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Everything posted by anders

  1. A lot of meat indeed! I wish i was fortunate enough this year, but not in the cards. Congrats to that guy for a great animal. To the other post about it walking...sometimes while hunting we only see one animal, and one chance, that could have been his only animal he seen, or had a chance. WHAT LUCK....congrats again to the hunter. Another popular big game gun for moose is the 7mm...awsome gun for shooting through clear cuts.
  2. WOW....thanks for taking the time to put that all togeter. COngrats on a great year!
  3. Nice job John. THs is all in Alberta i take it? Whats the deal for moose up there for residents? How does the system work?
  4. Anyone else cant wait? I am checking back regularly for it!!!! ARGHHH The suspense is killing me!
  5. Great comparison. I am like a grown man in a tackle store with anticipation of whats to come. What an easy and enjoyable read that was. Cant wait for the porn!
  6. i have both. I really like the neoprene waders in the winter and fall, with long underwhere and wooly socks, very rarely do i get cold. The breathables are awsome in the summer.
  7. WOW good job. That big silver male looks like a brute! How big was that. I am going to hit the Michipicoten tomorrow for the first time this year, and hoping i can have a quarter of the success you had. Good job guys!
  8. very cool! Thanks for sharing.
  9. Its only a matter of time before one of the best GM's in hockey will be in Toronto..
  10. I would pay for you to come up North and teach me how to do it! I dont know if you are just reporting how you did or showing off.. Very nice!
  11. Nice pics! I know that spot...i was there last week! LOL got to love that river, in one spot you can catch almost anyspecies in the great lakes!
  12. And just for arguements sake...i will also throw out my home town boy...Chris Simon. Better believe if Simon was in the NHL today, Hollweg wouldnt have had 2 suspensions today..he would be watching over his shoulder all the time.
  13. I am pretty certain looking at the picture with the black legs and yellow beak that, that is a great egret. http://www.naturephoto-cz.com/great-white-...-photo-491.htmlundefined
  14. some like them but they are the best smoked. Most places the limit is 25, but really who in there right mind you keep 25 fair sized fish to eat. 5 is plenty for me, its just really fun to do.
  15. smelt net is the best...its light and small holes. Go after dark with a large spotlight. Early November is the best, when its cold, a bit of ice around and when you pull your net up,it freezes. Thats the best time. Dont forget to get your permit from the mnr first. Its free.
  16. it was in the high teens up here this weekend. Not a good weekend for them. I have seen some in the back of the trucks and in some trailers travelling back to there home. More of a good bird weekend than moose.
  17. This is the first time since I've been eligible that I will not be voting. In the past I've put my support behind all 3 major parties and have been screwed by them all. Your vote makes no difference at all. Harper, Dion, Layton.....it don't matter. They're all just puppets and despite what you are lead to believe, I can guarantee that things will not change no matter who gets in. We are made to feel like we make a difference and we are made to feel guilty if we don't. Western democracy ain't all it's cracked up to be and every year we slip further and further into a full blown dictatorship. They make the rules to suit themselves, they determine their own pay, etc., etc. the list could go on forever. If you feel that things will change with someone new at the helm then hey, knock yourself out at the polls and vote. After watching these a$$holes break promise after promise year after year for my entire life I actually feel we are doing our children a gross disservice by making them believe that they are making a difference. "The biggest crooks around are the ones that are making all the rules for the rest of us". Rebel With A Cause - LAJ I dont like what the three major parties are saying, but i will still be voting. There are other options on the card.
  18. remember walleyejigger, that although common sense is common, its not common is many people. always good practice to wear hunter orange. as mentioned by you, the only time i dont not where it is when i am bow hunting in a bow only season. even still i will where it to where i will park my
  19. And that my son, is how legends are made.
  20. Just wondering if your local gas stations are dropping there prices. Crude is under 80 a barrel and we are still paying 121. here. We have been paying that for few days now. I know we have heard this all before, but just wondering if other stations are dropping the price in gas.
  21. Ryan Miller i think is one of the best goalies in the league....easily top 5 in my books, and doesnt get the credit. Jedi....i still think they will make the playoffs, i just dont think home ice is a possibility with the Canadians (that hurts me to say that) and the sens looking better than they did last year.
  22. I dont think they are rooting for the leafs to lose quite badly this year, the leafs just will. Maybe if hell froze over this winter they might have a chance.
  23. Thats an all to familiar seen up here. gotta love that splatter on the camper.
  24. hmmm....I dont know about that one....did it really need to be shot because day care was a block away? What time was it, was it recess time for the day care or was it 7 at night when day care was closed? I think they could have monitered it until tranqs were brought in to have relocated. We are not allowed to shoot a bear in our yard unless it is causing harm or damage to property or life....different views for different animals????? Next time a bear sits down in my yard from being tired from eating crab apples, remind me to get the .300 mag out.
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