From my Trauma course last week... follow ABCDEFGHI
A. Inspect the airway. Clean out any obstruction then, apply a neck collar for C-spine immoblitization if you suspect head or spinal injury.
B. Assess breathing. Rise and fall of the gills symmetrical. Air bladder distended. Auscultate the lungs ensuring adequate air entry bilaterally.
C. Check pulse. Check circulation ie, skin color, pallor, temp... submerge fish if need be for quick revival.
D. Treat disabilities.
E. Expose. Quickly observe for further trauma, get your photo, then blanket and keep the fish warm. Try not to remove slime.
F. Call the family for further history. Obtain full vital signs.
H. Head to toe... I mean head to fin assessment. Palpating and assessing neurovascular status.
I. If the fish is boarded, with help carefully rotate and inspect posterior surfaces.
Once all labs and tests have returned and you've consulted with your team, then and only then can the OOS fish be discharged safely back to the water.