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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. A note to those that use the Trent Severn system, They have removed a large # of aids to navigation on the system and that has raised some concern to safety in the Canadian Power Squadrons in the area. I feel that it would be a loosing battle to have them all restored but I would suggest that if you notice a missing buoy and feel it should be there to make your feelings known to Parks Canada and maybe we can get a few of the more important ones restored with a little pressure from the locals one at a time.
  2. I could hear odd noises all morning as I worked on a house in FT. Mcmurry and thought it was a raven because they make all kinds of sounds. When I got to the back corner of the house I could look over the fence and see a dog drowning in the pool. It had been in there all morning and was going down when I pulled it out, but the look it gave me was a priceless if dogs could talk moment as it was a neighbors dog and wasn't supposed to be there and he knew it..
  3. Why the carp do they have this show for hicks in the most expensive ,hardest to get to place in Ontario. I would suggest we hicks support the show in Peterborough so it can be as good as the old TO show used to be. I only pick Peterborough for its central location as it should be easy to get to. I had a few friends go up this year and they had good things to say about it.
  4. I had a buddy show up with an s10 full of junk he wanted to stow on my boat for an overnight trip, I was like $##% ^$%%&. But when we were stuck on the dock due to wind and out comes a charcoal bbq and bergers, chips and dip couple jugs of rum etc. it was ALL RIGHT!
  5. With Hugo Chevez holding the debt of the carbon credit selling nations instead of the imf and wb I would think the carbon credit system is all but officially over.
  6. Transport Ca. has a program out where you can get a free inspection of your boat for all your safety gear through your local Canada Power and Sail squadron, do a little Googling and find the contact person in your area to set it up. If your boat passes you get a sticker to display on your boat. The idea is better us on shore at no cost than cops on the water. Forget the sat. radio and stick to AM, you can hear approaching lightning on an AM radio.
  7. C+R was started because the sport fishing industry sponsored TV fishing shows were breaking the law every show and the regs were changed to suit the poachers. Unlimited C+R was not legal till I think somewhere in the 80's. Before C+R the limit was a catch limit not a keep limit but was not enforced.
  8. Sooner or later someone is going to do the math and figure out the heat coming of your paved driveway contributes more to global warming than your car and will pass a bylaw banning driveways .
  9. AS soon as the RCMP get some boats built and get themselves licenced your going to be looking at a commercial boat opperators licence. I think this will be an actual licence and not the micky mouse cards we have now and as far as I know George Brown in TO is the only place to get it so far. I think insurence drove a lot of guides out of bussiness or under the table.
  10. We did the salmon thing for years but we are getting out a lot later in the day and have to pass over some great walleye spots on the way so we spent most of last year fishing eyes. Now that we decided to ell with the big $ derby tickets freinds are asking to go after the salmon and I hope to get out more this year.
  11. Dodge did a re design on thier trucks a few years ago, first change under the tin in something like 30 years so they may or not be a pos but they're not the same old pos that we remember.. Someone could make a fortune building simple utillity vehicles, 4 wheels, a motor and tranny, something to sit on with a box behind it, no computors abs or all that other stuff, maybe call it a lorry cause trucks are gettingto be all fluff , no work and too much $.
  12. Yeah I've met a few I'd like to slap upside the head too.
  13. I got an plain 86 F250 4x4 in 89 that finally rotted away in 05 so I replaced it with another one. It took a while to find a low millage 86 F250 4x4 but I finally found one and this ones loaded with a cap Whoohoo. 9 more years and I can put a historic plate on it.
  14. They get a few showing up early July at Main Duck . Try to search the Kingston Charter boats, I think one of them is U -catch em or something like that, if you can find one of their web sites you might get a good Idea of where they fish them and what times of year. As far as I know the Kingston boats makes the run to Main Duck or trailer to Wellington but I don't see why you couldn't find them closer to Kingston.
  15. When I was in Ft. Mcmurry in the 80's there was a contract up for grabs for putting on miles and miles of weather stripplng on some buildings but they couldn't get anyone to do it because it went on with sloted screws. A buddy took the contract, threw away the slotted screws and got some robbies, made about $500 a day.
  16. I think I got a 15/17 ss in the barn , it weighs about 50lb. A little big for a 50? I pollished a pair for a nieghbor but he sold the boat before we could try them out. they went from about a 50 grit from being left in the water to mirror smooth, I thought my arms would fall off before I finished them. I use the ss in L.O. and stay with aluminium in shallow water but i've never tested one against the other.
  17. I was at a district meeting of the Canadian Power Squadron a few weeks ago and it was reported that 50% of those that take our GPS coarse fail the exam. The gps coarse is starting to get requested more often but our squadron hasn't done one yet and I haven't seen it. I would guess that at least 90% of those that have gps don't know how to use all of the features of the unit. I'm one of that 90%, I use a cheep gps and link it to a laptop, everything is done on the laptop and all I know about the gps is how to turn it on and off. One of these days I'll dig up the manuel and figure it out.
  18. Plywood blade in backwards, if you don't have one go with whatever blade has the most teeth or a carbide finish blade but remember to put it in backwards. Don't try to cut it if its cold.
  19. The only thing I could think of would be they suspect someone might hide a repair job with an affiliation patch or breach the waterproofing if there is any. Some jackets floatation material would be sealed in plastic bags , maybe they think these could get puntured. I can only guess.
  20. Another thing that came to my attention at a boat inspectors coarse was that a life jacket or pfc that has affiliation patches like OFAH and such sewn on it is no longer a legal item.
  21. Flavour of the day, Hire a scientist to suport the theary and he will, hire another to disprove it and he will, problem is nobody hires them to just go out and do science anymore. We've been wrong before, there are still lots of people who think oil came from dinosours and a few still think the world is flat.
  22. Check into one that has the digital distress system word is they will eventually stop monitoring 16 and just go with the digital system because of the abuse on 16.
  23. You don't have a map you have a chart, google chart symbols and you should find what your looking for. Your local power squadron will have a book of all the symbols.
  24. I also keep it in my wallet but the day they got me I was 10 miles out in LO before I realized I didn't have it. I knew of some who had forgot thiers and were given a chance to show it at Napanee so I didn't get too excited over it figured I'd have a good excuse for a bike ride to Napanee. But when the CO showed up he would't have any of that and of coarse I told him I had one and forgot it so he wrote me up for the more expensive fine. I almost had a chance to get my money back with a towing fee last year when a CO passed over a rock right beside me but he missed it ...sigh..
  25. I'm pretty sure a photocopy of a licence is not legal but you should make a few copies of your opperators card as its not a licence. You do not have the right to remain silent with an Ontario CO you have to answear thier questions, just don't volunteer anything as they're fish'n too.
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