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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. And why do you think more and more people are stealing gas???? I did 2 theft of gas calls at the same station last night...both within 10 minutes of each other. No one can afford the redonkulous prices.....i have to move or transfer because I can't afford to drive to work. 2 fill ups a block (4 shifts) = $100 x 3 blocks a month.....is more blinkin money than I spend on my car payment and insurance combined!
  2. You could always do what i do......cook on a cedar plank....all you have to do is "gut" the walleye and remove the gills etc and you have the entire fish flakey....mmmmmmm walleye...... yeah, i know, i only caught one by Zehrs has them on sale usually!
  3. Greetings gentlemen, As you know, cancer is a terrible disease and has touched so many recently here on the board, and throughout our lives. I personally have lost several family members to cancer, including my cousin who lost her battle with leukemia at 18. This is why I'm giving back. I have always wanted to donate my time to a worthy cause and since my father's battle with cancer and the battle some of my co workers have lost, including an incredible person who trained me when I was a recruit. I have no details right now as I'm in the beginning stages of putting together an event to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Initially I was planning on running the event under the Cops for Cancer program that is a fundraising effort by police officers across the country to raise money for the CCS, however, I have submitted a proposal for my executive command team - ie the Chief of Police, however, the chances of it being approved sometime this year is very slim. So I'm going ahead and losing the Cops for Cancer program in hopes that I can still raise money for the CCS. I'm not here to spam, I'm here reaching out to the very generous, thoughtful group that I have known for the last three years. I know that a lot of you work for small and large companies, so I'm not looking for monitary donations. I'm wondering if anyone is able to donate items that can be auctioned off in a live and silent auction. Please let me know if you can contribute to my event. PM me if you would like to, or if you would even like to volunteer. Right now as it stands the event will probably take place in late May early June and will be a gala event. Fundraising will be through corporate donations, live and silent auctions as well as ticket sales. The venue hasn't been chosen yet, however it will be within the York Region, most likely somewhere in Vaughan or at our association building in Newmarket. As well, there will be special guests including former Olympians, NHL players as well as other sports figures and television and radio personalities. No one is set in stone and I'm slowly building a guest list. Please, if you have anything negative to say, please contact me through PMs. Again, if you feel this is spam then I truly apologize. Thanks Dave
  4. i use it all the time.....only downside it the paypal fees!
  5. education first man....don't be 40 and starting your real career.....
  6. Big thing right now continues to be the airbags out of your cars....as well as the tailgates from ford pick up trucks. also, if you have an old junker, you could find it gone for scrap!
  7. relax Bill, you won't get a ticket.....besides a trespassing ticket for Entering a premises when entry is prohibited un 3(1) of TPA is $65 anyway....so even if you do get a tag, it's not gonna break the bank.... Trust me I lay 3(1) and the follow subsections regularly for engaging in prohibited activity on premises
  8. yeah, first of all, for him to "press" trespassing charges...he would have to haul his butt to a justice of the peace and provide what's called an information. Anyone could do this in regards to ANY provincial offence. Anyway, if he calls the police, the police are going to tell you to leave anyway. Most won't give you a tag, unless the land owner tells you to leave and you refuse....either way, he's being a tool.....
  9. no trespassing HAS to be posted with CLEARLY VISIBLE signs
  10. nope, it doesn't mean anything, land owners can't press charges for trespass. If there were no "no trespassing" signs and he didn't tell you to leave then you can't be charged. It's a scare tactic to keep you away from his land. Landowners don't own the water unless it's a pond or private lake. If it's a stream or river running through there property then the fence line and boundaries act and the waterways act (i think it's call but i know i'm wrong lol) says that if you're not on the river bank then you can travel through the waterway. I remember being told by my trainers that on a river the property extends something like 5 feet into the river and then they have no say to allow boats/canoes etc to travel through it.
  11. Wow....so more news coverage.... CP24 filmed some footage in Vaughan early this morning and you could see me standing at the scene talking with my partner.....I was the guy with the booklet in his hands lol...another 2 tenths of a seconds fame lol stay safe out there guys dave
  12. workin' like a sucker....someone's gotta take care of the place when all of you are out and about!
  13. lol...Cam Wooley is hated by every opp officer that's not named Julian Fantino!
  14. Hey all, i had my 15 secs of fame today....CP24 was at a crime scene today and they were filming and as the panned through the scene you could see me with my back turned to the camera!~~~~you can tell by my big bald head....... my car's also in the shot..... lol....nothing big but it's a start!
  15. immodium for those emergency situations!
  16. it's funny what olympians learn from other olympians eh??????
  17. wow........a tim hortons joke, how creative. Perhaps Marion Jones passing a urine test after winning a gold medal and then getting caught years later after the BALCO investigation isn't just a coincidence...hmmmmmm athletes hide chaulk under their fingernails, then urinate on their hands while taking the test to spoil the sample. By the time the IOC gets to it and orders another test the PED are out of their system.
  18. A guy that I work with was an Olympic wrestler for Canada. He was telling me that the only reason that the US has been winning so much is that they have THE most advanced doping in the world. As well, the "random" testing for the Olympics isn't so random. Most of the US athletes aren't getting tested....go figure...
  19. Hey All, I hope there are some exterminators on the board....anyway, a month or so ago I found a small wasps nest in the air intake pipe of my furnace. I douced it with wasp/bee killer from raid and thought I got them all. Recently I've found a wasp on 2 separate occasions in my ensuite bathroom..... Is it possible for the wasps to have built a nest further inside the intake pipe or further into my furnace? and could it be possible that they can work through my furnace and out of the vents? Any info would be helpful Dave
  20. It's tough when you lose one of your own, my condolences to his family and his brothers
  21. Really, I haven't seen this much hail in my life.....It used to be that it would hail in the KW area every few years...now it's hailed 3 or 4 times this month! My poor cars! My wife's flower garden is already destroyed!
  22. i do believe it's a great egret
  23. this is why we have 911 call takers.....to weed out stupid morons like this......i've sat with them in our communications centre and you wouldn't believe some of the dumb things people call about....
  24. Primerica is a pyramid scam. Avoid it.
  25. yeah, paramount was losing too much money so they sold it to the Cedar Point company.....apparantly they "understand" how to run a theme park. From what I was told, the paramount company really had no idea what they were doing and didn't understand why they couldn't run the park in the rain.
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