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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Homer: Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. Chief Wiggum: I hope this has taught you kids a lesson: kids never learn. Chief Wiggum: Can't you people take the law into your own hands? I mean, we can't be policing the entire city! "Why do I have to be an example for your kid? You be an example for your own kid." Bob Gibson "Do you best and forget the consequences." - Walt Alston "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." - Jackie Robinson "By the time you know what to do, you're too old to do it." "Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter." - Satchel Paige Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark Twain
  2. Just came down in buckets here......now the sky is blue....weird
  3. So....it's my second father's day...first one was a blur because i was asleep in the hospital just after my daughter was born. Anyway, I got $150 gift certificate from Natural Sports...the local tackle shop....anyway, i needed a new spinning combo, i had been using one that was 14 years old and falling apart, the other was a $20 ready to fish combo from Walmart..anyway, i picked up: 6'6" 2 pc, medium action Shimano Convergence rod and a Shimano Soltace 2000 reel... I also bought my dad a ready to fish Daiwa combo...he hasn't been out fishing in years...i think i was 15 or 16 the last time we really went fishing together and he hasn't had a good rod and reel since his last one fell apart 10 years ago. So we're not going very far, back to some old stomping grounds we used to be successful with the toothy critters. I hope we can hook in to a few. It would be nice for him to catch something, especially after all he's been through.
  4. You'll want to use either top water poppers or streamer patterns like buggers, muddler minnows, deceivers.....time of day doesn't really matter because bass hit at all times.....
  5. I'm in waste management...or maybe pest control been doing it for a lil bit and it's the only job that i've wanted to do...Have a BA from the U of Waterloo in Sociology Have done numerous jobs priorty to getting my dream job.....probation officer, probation and parole officer, child and youth worker, educational assistant...lion tamer, astronaut, body guard, mascot, mr burn's assistance, poochie, immitation krusty..... oh yeah....according to OMERS...my official retirement date is April 24, 2032
  6. nope, birth certificate for anyone under 16 yoa i think....
  7. i have three leapord geckos that i'm trying to part with...
  8. Hey Guys, Heading out soon, having a bbq then grabbing my stuff......if anyone in the KW area wants to head out lemme know... Dave
  9. why do people feel it's necessary to change things when they're fine the way they are?
  10. i've met all of the guys mentioned here...the nicest person was Jean Beliveau....rudest the great one.... my idol...super mario #66
  11. My wife and I thought that it was a good idea to get it...basically heart problems and cancer run in both of our families...so, if one of us gets sick..bye bye mortgage.... My wife's uncle bought a house 295k house and in 2 years had a heart attack...so now he has no more mortgage payments and life is a little easier for him and his family
  12. Because you lost a federal document (SIN card) you have to go to your local police station and report it...you fill out a form that gets sent to the government to avoid identity theft
  13. Is that your answer for everything?????
  14. Up until last year I spent my entire life on the other side of town lol..... guess float tubing is considered a watercraft eh...
  15. Hey Guys, On the way down to Dover yesterday I passed 2 really nice looking lakes....anyone ever fish Bannister Lake or Wrigley Lake??? Dave
  16. some lady by the name of Leila...sorry if i spelled that incorrectly
  17. I was just using splitshot and a hook lol.... and GCD...no i wasn't using pepper spray...i hate that stuff....
  18. Bear sighted on main drag of Elora Record staff Local Posted 10:20 a.m. ELORA—A young black bear decided to take a trip to town this morning. Residents on Thomas Boulevard noticed the bear poking around their backyard shortly after 5:30 a.m. and called police. Bear sightings aren’t unusual on the outskirts of Elora, but this one made its way right into the heart of the town. “It’s right on the main drag—it’s all residential,” Ontario Provincial Police Const. Keith Robb said. The bear appears to be young and weighs between 70 and 80 pounds, he said. It hasn’t shown any signs of aggression and appears to just be wandering around. Police are following the bear and made a request to the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society to send up someone with a tranquillizer dart. The bear was last sighted at Geddes Street and Avruskin Street, he said. Police are warning people to stay clear of any bears that may wander into town and properly store all food and garbage that may attract the animals.
  19. Well...I got sick of being skunked so I went out for some perch this morning.... Headed out to Port Dover....and it was cold and wet..... After about an hour of not catching anything the nicest lady i've ever met came over and asked me how i was fishin for perch. I showed her my set up and she told me that what I was doing will never catch fish. So she gave me a pickeral rig and BANG.....15 jumbo perch for the dinner table. This was the first time i'd ever got perch fishing and every fish was a keeper! Yum...i'll share pics later! Dave
  20. Hey guys, Never had one before so I just bought one....anyway, got some minnows for perchin' tomorrow... my question is, will i burn out the motor if i leave it on all night?
  21. 1) I can't run plates from my own personal car....nope 6 cars 4 OPP 2 Waterloo...because it crossed jurisdictions and with any call a minimum of 2 cars have to show....so 2 waterloo....the 4 OPP were because the driver crossed 2 areas so hence 4 OPP cars were on it...not because it was me... 2) That many on an impaired...yes...it happens....because they have a general idea of were the car was but cars move 3) yep the law is the law...i've always driven a little fast...even before i got my badge and yes, like most on the board I've been given speeding tickets... 4) I was coming off a night shift not a day shift....this happened from 6:30 to about 8 AM
  22. Actually, sending cars isn't a waste of tax payers money. What happened was that it was a call that went from OPP territory to waterloo's area....the O Dots responded and the area cars from Cambridge responded which tends to happen when both forces get the same call....happens in the GTA too
  23. Anyone know what the perch are like off the piers on Erie right now? Any info would be great Daev
  24. They deserve a better pay cheque....i have nothing but respect for them for the incredible work they do. There is not friendly rivalry between EMS and Police because EMS are highly respected in the emergency services field The fact that this happened near a Tim Hortons and 6 cruisers showed had nothing to do with the coffee shop....6 showed up because it was an impaired...4 OPP...2 Waterloo....thats the way we're dispatched
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