New year and she's gone from this.... to this in 3 months... Good luck to all...
  17. Great report and pic's Carole... a great way to spend your b=day too... WTG... both of you...
  18. WTG Pete and Charmaine... I know how much you enjoyed the trip in our boat and how much you really wanted to get one like it... Congrats.... I'm also posting a Picture of Pete and Charmaine's new boat for them.. They havent' been able to post it with their computer and slow connection.... Now.. get out fishing and Charmaine.LEAVE the KNITTING at home, and keep the rod in your hands... LOL... Here's their new pride and joy.....
  19. Excellent report..... Adventure and fishing... Just gotta love it... Nice fish too... WTG
  20. Awesome report.... Love them videos....
  21. Morning Lew.... We're up in Innisfil.. 8th line area... in our area, flooding is not to bad, but down towards Lefroy and Gilford, its pretty bad.. Drove by some streets last night that were completely impassable.... unbelievable...
  22. I heard about this theft on Rock 95 yesterday, but had No idea it was you Terry... Really sorry to hear this. Hopefully with the radio reports and the OFC community, it gets recovered...
  23. Cliff and Bly... Enjoyed your story and pic's.... WTG on the PB...
  24. Happy Birthday to you..Bean's.... Hope its a good one....
  25. My son.. age 20, plays COD4 on XBox... his user name is Heavy d911, if anyone would like to add him....
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