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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. 1) A Timmies 10 is a box of coffee which is the equivalent of 10 Large Coffees 2) It looked like he was smoking a joint the way he was holding it because no one in their right mind held a lit cigarette like that - but it was a cigarette...go figure 3) 400 x 7 was 2 seconds from my station and no where near where i was 4) I was on my own until i got to timmies because the closest WRPS cruiser was on Hespler Road and they took forever to get the call because the OPP dispatch couldn't transfer the call....the OPP crusiers were on the West Bound Side of the 401 just past Hespler Road so they had to go all the way to highway 7/8 and turn around and come back to Franklin Blvd....bout 10km distance.....and the driver didn't got to timmies...he went to the short stop for smokes 5) Rick - they couldn't give him an impaired charge because the OPP don't have DRE - Drug Recognition Officers - only York, Waterloo and Ottawa have them. Besides, no alcohol was consumed either....he was just an idiot....and yes Drive While Ability Impaired covers Alcohol and Drugs as well as care and control.... 6) yes, I slowed down to 120...flow of traffic was about 130-140 on the 401 in Mississauga...
  2. they have a good chance...long 911 tape will be pulled as evidence...30 minute commentary about what he's doing behind the wheel
  3. So.....here's my story, i'm heading home, westbound on the 401 after a long shift at work. When I notice that there's a guy in the passing lane going about 120 and was drinking from a silver can and smoking something that didn't look like a cigarette. So, I strategically slowed down and followed him..... I started following him from about Mississauga Road in Mississauga and I noticed he was doing the good ol' bob and weave in his lane, riding the shoulder and going back and forth from 120 to 150 kmph.... so..... I picked up the phone like a good little citizen I am and called 911....told them who I was and what i was doing....so I followed him somemore..... I watched him weave out of his lane numerous times..... I watched him almost side swipe many cars and trucks....then I saw him aggressively changing lanes to go faster.... So again, I strategically followed him.........in my personal car that is..... so for about 30 minutes i'm on the phone with OPP dispatch.....doing a running commentary of what was happening..... Then suddenly he jumps off of the 401 on Townline Road in Cambridge...and he came millimeters from crashing into the driver in front of him as he took the ramp at 110.... So I followed.....and i followed....then he stopped at Timmies and seconds later the OPP show up with Waterloo Regional....not one...or two....but six cruisers show up.... Well....to my surprise...the driver wasn't impaired by drugs or alcohol...but by fatigue...the dude had so much ephedrine and caffine in him that he had been up for 3 days..... needless to say the opp did a hell of a job showing up so fast and getting to my location because the way that driver was driving he came close to hurting a lot of people.... I was told that they had to turn around on the 401....and come back 2 exits before they could get to my location.... The driver...although wasn't charged with Impaired driving, he was charged with careless driving.... They were grateful for my help but I felt bad because....professionally speaking.... i was certain he was impaired by alcohol...he was driving worse than any impaired i have had.... So I dropped by their station and gave them a Timmies Ten.... and chatted with them for a while.... Oh and to clear the air of some false ideas......the officer that was charged with racing/stunt driving....had been followed for a long time because of his "issues" at work and his driving was something that used to put the nail in the coffin....like all jobs, there are bad eggs in policing....and as such, they are punished eventually....
  4. Lew....did the little missus kick you out of the house again????
  5. Don't worry I work Friday - Monday.....no time and a half
  6. Should be shot with roman candles at point blank range........... I've never been so busy in my life as I was last night....every possible kid was firing off fireworks... And why is it that everyone has a problem with people setting off fireworks safely in their backyards??? i'm going to bed......
  7. our idea of chase is a little different. Chase for me means High Speed Pursuit. Of course you have to speed up from a parked position to stop someone who goes speeding past you.
  8. Does anyone have them or use them??? And is there a reason they're so incredibly expensive! I was looking at some Kick Boats and the cheapest one was $1100!! Good Grief!
  9. 1) yes we do show up for trespassers and crop thefts 2) we are not allowed to chase for traffic offences unless it's an impaired driver This causes me to do this...people think they know everything that police officers do but in reality they know a lot about nothing.... anyway do we know if the land owner told them to leave? if he did and they refused they have the right to remove them from his property with as much force as necessary...look at bouncers.... however letting off a few rounds at them is a little much
  10. Not sure if you've ever worked a shift as a Police Officer during rush hour...... But i can tell you the reason you never see one during rush hour is because they're busy dealing with more important issues....peak time for priorty calls are from 10:00 AM to probably 0300 in the morning.... the OPP have 7 officers a platoon in the Aurora Detachment covering the the 400, 404, 407 and 401....maybe that's why...there would be more but caledonia is demanding more officers
  11. To answer everyone's questions, you can lay a charge 2 years after an investigation. This guy will most likely get dangerous driving causing death....as for his licence, he'll get driving contrary to conditions and because the Ministry takes alcohol related offences seriously he'll never get his licence again .... as for the "small amount of alcohol in his blood, but if he's involved in an accidence "impaired driving" charges are possible" you can be charged with impaired driving even if you don't blow over .08 as well as if you don't cause an accident....
  12. Hey Guys, the issue with Asian tipping is being taken care of......trust me lol....you'll see
  13. great to hear lew! i hope she continues to recover
  14. Hey Guys, So yesterday as I froze in Toronto Harbour, I decided that since pike season opened today in area 17 I'd head out. So I hit a few spots that I have been fishing for the last 20 years and I've noticed a slow decline in the quality and quantity of fish. This is the reason why. The Conestogo River is a fragile fishery which gets hammered by over fishing. When I hit my last spot, I parked and noticed 6 horse and buggies tied to a fence on one side of the river. In the hole across from me stood 13 Menonites who each had a line in the water and each person had a white bucket for their cull. Well, needless to say the spot yelded no fish. But this spot has been amazing for years. This was the only time I had ever been skunked here. Anyway, i've grown up on this river and have seen these same group of guys on the same stretch of the river with BUCKETS full of fish. They keep everything no matter what size or species... This frustrates me because the fishing in this river has become terrible and the only success i've had in recent years have been in this spot and with minnows. Lures are useless here lol.... Just my thoughts... Dave
  15. i should have today, a bit disappointing in the harbour...too windy and cold lol
  16. Hey Guys, just wondering if you could give me any info on fishin on Toronto Island? Or should I stick to the harbour front? Any info would help, Thanks guys
  17. Hey guys, I'm just as fed up with little punks as everyone else...but the problem isn't the Youth Criminal Justice Act....it's not the police....it's the parents, or lack there of and it's the court system. In my opinion after working in the legal system as the idiot catcher and as a youth probation officer, it's the court system. The YCJA does work if it's used right, however in most jurisdictions the court system doesn't know how to properly implement them because there isn't a youth only court.
  18. not sure and first thing in the morning...any spots you can think of?
  19. hey all, i'm ichin to go piking on the harbourfront of lake o....anyone wanna come with me tomorrow morning?? let me know dave
  20. I did in another entry. The doctor was Dr. Murray from the Dermatology Wing (8th floor) at the Women's College Hospital. He was incredible.... They actually called my dad this morning to see how he was doing and they sent a home care nurse over first thing in the morning to get his bandages changed
  21. Thanks guys...he was pretty nervous going in because it was serious enough that he didn't get a pre-op. The doctor was incredible. My dad worked at Grand River hospital for 25 years and had gotten to know most medical practitioners in the KW area. He has an opinion that all surgeons were pricks with no bedside manner....anyway this doctor was incredible. He takes 5 patients a day and operates on them all at the same time... This "new" procedure is pretty simple....they cut...then test the tissue and the way they examine it they can tell which way the cancer is spreading...then they cut again....and test and keep going until it's completely gone. My dad was impressed with the way he worked. He even invited me into the operating room and i watched a little bit. Blood guts and gore doesn't bother me but because I had an attachment to the person on the table i had to leave....plus the smell of burnt flesh got to me lol... They even set him up with a home care nurse who will go to his house twice a week to change his bandages.....
  22. Well, as most of the members here know, my dad has a pretty bad case of skin cancer and was told he needed to head to Toronto to get treatment. Well, after about a week we finally heard from the Hospital. He was given a surgery date of August 1st, but he was also added to the waiting list in case of a cancellation. Well, this morning at 8:30 I received a phone call to come pick up my parents because my father received a phone call to be in Toronto in 2 hours. So I did my best to get them there before then. My father underwent about 6 hours of surgery at the Women's College Hospital. After having about 1/8" deep x 6" diameter of skin removed from his forehead to his cheek bone....they successfully removed ALL of the cancer. The doctor said that he reviewed his file on the weekend and after about 5 minutes decided that the tumour that was growing in his skin was much too large to let grow until August. It must have been a miracle. All of your thoughts and prayers must have been heard. Thanks Guys, Dave
  23. c'mon now, that's going too far! lol.....
  24. I'm in, shoot me a pm with directions
  25. Got skunked again...... Now, i'm not sure what I doing wrong...poor timing....etc...but i went out the other day, picked up a trout rod and thought that I would give roe and berkley trout worms a try...nothin... Maybe it's just Bronte.... So I think i'll try another river... Anyone have suggestions? Dave
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