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Everything posted by anders

  1. I feel bad for you leaf fans but i too will be trying to dry my tears from this painful season that is coming. Canadiens, Senators, my poor Bruins have no real hope for a chance at the division. The only reason i am watching that game tonight is to see Def!
  2. My Hero is Bobby Orr.... you sir are coming close to de-throwning him.
  3. i am a hunter, but i dont like brining up the sibject due to its volatile nature (with many people opposed to killing), and this is a good example of why is dont like discussing. The action in question can be viewed by many different stances. First off, it is the law to take home the antlers or head of the animal for proper sexing if stopped by the CO after the hunt be it in your garage or on the road. Second, have you lifted a moose head, if not they are heavy and akward, maybe after the harvest when transporting out of the bush it wa easier for the crew just to leave it on the 4 wheeler? However it doesnt look good and it can give hunters a bad name. By no means do i think that these people are bragging,(if you want bragging go to Dubreiville Ontario...there you will see bragging that would make you cringe), however, it is a common sight in the fall for hunters to get there kill home, buy putting it either whole or in quarters with the hide on in the trailer or back of the truck with feet in the air. How else do they get it home? But it can look like disrespect to that animal when in fact I believe that in 90% of the cases it is just trying to get home quickly. Like it was said before...education is important and we (hunters) have to be patient when talking to the anti's about it.
  4. As long as the lake is not an "artificial lue only" lake. I would say yes. Your best bet would be to call the MNR and ask directly. They would point you in the right direction and give you the best answer.
  5. There you have your answers, for the upteenth time. Drop the subject about keeping salmon, comparing salmon, and colours of salmon. Its get tiring of seeing the same S***, just different day from you.
  6. LOL There goes that discussion!
  7. yeah...i havent been able to make any contact about the warrenty, plus half the rod went down the drink when it snapped
  8. Well, as in the title i broke my 7 ft Shimano Izumi series baitcaster this weekend at a point were the rod tip cannot be saved, so i have to get a new one . The old rod was a two piece, and it was a great rod, lots of backbone and a great tip. However i found a Fenwick HMX on line but its a one piece. What the difference between a two piece and a one piece (besides the obvious for all you quite witted folks out there) in quality and performance, and does anyone have any experience with both. Thanks a million Anders
  9. main page i only counted about 4 or 5. I dont mind reading some non fishing. Sometimes i see things (like some news) that i wouldnt have unless i choose to read it. Always have the option of NOT reading the NF posts.
  10. congrats on a great day. Love the pic with you and your son. Memories forever.
  11. your going to love it when the atlantics come in next year. talk about fun in that river! thanks for sharing....brought back some memories for me of when i was in school
  12. You proved you can catch bows in the rivers. Just like many other people on this board.
  13. use some for ice fishing. I buy 1000 yrd spool for my bait caster. I re spool them a couple time each year and the bulk line is usually ran out in 2 years.
  14. I usually have the rods put away this time of year in exchange for my bow for moose, however with the state of the tag system it is in the closet and i am still thinking of fishing. I have never targeted northerns or most other fish in this time of the season because hunting season has started (bear, grouse, moose, and then deer) so no time for fishing So i am trying to be led in the right direction. Question: Where would i start to find pike...not hammer handles, but pike...big, mean and angry? Thanks a million.
  15. Not to me. The first looks grey/starting to go black, the other to me, seems to be brown. To eat? Not for me. However it is just an opinion. Maybe for a smoker though,
  16. Looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing pictures of you trip. Would definitly like to visit the rock one day. The white ungulate you saw, is 100% caribou. http://www.env.gov.nl.ca/snp/animals/caribou.htm Thanks for sharing.
  17. Congrats on the new hunting/fishing buddy. I took mine hunting last ngiht for the first time and laughed the hole time. Awsome feeling!
  18. I just purchased a PSE X-force dream season. Amazing bow, but pricey. CHeck around first. Shoot some different bows and you start to find some you like. I went to BPS and was dissapointed in the service at the desk. Look around first and take your time. IT will definitly be a purchase that you will cherish.
  19. bottom bouncers and worm harnesses are about all i use most of the time, up where i am. They work absolutly amazing.
  20. Where are you flying out of from. Whats the WMU?
  21. I dont drift at all with them....i troll with them. I dont have a trolling motor either, just troll back in forth and do really well even when the bite is tough. If i do drift its bouncing bottom with a jig head.
  22. I was on the Ontario Out of Doors at the time and someone linked an article or topic to this site. I wasnt a fan of the OOD site, found all the same Bull everyday, and started coming here more often. I know dont even look at the OOD site, just this one. Thanks guys!
  23. from what i have gathered on this site, is that it is a form of snagging, and naturally many people on here get really heated about the hole topic. never tried it, never going to, only time i have ever heard of it and marshmellows was here.
  24. once you get your 14 footer...you will be wishing you had the extra feet in the 16.
  25. I was in my second year of university at Lake Superior State in Sault Michigan. Large anouncement came across the intercom telling everybody that classes were cancelled till further notice. I went to the library (about the only time i ever did) and there were TVs set up and people crying everywhere. WHen i realized what had happened i knew that i had to get back across the border. The border bus was shut down and had to hitch a ride with someone i didnt know. Talk about a hectic border! Never forget that day.
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